"Bella... take care of Siren for me."

Qiaoqiao smiled and stroked Xilin's lovely sleeping face. Although he knew that he would not really die, he still inevitably felt sad when the moment of separation came.

If I had known that Siren was so cute when she was sleeping, I should have taken a peek at her every day.

When she thought that she would never see Xilin again, Qiao Qiao suddenly felt very reluctant, but she had no choice but to do so.

Farewell, Siren.

Finally, Qiaoqiao's fingers slipped from Xilin's delicate and lovely face, and she stopped breathing completely.

【You are dead. 】

[At the end of this simulation, you will receive the reward - the core fragment of the Herrscher of the Sky. 】

Chapter 4 Tianming Winery

Siren's eyelids trembled slightly, and when she opened her eyes, she saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

She raised her hands to cover her groggy head, and what she did in the Babylon Laboratory after awakening the Herrscher personality appeared before her eyes like a slideshow.

"Damn it, I was actually tricked by that guy Qiao Qiao..."

Siren lifted up the snow-white sheet covering herself, and her white feet trembled on the floor like a newborn deer.

Bella heard the sound of Siren waking up and hurriedly stepped forward to support her trembling figure.

Sirin looked up and saw Sirin, and asked eagerly, "Bella, you are here, then the traitor Qiaoqiao is also here?!"

"Brother Xiao Qiao is dead..."

Hearing this, Xilin showed a look of astonishment, and then said angrily: "The traitor is finally dead, but it's a pity that I let him die too simply, which actually gave him an advantage."

"Xilin, how can you say bad things about brother Xiao Qiao?"

The good-tempered Bella had a stern expression on her face: "He sacrificed his life for you."

"Bella, you are so naive. You, like Aurora and Agata, were deceived by Jojo's hypocrisy. You have no idea how many experiments he did on me by taking advantage of my trust. Treating many people as guinea pigs for drug experiments..."

Siren didn't believe Bella's words at all. She recalled everything Jojo had done to her and gritted her teeth and said, "I killed him not only to save you, but also to help rid the world of pests. You should thank me."

"Ci Lin, please stop lying to yourself. In fact, you have already understood it in your heart, haven't you?"

Bella lowered her head to cover up the sad look on her face: "If Brother Xiao Qiao hadn't done experiments on you, how could you have obtained that kind of god-like power, and how could you have escaped from the Valkyries in the Babylon Laboratory? ”

"Brother Xiao Qiao, he experiments with collapse patients to make antidotes, so that you can recover as before after awakening your power." Tears appeared in the corners of Bella's moist eyes, and she said with a trembling voice: "He was trying to develop an antidote. , and even experimented on his own body.”

"Obviously he is the one who suffers the most. Even if he is resented by you, he is still willing to give his life to inject you with the antidote so that you can turn back into a human being."

"Anyone can scold him, but you can't except Sirin!" Bella raised her tear-filled eyes and looked at Sirin: "Because he is the one who loves you most!"

Seeing Bella sobbing, Siren's eyes were trembling with shock, and then she laughed nonchalantly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Qiaoqiao is not like what you say!"

As soon as the words fell, without waiting for Bella to retort, Sirin threw away Bella's support and walked out of the door alone as if running away.

After Siren left, Aurora walked in, looked at the sad and lonely Bella and said, "Sure enough, it is still too difficult to let Siren understand Brother Xiao Qiao's good intentions in just a few words."

"No..." Bella shook her head, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with her fingers, looked at the direction in which Sirin left and said, "Although Sirin is impulsive, her intuition has always been very keen. She may not understand it. Everything that Brother Xiao Qiao planned, I can definitely feel Brother Xiao Qiao’s feelings for her.”

Xilin walked alone to the tree behind the house, where there was a small stone tablet with a name she was very familiar with written on it.

Not long ago, this name made Siren gnash her teeth with hatred, but now she is willing to spend everything to get him back.

Xilin stood in front of the tombstone, lowered her head and said nothing. She should have realized that everything Qiaoqiao did was for herself, but the moment the Herrscher consciousness tore apart her human consciousness, she gave up all thinking and refused to Trust no one else.

"Brother Xiao Qiao...I don't care about the power of the Herrscher..."

At this moment, she no longer cared about her human gaze, raised her hands to cover her wet eyes, and her tears fell like cracked bead curtains: "I... just want you to be by my side!"



After the simulation ended, Qiaoqiao stood in the teacher's office in a daze, his eyes focused on a point in the sky.

"Qiaoqiao, what are you thinking about when you are so absorbed?"

Ji Zi stretched out her slender white fingers and waved them in front of Qiao Qiao's eyes for a few times, and then Qiao Qiao woke up from the memory of the Sims.

"Sorry, Sister Jizi, I stayed up late last night and am a little sleepy today."

Qiaoqiao raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, pretending to be sleepy, and then remembered that she had just been punished for risking her life to save others on the Honkai battlefield.

The reason why Sister Jizi went out of her way to discipline Qiao Qiao was actually out of concern for him.

As the saying goes, deep love brings deep responsibility.

If Qiao Qiao had any accident on the battlefield, the blow suffered by Ji Zi would undoubtedly be devastating. After all, she had always regarded Qiao Qiao as her real family in her heart.

According to the previous experience of being scolded, Qiao Qiao did not dare to refute Sister Ji Zi's admonition, but stood at attention and took the beating.

"I'm sorry, Sister Ji Zi, I was too impulsive and made you worry."

Qiao Qiao's drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, and her sparkling eyes were faintly flashing with tears, just like a puppy abandoned by its owner in the rain.

Ji Zi looked at Qiao Qiao's seductive eyes flashing with purple light, and suddenly his beautiful face was as handsome as if it had ten layers of filters, as delicate as a classical sculpture, making her heart beat wildly.

What's going on?

Obviously, I saw Qiao Qiao as my own brother before, but why do I suddenly feel that he is so timid now?

How did the promised sister-brother relationship deteriorate?

Jizi raised her eyes and secretly glanced at Qiaoqiao. His eyelashes were long and thick, his skin was white and smooth, and his eyes were like a lake with ripples, which made people feel moved.

Damn, it's too foul to put on such a pitiful expression...

"It's okay." Jizi lowered her head to avoid Qiaoqiao's sight, and her originally stern tone became as gentle as water: "I am also worried about your safety. You should pay more attention to safety in the future."

Seeing Jizi forgive herself, Qiaoqiao suddenly felt a heavy stone fall from her heart, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Qiaoqiao, it seems that we haven't gone out to eat at the hotel together. I know that a good Italian restaurant has opened nearby recently."

Jizi's fingers between her legs turned around each other at a loss, like a shy girl in her first love, and even her ears were red: "Why don't we go to the restaurant to eat together later..."

Just as Jizi bravely made the invitation, an uncle wearing a black coat and a slightly messy hair walked in.

"Teacher Jizi, Dean Theresa asked me to ask you to bring the freshman files to her."

"Ah..." Jizi was suddenly interrupted and said in a panic: "Teacher Walter... freshman files, right? But I have already made an appointment with Qiao Qiao to have dinner together."

Qiao Qiao looked at Jizi's shy and flustered appearance, and suddenly felt a little strange in her heart. Suddenly she remembered that she was the one who was given the Eye of Charm by the Honkai consciousness. Any woman who saw him would be moved involuntarily. The higher the concentration of Honkai energy in the body, the stronger the effect of charm.

Obviously, sister Jizi was charmed by the Eye of Charm, and the effect was outstanding.

Thinking of this, Qiao Qiao took the initiative to say, "Sister Jizi is going to the restaurant for dinner later, and Teacher Walter and I will deliver the freshman files together."

Don't look at this history teacher's plain appearance and low-key personality, but he is actually the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, the first Herrscher-Walter Yang.

That's right, this Honkai Apostle, the number one enemy of the Destiny Organization, did not have any fancy disguises, and even did not change his name. He actually appeared in the Saint Freya Academy, which trains Valkyries.

The people of Destiny are really blind. They can't recognize the enemy boss under their noses.

As the agency of Destiny to train Valkyries, Saint Freya Academy has accommodated several Herrschers before and after, just like a Destiny winery.

In fact, Qiao Qiao had thought about leaving this class that would gather several Herrschers for the sake of her own safety, but it was a pity that Sister Ji Zi refused to let Qiao Qiao leave the class she was in charge of.

Although Qiao Qiao knew Walter's true identity, she had always kept her distance from him before, but now Qiao Qiao had to ask for help from him who was not tempted by the eyes of charm.

Seeing Qiao Qiao volunteering, Walter looked at him carefully and saw nothing unusual. Then he turned around and saw Ji Zi's angry eyes. She seemed to be very angry that he had disturbed her date with Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao looked at Walter pitifully with earnest eyes. Although he didn't know why, he seemed to want to avoid the date with Ji Zi.

"That's fine." Walter finally couldn't resist his student's pitiful attack and nodded and agreed: "You come with me to deliver the documents to Dean Theresa."


Qiao Qiao was about to agree, but suddenly he was stunned. He suddenly remembered that although Theresa was often teased by players as a humanoid frame of Judas, the Key of God, she actually had the strength of an S-level Valkyrie.

If I go to see her with my charming eyes, wouldn't it be like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth?

Chapter 5 Qiao Qiao, are you here to play with Theresa?

The warm light was reflected on the clean and bright floor of Saint Freya. Qiao Qiao dodged and dodged girls all the way and finally arrived at the dean's office safely.

But Qiao Qiao felt a headache as long as he thought about meeting Theresa next.

The effect of the enchanting eye on Theresa, a fusion warrior, can be imagined. If she can't control herself...

One of Qiao Qiao and Theresa will definitely go to jail.

Of course, the person who goes to jail can't be Qiao Qiao, he is only 16 years old now, a minor.

Although Theresa looks like a cute and soft elementary school student, she is actually an old lady in her forties.

If she falls in love with Qiao Qiao, wouldn't it be a copper smelting?

No, no, no... In order to protect the daily life of St. Freya Academy, I must not see Theresa.

But...if I leave Walter, I will be forced by the Valkyries to do whatever they want in the sports warehouse, bathroom, and rooftop.

I don't know if I can stand it...

Qiao Qiao was extremely entangled in her heart, but human happiness was not universal. Walter knew nothing about Qiao Qiao's inner thoughts and opened the office door directly.


As soon as Qiao Qiao said the words, the door was opened, but there was no one inside.

"That's great, Theresa is not here."

Seeing Qiao Qiao let out a relieved sigh, Walter frowned slightly and put the file in his hand on Theresa's desk.

"Qiaoqiao, I have felt from the past that you care a little too much about what others think. You always want to help others and force yourself. This behavior is actually harmful to you or others."

Hearing Walter's words, Qiaoqiao was stunned. He didn't expect that Walter, the teacher, was so good at acting that he would actually preach to him.

But it is true that Walter is extremely smart and has a calm personality. If he were not the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, but an ordinary person, his current occupation might be a real teacher.

"The things I do are just a little effort, like helping the girl get takeout, chatting with her to relieve her boredom, and tutoring after class."

Walter looked at Qiaoqiao with a flash of worry in his eyes. He took off his glasses and rubbed his temples: "But I know that there's more to you than that. Not only did you risk your life to protect the school girl from a temple-level collapse, The claws of evil beasts, leaving the rear alone under the siege of dead soldiers, and even risking your life to save people shortly after the outbreak of Honkai Impact... Your heroic story has long been spread throughout Saint Freya, those girls I appreciate what you have done, but as a teacher... I am more worried about your safety."

Hearing this, Qiaoqiao inadvertently avoided the sharp gaze with Walter: "I was rescued from the ruins after the Honkai Impact by Sister Jizi, so I can't treat those who are as deeply affected by the Honkai Impact as me. People sit back and do nothing.”

Hearing these words, Walter's eyes became colder. He finally understood why he paid so much attention to this boy named Qiaoqiao. He was so similar to himself. They were both rescued from the ruins by important people and supported him thereafter. They gained the greatest willpower in order to risk their lives and be worthy of the person who saved them regardless of safety.

"I once knew a person like you who was willing to help others regardless of himself. He made many contributions to mankind, defeated the tyrant in the sky, and even saved millions of lives."

Qiaoqiao asked curiously, "That man, what happened to him?"

Walter sighed with a lonely expression: "He died, he died to save others, and he entrusted something more precious than his life to a child."

I asked, is there a possibility that the child you are talking about is yourself?

Hearing this, Qiaoqiao remained silent. He vaguely realized that the person Walter was talking about was Walter Joyce, the first acting Herrscher.

Walter looked at Qiaoqiao solemnly: "I hope you can understand that for the benefit of the group, personal sacrifice may be unavoidable, but even if your life is saved by others, you still have the right to pursue happiness. This It’s something that no one can take away from you.”

Qiao Qiao lowered his head and pondered after hearing this. He just wanted to do good deeds and try his luck to get some system rewards. Although the card pool has a very low probability of shipment and there is no patio, so he often gets some useless garbage, but Qiao Qiao is happy with it. After all, sacrificing his own life for humanity like Joyce and Yang were too far away from him.

She just wanted to trick a Valkyrie into returning home as a wife, and had no idea of ​​fighting for humanity like Walter did.

However... if someone bullies his future wife Kiana, Banya, Mei and others in front of him, Qiaoqiao will never let him go.

That's right, I'm talking about you, Dog Alto!

"Teacher Walter, I understand what you mean. I do often help others, but you don't think of me as a selfless saint." Qiaoqiao said: "Even I would like to be respected by girls, teachers, and family members. welcome."

"When I help others, the people I help will also repay me. For example, if I help a classmate bring takeout, she will sign in for me if I am absent from class. The nature of the good deeds I do is only mutually beneficial. It’s just an equal exchange.”

The corner of Walter's mouth raised in a slight answer. He was very satisfied with Qiaoqiao's answer. At least he saved a young man from the road of no return from becoming a righteous partner.

"It makes me feel more at ease when you say that..." Walter said happily, then raised his glasses and said sternly: "But it's just a code, so you have been using girls as a cover to miss class?"

Good guy...are you waiting for me here?

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