As soon as he finished speaking, black Honkai energy condensed in Walter's palm.

Seeing this scene, the students behind Mei Yi were frightened, their eyes full of shock: "What is that...magic?!"

Seeing Walter using Honkai energy without any scruples, Mei Yi stood in front of the students and said sternly: "You hide behind me, don't run around!"

Walter narrowed his eyes and looked at Mei Yi who was standing in front of the student, and said confidently, "Miss Mei Yi, you want to protect a few burdens and fight with me at the same time? This is too underestimated."

"No matter what, I won't let you hurt these students!"

Meiyi pulled out the sword from its sheath, the blade shining with cold light lying across her side.

Walter laughed wildly and said: "Then let me learn a lesson... Beichen's one-sword style is really powerful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Walter's hand collapsed like a strong wind. When he raised his hand, the ground exploded as if there was an earthquake. Countless stones turned into sharp pendants, like sharp blades stabbing the sword in his hand. ’s bud clothes.

The students hiding behind Mei Yi suddenly screamed in fear when they saw this horrific scene.



On the treetops outside Longying High School, Qiaoqiao put on the clothes given to him by Kimura's shop owner, wore a white mask, and hid in the dark.

As an artificial intelligence, Prometheus invaded the police's internal communication network, eavesdropped on the message, and said to Qiao Qiao: "The terrorists seem to have gathered all the hostages in the stadium."

Qiao Qiao nodded, cut to the chase and asked, "What about Mei Yi?"

Generally speaking, when Mei, as a Valkyrie, encounters terrorists, she can escape safely with her own strength, or even destroy the opponent in turn.

Qiaoqiao doesn't need to worry about Meiyi at all.

Those terrorists should be the ones to worry about.

But after all, Mei Yi was involved, and Qiao Qiao couldn't let the life of a promising candidate for his future wife be put in danger.

Prometheus followed Qiaoqiao's request and carefully searched the list of security personnel. He opened his scarlet eyes and said calmly: "Miss Mei is not on the security list. Judging from the current situation, 99% of her has been kidnapped. ”

Hearing this, Qiaoqiao's face suddenly became solemn.

He was actually able to arrest Mei Yi. It seemed that the other party was also a great person.

Fortunately, I came immediately as soon as I heard the news.

"Now that Mei has been kidnapped, it's time for me to show off my skills!"

Qiao Qiao murmured to herself: "As long as I defeat the kidnapper and rescue Mei Yi, her favorability towards me will definitely increase! Up! Up!"

Hearing Qiaoqiao's true thoughts of winning Mei Yi's favor, Prometheus stared at him speechlessly and poured cold water on him mercilessly: "Miss Mei Yi fell in love with you because you saved her. The probability of this happening is about 5%.”

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao not only did not suffer a blow, but became even more excited. She said excitedly: "What?! There is actually a 5% probability. This is much more reliable than drawing an S-class Valkyrie. Go, go, go!"

Qiao Qiao originally just said a joke, but she didn't expect that it might actually come true.

Seeing that his master was bent on getting a Valkyrie as his wife, Prometheus said helplessly: "Besides getting a woman, can't you think of something more ambitious?"

Qiaoqiao ignored Prometheus's complaints. Wearing a black Phantom Thief suit, he jumped directly to the top floor of the opposite school like a black meteor and ran all the way to the gymnasium.

At the same time, the student who was captured by the terrorists and held hostage was driven under the podium like a lamb, his hands were locked by electronic shackles, and he squatted on the ground unable to struggle.

Among the students who were held hostage, Mei was also wearing electronic shackles. He fell to the ground with his body bruised and bruised, and said through gritted teeth: "Damn it! Damn Walter Joyce."

Walter's clone who threw Mei Yi into the hostage didn't care about Mei Yi's complaints at all, and said to the younger brother beside him: "You can treat these students as you please, but only this Miss Mei Yi must not be touched. If she loses a hair, I will kill you."

Until now, Walter Joyce still likes Mei Yi and does not want to hurt her.

If it weren't for Cocolia wanting to get the conquest gem in her body, he would never have done anything to his beloved Mei Yi.

"Miss Mei, once Cocolia gets the gem she wants, I can successfully marry you."

As long as he gets the conquest gem, he will betroth Mei Yi to him.

This is Cocolia's promise to Walter, otherwise he wouldn't have come all the way here and caught him even at the cost of hurting Mei!


Hearing this, Mei Yi spat in his face with great disgust and said viciously: "You despicable and nasty villain, I will never marry you even if I die!"

After being spat on by Mei Yi, Walter Joyce was as calm as if he had no temper. He picked up a handkerchief and wiped his face. He looked at Mei Yi's plump and graceful figure with extremely hot eyes and showed a smile like a maniac. , said: "I just like...your fiery temper!"

Hearing Walter's words, Yayi almost vomited, and said angrily: "Don't be disgusting, you are like a dog-skinned lamb, you can't get rid of it!"

Meiyi hated Walter from the bottom of her heart, but he was very confident.

He believes that as long as Mei Yi marries herself, her prejudices will definitely change.

As the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, I am extremely wealthy and powerful. I can easily get any woman I want.

Even if you can’t get it, grab it!

Mei Yi's fiancé...Beichen Jiujiu, apart from being more handsome, is there anything better than me? !

Miss Mei Yi was just trapped by her parents' orders, the matchmaker's words, and those feudal ethics.

After getting married, Miss Mei will understand sooner or later that I am much better than that pretty boy!

Chapter 346 The only hope

Longying High School, in the gymnasium.

The female student who was arrested by Walter and others asked with concern: "Miss Mei, are you okay?"

Hearing the voice, Mei turned around and saw a girl with long golden hair, eyes as clear as emeralds, and a delicate and beautiful face. She said with a smile: "It's okay, just a little skin injury."

After knowing that Mei Yi was fine, the girl took a long breath of relief and said, "Miss Mei Yi, I see that your sword skills are so powerful. If we find a way to help you unlock the shackles, can you help us get out?"

This blond girl is one of the students Mei Yi saved in the classroom before.

For today's dangerous situation, Mei is their only hope for salvation.

But Mei Yi looked very seriously at Walter Joyce who was sitting on the sofa beside him, shook his head and said, "My strength alone is not enough to defeat their leader."

Although she is only a copy of the Herrscher of Reason, Walter Joyce still possesses power that is stronger than that of an ordinary Valkyrie.

In the previous contest, Mei Yi was defeated by Walter.

After hearing Mei Yi's words, the last hope of salvation in the blonde girl's heart was extinguished, and she sighed in despair.

"It seems... we can't escape today."

The blond girl was still a young student and had not experienced many things yet, so naturally she was unwilling to die like this.

"Damn it... I don't want to die here without accomplishing anything."

The boy next to the girl who looked somewhat similar to him also lamented, then stared at Walter with sharp eyes and said, "Instead of waiting to die here, it's better to fight with them!"

The man and woman look similar like twins, and the foreign faces are very unique in the Far East. Anyone who sees them will think that they are related by blood.

"Okay! Let's go together!"

Together, the blond man and woman planned to fight to the death with Walter and others.

But Mei Yi quickly stopped the two of them: "You two, don't be impulsive. Although I am not their opponent, as long as we can inform the teachers and principal of our school, we can defeat them."

The blond boy frowned when he heard this: "The police can't even deal with them. What's the use of a school teacher and principal?"

"I don't have time to explain to you." Mei Yi lowered her voice and said, "But this is our only hope of survival."

Seeing Mei's determination, the blond siblings suddenly felt hopeful and whispered, "Then how should I contact the people at your school?"

"I have my phone in my pocket, I just need to turn it on to notify them..."

Mei Yi had shackles on her hands and couldn't touch her pockets, so she could only let the blonde girl reach into her pocket and take out her cell phone.

"The problem can we find a place to make a phone call without telling the kidnappers?"

The blond boy frowned.

Under the surveillance of the gangsters, Mei Yi and others would be beaten even if they spoke loudly, let alone making phone calls.

Just when Mei and the boy didn't know what to do, the girl suddenly had an idea and said to a kidnapper: "Mr. Kidnapper, I have to go to the toilet, please let me go first!" "

The kidnapper tensed up and scolded the blond girl: "Be calm and don't play any tricks! If you want to go to the toilet, just do it here!"

As he spoke, the man brought over a plastic bottle.

Seeing that her plan didn't work, the blonde girl clenched her teeth slightly, moved her eyes slowly, and thought of another good idea.

"Brother, how can I, a girl, go to the toilet in front of so many people? Let's do let me go to the toilet, and I will tell you the location and password of our school's safe."

When the kidnapper heard this, he felt very funny.

Even if his life is almost gone, he still cares about the girl's face.

But...this group of kidnappers obeyed Walter just for money.

I am very interested in what the girl said about the school safe.

"How do you know the location and password of the safe?"

The kidnapper was not a fool. He was worried that there was fraud and asked suspiciously.

" father is the director of this school. Not to mention the password, I know everything about how much money is in it."

Hearing this, the kidnapper looked at the blonde girl carefully, but the clothes and jewelry she wore were all famous brands, very expensive, and not something ordinary people could afford.

At that moment, he believed 50% of the girl's words, with a greedy and sinister expression on his lips, and said: "Little girl, I will believe you for once, but if you dare to lie to me and try to escape, don't forget that my young master has a gun in his hand. !”

"How dare ordinary girl?"

Mei listened to the conversation between the two and admired the blonde girl. She was very courageous, daring to think and act, and quite smart. She knew how to use her girl's presence to win the other party's trust and let the kidnappers down.

As expected, the kidnapper relied on the gun in his hand and did not think that a female high school student would pose any threat to him.

"Sister, no! It's too dangerous for you to go alone. I want to go with you!"

The blonde girl's brother was unwilling and insisted on going with the girl.

Seeing this, the greedy kidnapper readily agreed and said with a smile: "Okay, with your brother as a hostage, I'm not afraid of you playing tricks."

As he said, the blonde brother and sister were taken out by the two kidnappers.

As the elder sister, the girl also secretly took Meiyi's mobile phone and put it in her sleeve.

"Boss, these two people said they knew the location of the safe in this school. I want to get some money."

The kidnapper walked up to Walter and explained the matter.

Walter sneered disdainfully: "For that little money, is it that important?"

As the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, he naturally looked down on the school's safe.

But these kidnappers are just pure workers.

They are just thugs hired by Walter. If Walter blocks their way to make money, they will immediately turn against him.

Seeing that Meiyi has fallen into his hands, Walter does not want to cause trouble at this critical moment. After looking at the time, he said: "Our helicopter will wait for 20 minutes. You guys come back quickly."

Hearing this, the kidnapper nodded quickly and smiled flatteringly: "Okay, boss."

"You two hurry up and catch up!"

After Walter nodded, the two kidnappers took the two siblings to the principal's office on the top floor of the school building in order to get the property.

Seeing the foreign siblings being taken away, Meiyi was both expectant and worried.

I don’t know if they can successfully notify Principal Theresa and Teacher Jizi...

Chapter 347: No matter how good your kung fu is, you are afraid of kitchen knives

Under the deception of the twin sister, the two kidnappers were deceived because of greed and rushed to the principal’s office with the twin brother and sister.

After arriving at the principal’s office, the kidnappers followed the instructions of the twin sister and really found a secret safe behind a painting and moved it to the desk.

Looking at the huge and solid safe, the two kidnappers could no longer hide their greed and shouted to the blonde girl: "Hey! Open the safe for me quickly!"

Hearing the kidnapper’s order, the girl raised her shackled hands, with tears in her eyes, and said: "You locked my hands, how can you open it?"

The kidnapper’s soul has been hooked by the safe. In order to get the money in the safe, he can no longer care about anything else.

Besides...with just the two kidnappers, can't they catch a little girl?

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