Although he inherited the blood of the Apokalis family, his hair turned golden like rice ears, his skin was much paler than in the previous reincarnation, and his eyes were still flashing with a strange red glow, but his delicate and tender appearance like a Western sculpture had not changed at all.

Is it him? !

What's going on?

Rita covered her mouth in surprise. She clearly recognized that the man who was intimate with Rita in the church at this time was the man she loved in the previous reincarnation, the Archbishop of Destiny in this reincarnation, Qiao Qiao.

"No, no, no! How could Qiao Qiao be with Rita!"

The man she loved most was having a secret date with her most trusted friend...

This was something that any girl could not easily accept.

Even though the facts were in front of her, Youlandel still couldn't easily believe her eyes. She put her slender hands on her chest, took a deep breath, tried to keep herself calm, wiped her eyes, and then looked carefully into the church.

This time, Qiao Qiao walked a few steps in the church, and his face was completely exposed to Youlan Daier's vision. Under the candlelight, his originally delicate and tender face was more layered and unusually cold.

The moment she saw Qiao Qiao's full appearance, even if Youlan Daier didn't want to believe it, she couldn't continue to deceive herself, and tears burst out.

It's him! It's Qiao Qiao!

How could he betray me and be with Rita...!

Youlan Daier saw that her beloved and her friend were so close, and her heart seemed to be pierced by thousands of needles, and she was extremely painful.

The thin figure of the girl outside the church took two steps back, and the tears in the corners of her eyes fell like a broken bead curtain. The whole person looked much weaker and weaker, as if she would fall like a weak willow if the wind blew.

In the last reincarnation, because Yulandel didn't believe that Qiaoqiao, the interrogator of the World Serpent, would let her and her companions of the Undying Blade go, she always spoke coldly to him and even hated him so much that she wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible.

It was not until Qiaoqiao held the Black Abyss in Yulandel's hand and stabbed her chest that Yulandel realized that Qiaoqiao really loved her.

Her suspicion of Qiaoqiao was purely a prejudice against his identity.

But when Yulandel really understood Qiaoqiao's feelings, Qiaoqiao was already seriously injured and difficult to treat.

No matter how much Yulandel regretted, it was too late.

But to Yulandel's surprise, although she didn't know what method Qiaoqiao used, the world line was actually restarted!

When Yulandel saw Qiaoqiao, she recalled everything Qiaoqiao did for her in the last reincarnation.

Yulandel thought that Qiaoqiao was still alive in this world line, and she would have a chance to make up for the sin of not trusting Qiaoqiao and killing him in the last reincarnation.

But now... Qiao Qiao and Rita are secretly dating, completely shattering the last glimmer of hope in her heart.

"Why is this happening?!" Yulandel asked herself sadly: "You clearly said that you like me and even want to die for me, but why don't you want to see me and now you are secretly dating my most important friend?!"

Yulandel sobbed in a low voice with great grief in her heart, but soon, her eyes flashing with sad tears showed a chill. She was originally an S-level Valkyrie of the Destiny Headquarters, a gifted and proud daughter of heaven. Although her mind is not as deep as Rita and Qiao Qiao, and she is good at scheming, she understands the truth of the world very well and is definitely not a stupid person.

She did not indulge in sadness because of the betrayal of her loved ones and friends, but quickly understood the reason.

Qiao Qiao was originally the torturer of the World Snake, with a slick tongue and the best at deception.

Although it is unknown how Qiao Qiao did it, he rewrote the ending of his own death, restarted the world line, changed his identity, lived a very free and easy life, and even had a new lover...

Could it be that Qiao Qiao said that he liked me... and was even willing to sacrifice his life for me... These were all lies? !

After realizing that she had been deceived, Yulandel's inner sorrow turned into a trace of resentment.

At this moment, Qiao Qiao, who was about to suck Rita's blood, suddenly heard a sound outside the church. Before he could think about it, he ran out of the door immediately.

Seeing that Qiao Qiao had discovered her trace, Yulandel didn't want to reunite with him for a while, so she turned and ran away.

Qiao Qiao and Yulandel were both top-notch masters in the Collapse World at this time, and their movements were swift and their speeds were almost the same.

Qiao Qiao rushed out of the door and turned around eagerly to look around.

And Yulandel hid in the corner in time with her agile skills, and her beautiful blonde hair tied with a black bow was as elegant and agile as silk.

Qiao Qiao looked around in the corridor outside the church, but just missed the last golden tail of Yulan Daier.

But when Yulan Daier fled in a hurry, the black hairband on her hair loosened unconsciously and fell to the ground like a fallen leaf.

Seeing that there was no one outside the church, Qiao Qiao was very puzzled: "Strange? No one... Did I hear it wrong?"

Qiao Qiao chose to meet Rita in this church, and naturally had his own reasons.

You know, this church is located in the center of Tianming, and no one can approach it except Qiao Qiao himself and the guards.

The guards are responsible for patrolling late at night, and they are responsible for their duties, and they cannot detect every move in the church.

This can be said to be Qiao Qiao's back garden. It is hidden and safe to date Rita here.

After looking around and not finding any figure, Qiao Qiao felt a little relieved: "Could it be that I am guilty and have an illusion?"

Just when Qiao Qiao was about to stop the search and return to the church to continue his good deeds with Rita, he suddenly noticed that something seemed to have fallen on the floor of the corridor.

"Hey... This is..."

Qiao Qiao leaned down and picked up the things on the ground, and found that there was a black hairband on the floor for some reason.

"Why is there a hairband in this place?"

Hearing Qiao Qiao's voice, Yulan Daier, who was hiding behind the wall, was startled. She realized that she had accidentally left her hairband when she ran away.

Qiao Qiao picked up the black hairband that fell on the ground, and then the system disappeared and popped up in front of her.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the important item [Girl's Hairband (S-level)]]

No way...

An ordinary hairband was actually rated as S-level by the system?

Is there something special about the material of this hairband, or is the owner an extraordinary person?

Qiao Qiao carefully observed the headband in her hand, but she didn't think its material was special or strange. She looked around and didn't see any figure. She had to give up, put the girl's headband into her clothes, returned to the church, and closed the door.

At the moment Qiao Qiao closed the door, a beautiful girl with long hair rolling and fluttering like a golden sea of ​​flowers turned and walked out from the corner.

Yulan Daier looked at the door where Qiao Qiao disappeared, her eyes full of resentment.

"Qiao Qiao... Even if you lied to me... I won't give up on you..." Yulan Daier's face was firm, and she clenched her fist unwillingly: "I will never give you to other women, even if... the other party is Rita!"

Chapter 280 Rita: Please be gentle, Bishop

Rita knew that Qiao Qiao was the Bishop of Heaven's Destiny, and his strength was unfathomable. She was definitely not his opponent now, and if she wanted to become stronger, she still needed Qiao Qiao's guidance, so even if Qiao Qiao wanted to suck blood, Rita had to surrender and agree to his request.

But just as Rita's hands were tied by ropes and she was desperately waiting for Qiao Qiao to absorb blood, Qiao Qiao's face suddenly changed, rushed out of the room, and left Rita alone in the dark and strange church.

Qiao Qiao's sudden departure caught Rita off guard, and her small eyes were filled with great doubts.

He...didn't he say he wanted to absorb my blood?

Why did he leave suddenly?

Did he want to go out and ask someone to torture me together? !

While Qiao Qiao was out, Rita tried to break free from the soul steel rope on her body, but no matter how she struggled, the rope on her body showed no signs of loosening, but became tighter and tighter like a hunting python.

After realizing that it was futile to continue struggling, Rita lowered her head in complaint, sighed deeply, and said bitterly: "If that bastard bishop dares to torture me... I will fight him... At worst, I will die! After I die, my blood will be useless to him."

Just at this time, Qiao Qiao pushed the door open and walked into the church. Seeing Rita lowering her head, her mouth seemed to be talking, her eyes narrowed, and asked curiously: "What are you mumbling with your head down?"

Hearing Qiao Qiao's voice, Rita raised her head in panic, and saw that only he returned to the church, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

If Qiao Qiao discovered my true thoughts at this time, it would be troublesome.


Rita smiled slightly, deliberately pretending to be weak and pitiful, and said: "You left suddenly just now, I was scared, and I thought you didn't want Rita anymore."

Seeing Rita's eyes with a look of weakness and pitifulness, Qiao Qiao frowned.

Qiao Qiao clearly knew that the illusory simulation world she was in was not the real world.

But the character of Rita in this simulation world was restored to a high degree.

As the adjutant of the Immortal Blade, Rita was not only brave and tough in her heart, but also had a very good mind and strategy.

Rita's current pitiful girl look was completely "acting". It was a clever way to make Qiao Qiao careless, so as to buy time and accumulate strength.

Rita's "acting" can be said to be quite outstanding, even Hollywood stars are inferior to it. If it were someone else, I'm afraid Rita would have regarded her as a weak and pitiful girl, but Qiao Qiao had seen Rita's methods before, and knew that her heart was not as pure and lovely as she looked on the outside, but as cunning as a fox.

Qiao Qiao knew that Rita was acting, so she said: "Since Miss Rita likes me, how can I bear to leave you alone?"

Qiao Qiao's answer hit Rita's heart.

Rita knew that Jojo was a wise man as the Bishop of Heaven's Destiny.

However, from past performances, Jojo had sufficient confidence in his own strength. He believed that even if Rita had bad intentions, she would not pose any threat to him, so he did not take Rita's little thoughts seriously.

Rita knew that Jojo was arrogant and did not take her seriously, so she deliberately lowered her posture, with tears in her eyes, and said in a very weak and pitiful manner: "Please... Bishop, be gentle."

Now, Rita knew that she could not escape from Jojo's palm.

Since she could not avoid this dangerous disaster, Rita could only retreat to the second best and hope that Jojo would show mercy.

"Just relax your body." Qiao Qiao smiled slightly and said, "Just focus on feeling it, and leave the rest to me!"

Qiao Qiao has not yet reduced Rita's physical and mental values ​​to the extreme. She has received the system reward, and even if she sucks blood, it will not harm Rita's life.

But Qiao Qiao wants to bleed Rita this time, so that her body will be weak for a while to prevent her from posing a threat to herself.

Qiao Qiao came to Rita, learned from previous experience, took out a handkerchief, and wiped Rita's neck repeatedly to ensure cleanliness.

Seeing Qiao Qiao actually wiped her body with a handkerchief, Rita frowned slightly and said, "My Lord Bishop, do you think Rita's body is not clean?"

"Rita, you know me."

Qiao Qiao laughed awkwardly twice: "I don't dislike you at all, but I have mysophobia, and I must pay attention to cleanliness before meals."

Qiao Qiao is a person who pays special attention to the hygiene of the things he eats.

Before, when Qiao Qiao wanted to suck blood from Rita's fingertips, he also wiped Rita's fingers clean with a handkerchief like now.

Finally, Rita had to go into Qiao Qiao's bathroom and clean her body before he could suck blood with peace of mind.

Thinking of this, Rita glanced at the rope made of soul steel on her body that she couldn't break free from, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and she felt a little strange in her heart.

Before... Qiao Qiao and Rita had secretly dated many times in this church.

In the previous secret trysts, Qiao Qiao would also use props to teach Rita various skills.

But this soul steel rope was the first time Rita saw it.

Using soul steel as a prop to guide teaching, isn't it too strange?

Could it be... this soul steel rope is specially used to deal with me?

Thinking of this, Rita was not afraid because Qiao Qiao specially made soul steel chains to bind her, but was quite happy.

In the past, Qiao Qiao did not use special props to restrain Rita, because Rita's strength could not threaten Qiao Qiao at all.

But now, Qiao Qiao specially made a soul steel chain to deal with me, does that mean that my strength has become a threat to Qiao Qiao?

I remember the last time I was alone with Qiao Qiao, Rita looked at Qiao Qiao with an attitude that she did not take me seriously at all, and felt that Qiao Qiao's strength was unfathomable and she was definitely not her opponent.

But now, Rita has become an S-level Valkyrie, many times stronger than before.

Maybe... the gap between me and Qiao Qiao is not that big now.

Rita asked herself, in the entire destiny, only Yulandel can suppress her.

Even if it is the bishop of destiny, Rita may not be able to defeat her now.

Under Qiao Qiao's training, Rita's strength is increasing day by day. Now she is a strong person who can be on par with Yulandel. She no longer wants to continue to serve Qiao Qiao like a servant.

Although the Bishop of Destiny is famous, if they really fight, he may not be able to defeat the experienced S-class Valkyrie.

Rita looked at her Qiao Qiao carefully, and the will to resist sprouted in her heart.

I have to find a way to test the true strength of Bishop Qiao Qiao.

Thinking of this, Rita pretended to be angry and said: "If you dislike my dirty body, then let me go, I'll go wash my body!"

Qiao Qiao's face changed slightly when he heard Rita say that she wanted to loosen the chains on her body. He immediately realized that she was deliberately tempting him to let go of the ropes on her body.

[Rita wants you to untie the ropes on her body and go into the bathroom to wash her body. Your response is...]

[Option 1: Pierce Rita's delicate skin with sharp teeth directly: "Do you think I'm a fool? If the ropes on your body are untied, how can you be obedient?\

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