Chen Feng glanced at the pretty Tang Ya and stopped looking at her.

Taking a glance is an appreciation of beauty, but it would be impolite to stare at it.

Chen Feng has been alone outside for the past few years, and his temperament is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Naturally, he will not be unable to walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

At this time, the four people met head-on, and Chen Feng heard the pretty girl talking to the blue-haired boy.

"Beibei, are you jealous?" Tang Ya smiled and looked at Beibei openly.

"Aren't you tired of pretending to be sanctimonious all the time?"

"Xiaoya, that's called self-cultivation!" Beibei's face darkened, and she turned her gaze to Chen Feng again.

Tang Ya pinched her waist and said with a serious face, "Call me Teacher Xiaoya!"

"Okay, Teacher Xiaoya." Beibei said helplessly.

Then he continued to look at Chen Feng, wandering alone in the Star Forest... without any teacher companions. He looked like his strength should not be underestimated, so he had to be careful.

However, Chen Feng's gaze crossed the two of them and focused on the black-haired boy behind them who looked ordinary, had a medium body, and was malnourished.

Because this black-haired boy was none other than Huo Yuhao.

Chen Feng's mind moved slightly, and then he met the gaze of Beibei who was sizing him up.

The two people looked at each other, and the atmosphere became tense for a moment.

Chen Feng said, "You three, what's the matter? You stared at me for a long time."

Beibei, who was looking at Chen Feng at this time, felt a little embarrassed. After all, it was not good to stare at others in the Star Forest. Especially when they are strangers to each other, it is easy to cause misunderstandings.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, in addition to the inherently dangerous spirit beasts, we need to be careful of the humans who enter the Star Dou Great Forest.

Maybe the other party is a predator who specializes in selecting suitable prey to hunt in the Star Dou Forest.

"My name is Tang Ya, and the one next to me is called Beibei. We are both students of Shrek Academy."

Before Beibei could speak, the girl next to her took the first step and said with a sweet smile, "Because you are so handsome, I couldn't help but look at you a few more times. I'm sorry for causing you misunderstanding."

After speaking, he stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, and his cute appearance made Huo Yuhao on the side stunned.

Chen Feng also smiled slightly when he heard that Tang Ya, a lively, cheerful, charming and charming girl, said that she was handsome.

In an instant, the somewhat tense atmosphere became harmonious.

However, Beibei couldn't help but pull Tang Ya, and looked at Chen Feng with a little more vigilance.

Of course, he was not hostile to Chen Feng because he was jealous, but it was really stupid to declare his family status like this in the Star Forest.

Under the gaze of the two men, the smile on Chen Feng's face became even wider.

"It turns out to be Senior Sister Tang and Senior Bei. Actually, I am the new student of Shrek Academy this year. My name is Chen Feng, from the Heavenly Soul Empire."

"Are you a new student at Shrek Academy this year? Or from the Heavenly Soul Empire." Upon hearing this, Tang Ya's smart eyes suddenly lit up.

"That's great. Beibei and I are also from the Tianhun Empire. We are all compatriots."

After talking, they all started chatting together. Although Chen Feng chatted with Tang Ya and Beibei, he left some of his attention on Huo Yuhao.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a strange spiritual force field enveloped Chen Feng and others.

Tang Yabei and Beibei suddenly felt dizzy.

Huo Yuhao was even more unbearable and sat down on the ground.

Only Chen Feng was not affected at all because of his strong mental toughness and the protection of his soul by the furnace.

Chen Feng's mental power was directly released. That's right, as Chen Feng's spiritual sea was expanded by Tianmeng Iceworm, and then merged with part of Tianmeng Iceworm's spiritual origin, his current mental power has reached It is possible for soul masters above the soul saint level to release their spiritual power.

Chen Feng's mental power directly locked on a soul beast hidden in the woods.

This person is two meters tall and three meters long. It looks a bit like a wolf, but is even smaller than an ordinary wolf. In addition to its bright purple hair, its very narrow eyes look a bit wretched. In particular, its front legs are very short and have almost no ability to support the body.

This is a Zi Ling Ao with a cultivation level of three hundred years. Zi Ling Ao is a spirit beast with spiritual attributes. It is innate and weak. It can affect the central nervous system of the person hit through mental fluctuations, without weakening its soul power. It will cause symptoms of dizziness, soft feet, and weakness in the body itself.

Zi Ling's wretched eyes saw that a human being was not affected by him, and he immediately panicked and fled.

Chen Feng teleported in front of Zi Ling Ao with a lunge. Although Zi Ling Ao had good mental strength, his short legs were very poor in melee combat. How could he be Chen Feng's opponent?

Chen Feng held the Soul-Breaking Knife, and a beautiful sword light cut through the air. Chen Feng raised the knife and dropped it, severely injuring Zi Ling Ao. The accompanying mental damage made Zi Ling Ao faint.

At this time, Beibei and Tang Ya were no longer under the influence of Zi Lingyan at the beginning. He was also heading towards Zi Linghao.

But at this time, Zi Ling Ao had been solved by Chen Feng.

When Tang Ya saw that it was actually Zi Lingan, her face lit up with joy.

He said to Chen Feng, "Chen Feng, you severely damaged this Zi Ling Ao. Can I buy it from you with gold soul coins?"

Chen Feng looked at Tang Ya and understood Tang Ya's plan, which was obviously for Huo Yuhao.

Chen Feng said, "Since the senior sister has spoken, I can just take it. But for a hundred-year-old soul beast, there is no question of compensation."

In Chen Feng's view, even if he didn't take action, this Zi Lingnan was no match for Beibei and Tang Ya, not to mention that he couldn't use it. Instead of letting it dissipate, it would be better to use it to sell personal favors.

"Xiao Yuhao, hurry up and do it. This purple spirit ring is definitely suitable for you." With Chen Feng's permission, Tang Ya waved to Huo Yuhao behind her.


Only then did Huo Yuhao react and thank Chen Feng.

His mother taught him to be a polite person since he was a child. But when facing the handsome and powerful Chen Feng, he couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority in his heart.

Also a freshman at Shrek Academy, he still needs the help of his senior brother and teacher Xiaoya to obtain the soul ring. But others can easily kill the powerful century-old spirit beast alone.

This huge gap made Huo Yuhao feel frustrated.

"Yuhao, it's up to you to absorb the soul ring next. You have to keep your consciousness clear."

"Thank you, senior brother." Huo Yuhao nodded, adjusted his condition slightly, and then used his soul power to pull the soul ring to start the first step on the road to becoming a soul master.

When Huo Yuhao absorbed the soul ring, Beibei came to Chen Feng's side, and he was no longer as vigilant as before.

But because of the repulsion of the same sex, Chen Feng, who is more handsome than himself and also extremely powerful, is even more "wary", fearing that Xiaoya will fall in love with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at Beibei with a smile, "What's wrong with Senior Bei?"

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