Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 35 The explosive Xu Sanshi (please follow up)

When Xu Sanshi saw Chen Feng disappear, he immediately knew that Chen Feng had used teleportation skills.

Beibei had told Xu Sanshi about Chen Feng's first two soul skills before. Of course Xu Sanshi would be wary of teleportation.

Immediately Xu Sanshi's first soul ring lit up.

With the blessing of the third soul skill Xuan Ming, the power of Xu Sanshi's first two soul skills was greatly improved.

The black light on the Xuanming turtle shield suddenly doubled in intensity, and a powerful black halo instantly spread from the shield, with Xu Sanshi as the center, covering a range of more than ten meters around, like a huge black vibrating aperture. , rush out. In the process of rushing out, a vibrating sound was also released.

This is the first soul skill of Xu Sanshi's Xuanming Tortoise Shield.

Xuan Ming Zhen, this is a range-type knockback skill, and it also has a certain stun effect. If the enemy's cultivation level is inferior to his, then he will be stunned while being knocked back. At least they will be pushed back and distanced.

At this time, Chen Feng happened to be next to Xu Sanshi, and the black light transformed by Xuan Mingzhen rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng raised the corners of his mouth and looked sternly, a century-old soul skill, no matter how powerful the effect. It's all useless in the face of real power.

Chen Feng's eyes were shining brightly, and his domineering and sharp sword intent was poured into the soul-breaking knife in his hand.

After being strengthened by the sword intention and the first soul skill of ten thousand years, sharpening the sword.

Now the power of Chen Feng's soul-breaking knife has reached a level that the soul master cannot imagine.

Zheng! ! ! The Soul-Breaking Knife seemed to come alive, making a pleasant sound.


Chen Feng held the Soul-Breaking Knife in his hand and swung it out with a domineering and ferocious move. The light of the knife spread from top to bottom, and a black light spread out. The light of the knife was very thin and spread in a circular shape to the surrounding front.

The black sword light cut across the black shock wave transformed by Xuanming Zhen.

Silently, the Xuan Ming earthquake wave split into two and disappeared into nothing.

Xu Sanshi watched in stunned silence as his Xuan Ming Zhen was torn into two pieces.

He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. It was the first time in Xu Sanshi's memory that his Xuan Ming was shattered so wildly and domineeringly.

Then what shattered Xu Sanshi's outlook was Chen Feng's three slashes in succession.

Strengthen flat A*3

Three sword lights appeared in the shape of "pin" and surrounded Xu Sanshi.

Xu Sanshi's three views were shattered. This... such a powerful attack could be used continuously! Isn’t this justified? ! !

Three sword lights flew towards Xu Sanshi quickly.

The second soul ring on Xu Sanshi's body lit up.

The second soul skill of Xu Sanshi's Xuanming Turtle Armor Shield Martial Spirit is the Xuanming Shield Formation.

The Xuanming turtle shield in Xu Sanshi's hand seemed to have suddenly shattered, turning into countless small shields about the size of a palm and quickly scattering.

Then there were layers of blocks, and each shield accurately met the sword light that was slashing at Xu Sanshi. Xu Sanshi wanted to block Chen Feng's sword light in this way.

But is Chen Feng's sword light so easy to resist?

The terrifying sword light was unstoppable and directly defeated Xu Sanshi's second soul skill Xuanming Shield Array, which was strengthened by the power of the third soul skill Xuanming.

Then three rays of sword light came straight towards Xu Sanshi.

Seeing the three oncoming sword lights, Xu Sanshi despaired.

It's too strong...any means, just kill it with a single blow!

He tried his best and used all his methods, but Chen Feng smashed all Xu Sanshi's methods to pieces with just a few swings of his sword.

Are you going to lose? Xu Sanshi looked at the referee teacher who was already preparing to rescue him.

Looking at Chen Feng's stern eyes, Xu Sanshi suddenly felt a strong sense of unwillingness in his heart.

The best defensive beast spirit in the world cannot be defeated by a person three years younger than him...


At this moment, the shackles on Xu Sanshi's body were broken...a powerful aura that was as thick as a mountain and as solid as a rock emerged.

At that moment, Xu Sanshi's eyes became calm, stable, and full of arrogance.

The Xuan Ming Turtle Armor Shield that had been broken suddenly returned to Xu Sanshi's hands.

The Xuanming Tortoise Shield in Xu Sanshi's hand instantly burst into deep, twisted and sticky dark green light.

The green light on the shield twisted, and it felt like some kind of living creature was twisting. Then the entire surface of the shield changed.

Within the thick tortoise shell, a dark green snake suddenly appeared. The snake's eyes were bright red, accompanied by the appearance of the green snake.

A dark green Xuanming shock shield appeared. A violent roar erupted within the surrounding area like a big explosion. The sword light that had originally broken through Xu Sanshi's defense was heavily swallowed.

Xuanming Tortoise Shield, evolution, Xuanwu Shield, the strongest defensive martial spirit in the world.

Although it is not the ultimate, it is better than the ultimate, the basalt shield of the blood of the mythical beast.

In the past, Xu Sanshi's martial soul was in a self-sealed state. Without strong enough stimulation, even he himself could not break through the seal.

Now under Chen Feng's pressure, Xu Sanshi finally succeeded in lifting the seal.

In the Xuanwu awakening state, all his soul skills will be branded with divine beasts.

Not only will his soul skills transform, but his own strength will also instantly increase to a higher level.

Not only that, after awakening, Xu Sanshi can also use the extremely powerful Xuanwu Shield martial soul talent skill.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Xu Sanshi suddenly felt that he was invincible at his level.

The Chen Feng who made him despair just now? Humph, watch me torture him?

Xu Sanshi looked arrogant, slowly and with some melancholy, and said to Chen Feng, "Chen Feng, you are very strong, really strong, but now I am even stronger! If you can force out my Xuanwu Shield, Chen Feng, you Although defeated, it is still glorious.”

As Xu Sanshi finished speaking, Xu Sanshi looked up to the sky and roared, and the Xuanming Shield in his hand glowed with green light.

Immediately afterwards, the green light followed the Xuanwu Shield and came to Xu Sanshi's body.

Under the feedback of the Xuanwu bloodline of the mythical beast, Xu Sanshi's whole body expanded a bit again, and the school uniform on his body was torn apart by the solid muscles.

Green light spread out in all directions from Xu Sanshi, and the air in the spirit fighting arena instantly became thicker.

Xu Sanshi's third soul ring shines with purple light, and his third soul skill, Xuan Ming's power, amplified by the Xuanwu bloodline, almost makes Xu Sanshi's own strength more than double in a short period of time.

Moreover, the power of Xuanming in this state is not just as simple as increasing himself, but also affects a large area around him.

The sticky feeling like being in water waves is because the power of Xuan Ming instantly condenses the huge water element. This is simply the prototype of the realm.

In this prototype of the water realm, the enemy's movements will be restricted, but Xu Sanshi is at ease.

At this time, the entire spirit fighting field changed drastically. Xu Sanshi, who was in danger just now, suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes.

More than a thousand spectators on the viewing platform looked at Xu Sanshi in the spirit fighting arena with their mouths open. "What...what is this?"

"It feels so strong... Is this the true strength of Xu Sanshi, the twin star of Shrek's Outer Academy?"

"This is the evolution of the martial spirit!! Oh my god, the martial spirit has evolved!!"

Beibei in the stands suddenly looked at Xu Sanshi with great excitement.

Beibei looked at Chen Feng and thought to himself, "Chen Feng, I want to see how you fight against Xu Sanshi who has broken the seal and awakened his martial spirit!"

A senior Shrek student cried excitedly, "That's great, Xu Sanshi, you have to work hard, I've put five hundred gold soul coins on you, you must not lose, woo woo Ugh, if you lose, I will drink northwest wind this week."

Compared with those who bet on Xu Sanshi, they were extremely excited.

The person betting on Chen Feng to win suddenly became nervous.

"Damn, why are you bringing explosive seeds!!"

"We were about to win, but why did Xu Sanshi suddenly explode?"

In the stands, many Shrek students looked at the arrogant Xu Sanshi in the spirit fighting arena. Whether they supported him or not, they were all shocked by Xu Sanshi's terrifying strength.

The current Xu Sanshi's aura is probably not as strong as that of the powerful Soul King.

The girls who were attracted by Chen Feng's handsome appearance became nervous for Chen Feng.

In the stands not far from the spirit fighting arena, Ling Luochen nervously looked at the handsome figures in the spirit fighting arena and couldn't help but feel a little worried. "This bastard looks so strong. Will Chen Feng be okay?"

At the same time, there are many girls who are worried about Chen Feng...

Just above the stands, countless people thought that Chen Feng was about to be defeated by Xu Sanshi.

Chen Feng smiled, and Chen Feng suddenly smiled happily.

Chen Feng, who is invincible among his peers, has not fought with all his strength for too long. He is restrained in fighting with his peers, for fear that he will use too much force and seriously injure others.

Chen Feng has not encountered this kind of people of his own age who can fight seriously for a long time.

Xu Sanshi looked at Chen Feng and was actually laughing? The enthusiasm and joy for the battle in his eyes immediately poured cold water on Xu Sanshi, who was excited and joyful about awakening the Xuanwu Shield.

Xu Sanshi became cautious...

Chen Feng said, "Xu Sanshi, you are honored to see my true strength."

At this time, extreme coldness overflowed from Chen Feng's body.

In an instant, the soul fighting arena that was originally filled with water vapor suddenly turned into a world of ice crystals.

The water around Xu Sanshi instantly turned into ice crystals under the extreme cold like a ten thousand year glacier.

Xu Sanshi, who was still arrogant just now, was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Chen Feng held the soul-breaking knife in his hand, but he was using the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Martial Spirit.

The soul-breaking knife was controlled by Chen Feng's spirit. In the sea of ​​Chen Feng's spirit, the soul-breaking knife was held by Chen Feng's soul.

Chen Feng's spirit moved, and the soul-breaking knife was everywhere.

After obtaining the second martial soul of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, Chen Feng discovered that the bonus of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion martial spirit to the body was far greater than that of the Soul-Breaking Knife.

Now Chen Feng uses the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion martial spirit physically and the Soul-Breaking Blade martial spirit mentally.

This is Chen Feng's strongest stance.

Chen Feng's body was filled with ice crystals, and instantly, an armor of extreme ice covered Chen Feng's body.

"Bang!" Xu Sanshi broke free from the shackles of the ice crystal, shuddered, and looked at Chen Feng with a heavy expression.

"Xu Sanshi, come and fight for the second round!"

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