Not only is it extremely accurate, but it is also extremely emotional, as if it has a human nature, and is particularly targeted.

There is only one purpose - to protect Qiaoqiao.

The moment he heard that cold voice, Sumo realized that the Qiaoqiao he had provoked was an extraordinary person.

Could it be that this human being is also an apostle of collapse?

Moreover, it can also allow gods to directly send down apostles to be protected by ‘divine sounds’...

Could it be an existence of the Herrscher level?

No... Judging from the words of God, this human apostle is far more important than the Herrscher!

Otherwise the gods would not be so angry!

After receiving the scolding from the 'Shenyin', Somo hurriedly wanted to withdraw his spiritual attack to avoid suffering backlash.

But now it's too late to withdraw its mental attack.

"You dare to touch my apostle, you will be severely punished!"

As the voice of the broken will echoed in his mind, Soma felt extremely panicked and wanted to beg for mercy from the gods.

Suddenly, Somo felt as painful as if he had been struck by lightning.

The mental attack it gave Qiao Qiao was returned with more than ten times the strength.

In an instant, Sumo, who was still trying to dominate Qiao Qiao, fell to the ground like a collapsed mountain, and screamed extremely shrillly.

"God, please forgive me for overstepping my bounds! It hurts! My eyes!"

Qiaoqiao watched helplessly as Sumo launched a mental attack and tried to dominate him, but was knocked down by the mental attack and rolled back and forth on the floor in pain.

As the saying goes, you can't steal the chicken but lose the rice.

Somo's mental attack hit the disintegrating consciousness in Qiao Qiao's heart. It was bounced back like an egg striking a stone, and its power became extremely powerful.

Sumo's proud pair of 'Eyes of Heavenly Wisdom' were also severely damaged at this moment, and were constantly shedding blood-red tears...

Look like this...Suma's big, bright eyes may be going blind...

Chapter 401: The Girl Warrior Who Chases the Fire Moth

The peacock-like Honkaiju Soma used the mind control skill "Eye of Dominance" on Qiao Qiao, hoping to directly invade Qiao Qiao's field of consciousness and implant commands to turn him into his own cash-out puppet.

But he never expected that Qiao Qiao had a "will to collapse" hidden deep in his heart.

Honkai Will's powerful mental power instantly resisted Soma's mental attack, and at the same time sent it back with ten times the strength.

Qiaoqiao, who was originally attacked by the 'Eye of Dominance', acted like a normal person with a clear mind.

On the contrary, Somo suffered a counterattack ten times the power of the 'Eye of Dominance'. He screamed in pain and his eyes burst out with scarlet blood.

He never imagined that a human being would be protected by the God of Honkai Impact.

" is impossible! How can a human being be the apostle of Honkai Impact?!"

Compared with the burning pain in his eyes, the damage suffered by Somo on the mental level was obviously more powerful.

As a devout Honkai Apostle, Soma has always followed the revelations of the gods and single-mindedly destroyed human civilization.

But now...the God of Honkai Impact is actually protecting a human!

Why do gods side with humans...

Weren't you the one who ordered me to destroy human civilization? !

Could it be that my interpretation of divine revelations has been wrong all along?

At this moment, Soma's faith and worldview completely collapsed.

He has always followed the instructions of the gods to hunt humans.

But now the gods are actually protecting a human being!

The gods' revelations were contradictory, leaving Soma unsure of what to do next and falling into pain and confusion.

Without the revelation from the gods, Soma was like a broken machine, groaning in pain but not knowing what to do next.

Thanks to the existence of 'Hengkai Will', Qiao Qiao easily resisted Somo's 'Eye of Dominance'.

But Sumo actually launched a mental attack on himself, which was a very dangerous signal.

Jojo now knows that the human who can defeat Soma is Mebius.

With this information in hand, Qiao Qiao no longer needs to deal with Sumo.

His first priority now is to get away from the beast that is trying to attack him.

Taking advantage of the backlash from the 'Eye of Dominance', Sumo was rolling on the ground in pain and had no time to care about himself. Qiaoqiao seized the opportunity, turned around and escaped from the cabin, running towards the exit of the high-speed rail tunnel.

As long as we can escape Soma's attack range and find Mebius, we can kill this emperor-level Honkai Beast!

At the same time, twenty minutes after the transport plane crashed, Fire Chaser's combatants finally arrived at the scene.

Another huge armed transport flew over the city of Camelot.

The commander of the Fire Chaser was wearing black armor and said to the logistics staff on the other side of the microphone: "Immediately block the terminal city tunnel from Elsa Castle to Camelot, and do not allow official personnel such as the imperial army, police, and fire fighters to intervene. , expel the crowd from the scene. The transport cabin is transporting valuable experimental products from the Mebius Laboratory, and no one else can be allowed to interfere!"

After receiving the order from the on-site commander, the logistics staff on the opposite side immediately responded: "Yes! Sir!"

After completing the on-site blockade, the commander in black armor turned to look at the twelve Fire Chasing Moth combatants behind him, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone here is a Fire Chasing Moth combatant. This mission It is extremely important. The first task is to recover all the experimental items in the transport plane. If there is an emergency, it will be dealt with according to the situation. Not even one experimental item can be lost outside, otherwise it will lead to devastating consequences! "

"Yes! Sir!"

On both sides of the cabin, soldiers in armor responded majestically and uniformly.

Hearing the soldiers' response, the commander nodded with great satisfaction and said: "The second task is to confirm whether any organization personnel are alive at the crash site, bring all organization survivors back to the base, clean up the scene, and do not leave any No trace!"

"Yes, sir!"

After simply repeating the two mission objectives, the commander put away the list in his hand, turned around and held the mechanism to open the cabin, and said with solemn eyes: "The last mission, the experimental items in the crashed transport plane involve... We must ensure that no one knows the secret of the Fire Moth. Any witnesses at the scene, whether they are state personnel or ordinary people, will be arrested and taken to the "deepest place" for imprisonment. If they encounter If you come to those who resist, kill them directly!”

"Yes! Sir!"

Upon hearing the commander's order, all combatants wearing armor and helmets on both sides of the cabin responded in unison without raising any questions. Only one combatant with a sword on his waist frowned slightly and did not respond.

The commander noticed the soldier's strange reaction, his eyes flashed sharply, and asked sternly: "No. 12, do you have any questions?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Combatant No. 12, whose face was covered by a helmet, hesitated for a while and then said doubtfully: "Sir, what does it mean to be taken to the 'deepest place' and imprisoned?"

Surprisingly, the voice of 12 Good Fighters is cold and gentle, and it is exactly like the voice of a girl.

The combatant girl No. 12 wears standard black armor, covers her face with a helmet, wears props around her waist, and sits upright, looking as majestic as a samurai.

Hearing the words of the young warrior, the commander looked a little surprised. Then he looked through her investigation report and said with a contemptuous smile: "It turns out that you are a rookie who has just passed combat training. Although I don't know what backdoor you took to come to the elite." of the troops.”

The commander said with a serious face, "In my army, all soldiers must abandon their original ideas and concepts. We have our own code of conduct and rules. Anyone who touches the secrets of the Fire Moth must be shut down." Go to the deepest place and become a prisoner, imprisoned until death and never see the light of day."

"It is our mission to clean up any factors that pose a threat to the Fire Chaser Moth!"

The commander clenched his fists, his eyes were sharp, and his voice was emotional and high-pitched, with an unquestionable dogmatic tone.

Just for witnessing the items at the crash site of the transport plane, those innocent people will be imprisoned and will never see the light of day. This shows that the experimental products in the Mebius laboratory are extremely valuable properties of the Fire Chaser.

But it was too cruel to deprive others of their freedom indiscriminately. This made the young warrior who had just joined the army froze for a moment. Her fragrant and soft lips trembled slightly. She wanted to say something, but the words came to her mouth. Unable to speak.

The commander stared coldly at the hesitant young warrior and asked in a cold voice: "No. 12, do you have any more questions?"

Although Combatant No. 12 is kind-hearted, she is not stupid. She can hear the malice in the commander's words. Obviously he does not want the combatants who are tools to question the rules and regulations of the Fire Chaser.

The girl's cold voice suddenly rose an octave, and she responded majestically like a warrior: "No problem, sir!"

"very good!"

The commander was extremely satisfied with No. 12's helpless compromise, and immediately said aggressively: "The transport plane has arrived at the mission site, and we don't have time to waste anymore..."

"The mission officially begins!"

The moment the commander opened the hatch, all armed combatants lined up and jumped out of the transport plane.

The girl warrior at the end of the queue looked at the high-speed rail tunnel with black smoke rising from below. Her face under the mask showed a very reluctant look, and then she sighed deeply and jumped down from the high altitude with the large army.

The police put up a cordon at the entrance of the high-speed railway tunnel, and the melon-eaters on the highway were either driven away from the scene, or like David, were blocked by a human wall of police.

"Look! Another transport plane is coming!"

"That doesn't seem to be an imperial plane..."

"Someone got off the transport plane!"

The huge armed transport aircraft hovered over the downed aircraft, opened the door, and lowered the long metal rope.

Including the commander, thirteen combatants wearing black armor and armed with weapons quickly slipped down from the lifting ropes and arrived at the entrances and exits at both ends of the tunnel, forming a trap on both sides. They went deep into the scene of the transport plane crash to perform their tasks.

Chapter 402: Fragile, pitiful and helpless Qiaoqiao

Many residents of Camelot, the capital of the empire, witnessed with their own eyes the Fire Moth's special forces descending into the high-speed rail tunnel where the plane crashed, including people eating melons on the highway.

David watched his clinic owner Qiao Qiao enter the tunnel. After waiting for a long time, there was still no news, and he felt uneasy.

Especially after the police surrounded the scene and the special forces landed, David had a vague feeling that the crash was not simple, and that it might be such a big deal that even the empire could not solve it.

David was worried about Jojo's safety when he entered the tunnel, and wanted to follow his footsteps and rush into the black smoke-filled tunnel.

But at this time, the top management of Fire Chasing Moth had ordered the city police to seal off the scene. The police holding explosion shields were like a high and indestructible wall, isolating David who had been transplanted with a special prosthetic body.

"My friend just entered the tunnel, and now his life or death is unknown! You guys, get out of my way! I want to go in and save people!"

David gritted his teeth and used all his strength to push the explosion shield, rushed into the tunnel, found Qiaoqiao's traces, and confirmed his safety.

However, the well-equipped police officers are united and like an impenetrable wall, but David is weak and weak. It is impossible for the strength of one person to shake the defense line composed of more than ten people.

Sergeant Gordon, who was commanding the blockade, held a blast shield to resist David's fierce push. He spoke in an official accent and said in a serious voice:

"Citizen, for safety reasons, the tunnel where the plane crashed has been completely closed, and no civilians are allowed to enter. For your friend who entered the tunnel, we will arrange for troops to pick him out! Please wait patiently."

David couldn't shake the police line by himself, and he heard that Chief Gordon had beaten the bodyguard. Even though he had doubts in his heart and was worried about Qiaoqiao's safety, he had to give up the idea of ​​breaking in for the time being.

"All right..."

After the forced break-in failed, David said with an ugly expression.

He retreated to the side of the highway and dialed Qiaoqiao's mobile phone number.

"Didi didi..."

"This user has shut down, please try again later..."

Hearing the relentless automated response on the other end of the phone, David sighed in anguish.

After the contact failed, David put his cell phone back in his trouser pocket, looked back at the black smoke-filled tunnel, his eyes flashed with worry, and said, "Jojo, please don't let anything happen to you."

On the other side, in a dark and damp tunnel.

Qiaoqiao turned on her mobile phone to contact the outside world, but found that there was no signal at all in the tunnel. She didn't know whether it was out of the service range or someone had blocked the signal...

If someone blocked the signal...

Thinking of this, Qiao Qiao gritted his teeth angrily. On one side was the mad Honkai Beast Soma, and on the other side was the human army who didn't know whether they were friends or foes.

At this moment, Qiao Qiao fully understood what it meant to be alone and helpless.

Qiao Qiao looked back at the head cabin. He was now a long way away from Soma, and it seemed to have received a lot of mental damage. It still hadn't recovered or caught up. This made Qiao Qiao Joe couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"No matter what, I have to take the Hydra poison out before talking..."

Qiaoqiao entered the tunnel to take away the biochemical weapon "Hydera poison" to prevent the virus from leaking.

Now that his goal has been achieved and he has escaped the control of the emperor-level Honkaiju Soma, his top priority is to escape.

Qiaoqiao stepped on the air and jumped directly from the rear cargo compartment of the transport plane.

With a "da" sound, Qiao Qiao landed steadily as light as a swallow.


"We've got our guns trained on you! Put your hands up!"

Qiao Qiao had just left the wreckage of the transport plane. She thought she had successfully escaped danger, but suddenly she heard two male voices yelling from behind. The loud voices cut through the space and reached Qiao Qiao's ears.

Qiaoqiao's 'malicious sense' also called the police at this time, and a coldness rushed into his brain, warning him that if he didn't obey, he might be hit directly in the head by a bullet.

Qiao Qiao finally escaped from the clutches of the psychic Honkai Beast Soma, but he didn't want to die in the hands of humans, so he raised his hands in a surrender gesture, pretending to be obedient and said: "I put my hands up. Now, don’t shoot!”

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