People are devouring, a new talent every month

Chapter 46 The Heaven-defying Flame Void Beast

"First of all, this Flame Void Beast is a special energy life, and it has no soul and is not afraid of soul-related means. Therefore, it can greatly enhance your ability to save your life when you experience adventures in the future." The voice of the Lord of Dragon Walk was alone in Lu Ming's heart. The sound made him nod in agreement.

For this first clone, Lu Ming's most important thing is that his life-saving ability must be strong.

The mere fact that it has no soul makes this 'Flame Void Beast' possess the same characteristics as the 'Demon Slayers' in not being afraid of the soul's means. In the future, if he sends this avatar out to take risks and fight, even if he is assassinated by a top alien warrior, the other party will not be able to enslave or kill him with his soul.

As for material killing, it makes no sense at all. As long as his original nucleus is immortal, he can consume energy to give birth to this clone again at any time. At most, he will lose some of the treasures carried by the clone.

"As for the innate secret method of studying the Flame Void Beast, there are three in total, and each one is heaven-defying..." Immediately afterwards, the Lord of Dragon Walk introduced in detail the three innate abilities of this special life.

The first talent: source of fire. Through this innate ability, he can swallow all the flame energy in the universe, and then temper, store and transform it through the life crystal core as the foundation of his own power.

According to the Lord of Dragon Walk, the life crystal core of the Flame Void Beast can store endless energy, and it can also quickly absorb all the flame power in the universe to replenish its own consumption. Its self-recovery ability alone is no less than carrying an original treasure with you.

Second talent: Burning Embers. This move is the strongest combat talent of the Flame Void Beast, and is closely related to its first talent. Once this move is performed, the energy released by the Flame Void Beast will become extremely destructive, possessing terrifying lethality similar to the 'Silent Wind' and 'Dead Soul Aurora', and can easily annihilate the enemy's divine body.

In addition, after performing this move, depending on the quality of the energy stored in the life crystal core consumed, one's basic strength can be instantly increased by ten or a hundred times. This characteristic is somewhat similar to the secret technique of divine burning in ancient civilizations. I just don’t know where the upper limit is.

The third talent: Void Control. This talent is somewhat similar to World Tree's talent ability "Mastering Time and Space," except that the Flame Void Beast focuses more on the ability to master space.

According to the Lord of Dragon Walk, the 'Void Control' technique will continue to increase as the Flame Void Beast itself continues to become stronger, and its ability to control space will continue to increase. Moreover, its ability in 'space escape' is unparalleled in the universe.

"What a Flame Void Beast!" Lu Ming secretly exclaimed excitedly: "It is indeed a unique and special life in the universe!"

"However, while its talent is heaven-defying, it also makes the life gene level of this Flame Void Beast reach 3,600 times that of ordinary life in the universe. Even those super special beings with the innate ability to breed clones can hardly It’s possible to successfully breed it!” The higher the level of life genes, the more difficult it is to breed a special life.

As for Lu Ming, his ability to give birth to clones was limitless, so he had the opportunity to give birth to it.

"The life genetic material of the Flame Void Beast is hard to come by. Even in my human race's treasure house, it can be regarded as one of the top special life forms."

After speaking, the Lord of Dragon Walk waved his hand, and the cyan flame airflow was directly collected into a crimson world ring. Then the Lord of Dragon Walk controlled the crimson world ring and flew to Lu Ming.

"Thank you, teacher!" Lu Ming reached out to take the world ring and bowed respectfully.

Originally, he planned to increase the life gene level of his first clone to hundreds of times, and he was already quite satisfied. After all, he planned to give birth to the first clone at the cosmic level to save his life.

Unexpectedly, by chance, he became a disciple of the Lord of Dragons, and he actually got a heaven-defying special life clone that was no worse than the World Tree. This was really an unexpected surprise.

"The ability of this Flame Void Beast is indeed unparalleled. With it, your probability of falling in the future will be greatly reduced!"

"But this does not mean that you can sit back and relax completely in the future! Even if you are as strong as Teacher Qi and I, I dare not say that you will not fall! So you must remember to always maintain awe of the universe!"

"Disciple understands!" Lu Ming nodded respectfully.

He also understands that no matter how talented he is now, he is still just a cosmic-level little guy.

He is still far from being able to truly dominate the universe.

"Yes." The Lord of Dragon Walk waved his hand and said: "You guys go back, and come see me again when Lu Ming, your Territory Lord level, is released!"

"Yes, teacher!" Lu Ming said respectfully.

"Disciple, please retire!" Venerable Xiao Feng also bowed and saluted.


Lu Ming and Master Xiaofeng disappeared at the same time, and then reappeared in the vast starry sky outside Longxing Shrine.

"Junior brother, I will send you back to the original universe!" Venerable Sao Feng took Lu Ming on the return journey and quickly disappeared at the end of the starry sky.

In the Dragon Walking Palace, the eyes of the Dragon Walking Lord seemed to travel through endless time and space.

He looked at the departing figures of Lu Ming and Venerable Xiao Feng, and secretly expected in his heart: "I hope that this disciple of mine can grow up smoothly in the future and become a new pillar of our human race."

After saying goodbye to his fifth senior brother, Venerable Xiao Feng, Lu Ming immediately returned to his residence. He first applied to Virtual Universe Company in advance for a nutrient solution that would allow him to break through to the ninth level of the universe, allowing him to break through to the ninth level of the universe, which was originally only the first level of the universe.

After everything was ready, he took out the mysterious cyan flame airflow.

"I wonder how long this pregnancy will take?" Lu Ming looked expectantly at the cyan flame airflow in his hand.

Although he can give birth to a clone without worrying that the level of life genes will exceed the endurance limit of the inner world, the process of giving birth to a clone still takes a certain amount of time and cannot be accomplished overnight.


Under Lu Ming's control, this cyan flame airflow was directly absorbed into the inner world inside the original nucleus and suspended in mid-air.

"Talented 'clone', pregnant!"

Lu Ming had a thought.


With the use of the secret technique of the clone, the entire inner world trembled instantly, and the endless power of the world rushed crazily towards the cyan flame airflow in mid-air.


The cyan flame airflow dissipated directly like mist, leaving only the most basic life genes wrapped in the power of the endless world.

After a while, only a bright and huge sphere was left on the spot.

Around this huge sphere, there are extremely complicated red-gold secret patterns, which are more exquisite than any secret pattern Lu Ming has ever seen.

"It's begun!" Feeling the beginning of giving birth to the clone, Lu Ming felt quite happy.

As pregnancy began, Lu Ming's consciousness also sensed some messages from the world inside his body.

"It takes three years and six months to successfully conceive?" Lu Ming felt the news coming from the gestation space and was slightly surprised.

You must know that the gestation time of the clone is related to your own strength, as well as the strength and genes of the clone you conceived.

The stronger he is, the faster the clone will be conceived, so he specially ordered his own body to break through to the ninth level of the universe first.

The stronger the clone is, the higher its gene multiplier will be, and the slower it will be.

But now, it only takes three years and six months for this Ultra-Flame Void Beast, which has reached 3,600 times the level of life genes, to be successfully conceived?

This time is too short compared to the level of life genes of the Flame Void Beast that can be said to be unparalleled!

"Is it because my clone's ability is more special?" Lu Ming thought to himself.

"But it's a good thing after all!"

Lu Ming muttered to himself: "I originally thought that we would have to rely on the time acceleration of the Time Palace in order for the Flame-Extreme Void Beast to be born sooner, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary."

In just three and a half years, he could wait for this clone to be born in the original universe.

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