Peerless God Lord

Chapter 537 Protect those who love me and those I love

After the impurities are removed, the next step is casting.

Casting is to cast the molten iron in the furnace into the shape of the object being smelted. For example, if Su Mo wants to cast a sword, he needs to smelt the molten iron into the shape of the sword.

In this step, if it is an ordinary first-level or second-level weapon, molten iron needs to be injected into the sword to allow it to cool and solidify.

But for fourth-level weapons and powerful weapon refiners, there is no need for a sword, only mental control is required.

With mental power, you can complete the three major steps of casting, forging and opening.

Su Mo took out a piece of meteorite and put it into the furnace.

After the flow cloud stone entered the furnace, it melted immediately.

The effect of the flowing cloud stone is to neutralize the black iron and silver sand, playing a stabilizing role, while also increasing the toughness of the weapon.

Then, Su Mo's mental power penetrated into the furnace like a tide. His mental power completely enveloped the molten iron, forming a powerful force of oppression and slowly changing the shape of the molten iron.

The molten iron gradually rose, and after a while, it formed a sword shape.

The blazing heat continued to melt Su Mo's mental power into nothingness, but Su Mo's mental power was so powerful that it seemed endless.

Su Mo stopped injecting Gang Yuan and the fire gradually went out. Su Mo opened the furnace lid and let the base sword embryo inside cool down naturally.

After a while, when the sword embryo had cooled to a certain extent and had completely solidified, Su Mo took out the quenching liquid and poured it on the sword embryo.

Tsk! !

When the sword embryo encountered the quenching liquid, it made a hissing sound and emitted a large amount of white smoke.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, and a black long sword appeared in the furnace.

However, this sword has not yet been completely refined. It needs to be repeatedly forged and tempered before it can be fully wielded.

Half an hour later, Su Mo took out the long black sword after repeatedly calcining and tempering it three times.

Now, this sword has been completely refined.

"It's so easy to refine a weapon!" Su Mo looked at the black sword in his hand and smiled lightly.

However, he also knew that the sword he made was too ordinary and the technique was extremely simple, so he could succeed in the first attempt.

The level of this sword is fourth-level low-grade weapons, and because it does not use any precious materials, this sword is also the most common among fourth-level low-grade weapons.

Although this sword was very ordinary, Su Mo was very happy that it was successfully refined on the first try.

In fact, Su Mo's weapon refining skills and experience were still quite immature. The reason why he could successfully refining this sword was entirely due to his powerful mental control ability.

Su Mo then prepared to continue refining the weapon. The dark iron and other materials he purchased weighed over a thousand kilograms, enough to refine dozens of long swords.

He first practiced the simple art of weapon training to perfection, and then began to try to refine high-quality treasure weapons.

Boom, boom, boom! !

At this moment, there were sudden knocks on the door outside the attic.

Su Mo checked with his spiritual sense and found that Hong Qingxuan had arrived in front of his attic.

Immediately, Su Mo put away the refining furnace, went downstairs, and opened the attic door.

"Qingxuan, is your cultivation completely stable?" Su Mo asked with a smile.

Hong Qingxuan stared at Su Mo, a complicated look flashed in her beautiful eyes, then nodded and said, "Yes! I'll come to practice with you."

"Okay, come in!"

Su Mo took Hong Qingxuan into the attic and came to the practice room on the third floor.

In the practice room, Su Mo and Hong Qingxuan were sitting opposite each other. Su Mo said, "Qingxuan, let's start!"

After saying this, Su Mo was ready to take out the spirit stone and swallow it.

"Brother Su Mo, please wait a moment!" Hong Qingxuan suddenly spoke up and stopped Su Mo.

"What's wrong?" Su Mo looked puzzled.

Hong Qingxuan had a complex look on her face, biting her red lips tightly. After being silent for a long time, she raised her head and said, "Brother Su Mo, I want to ask you a question?"

"What's the question? Just ask!" Su Mo nodded.

Hong Qingxuan pondered for a while and asked, "Brother Su Mo, I want to ask you why you practice martial arts? Or what is the purpose of your practice?"

Su Mo was startled when he heard this. He didn't understand why Hong Qingxuan asked such a question!

Su Mo pondered. This question was very simple, but it was also extremely difficult. It pointed directly at the true heart of martial arts.

Thinking in his mind, Su Mo thought of his father, the people of the Su family, Xi'er, and the people from the Cangqiong Sect hiding in Tianyue Kingdom, and he immediately had the answer in his mind.

"I practice martial arts to protect those who love me and the people I love, so that they will not be harmed!" Su Mo said solemnly.

Hearing Su Mo's words, Hong Qingxuan's delicate body trembled, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Brother Su Mo, I understand!"

Hong Qingxuan smiled and said: "Let's start practicing!"

Su Mo was confused. Do you understand? What do you understand?

Su Mo shook his head and didn't ask any more questions. Then he took out the spirit stone and the two started practicing together.

After practicing by swallowing spiritual stones, Hong Qingxuan's cultivation level increased very quickly under the extremely rich spiritual energy, several times faster than Su Mo.

When one million middle-grade spiritual stones were spent, Hong Qingxuan broke through his cultivation and reached the fifth level of Zhen Gang Realm.

After consuming two million middle-grade spiritual stones, Hong Qingxuan's cultivation level broke through again and reached the sixth level of Zhen Gang Realm.

Su Mo looked envious. He was also absorbing spiritual energy, and he absorbed 70% of the spiritual energy of Yuanhong Qingxuan. However, his cultivation level could only reach the late stage of the sixth level of the True Gang Realm.

After Hong Qingxuan reached the sixth level of the True Gang Realm, the two stopped practicing because Hong Qingxuan made continuous breakthroughs and could no longer absorb spiritual energy.

Afterwards, Hong Qingxuan did not leave immediately. She stayed in Su Mo's attic for a day.

Throughout the day, the two of them chatted freely, talking about their cultivation experiences, anecdotes about the world, and their ideals in life.

It was not until evening that Hong Qingxuan left Su Mo's attic and left.

After that, Su Mo did not continue his cultivation. There were still nearly two months before the Jiufeng martial arts, and it would be easy for him to improve his cultivation level again.

Su Mo once again concentrated on refining the weapon.

Weapons were formed, including knives, swords, and spears, all of which were fourth-level low-grade weapons.

Among them, Su Mo also made a mistake, which caused the two weapons to break during quenching, and then re-refined them.

In five days, Su Mo consumed thousands of kilograms of fine black iron and refined a total of twenty-two long swords, eighteen long knives and thirteen long spears.

After refining more than fifty weapons, Su Mo's weapon refining experience was greatly improved. Then he left Qingtian Peak and headed for the Lingbao Palace in Haotian Peak.

This time we went to Lingbao Pavilion, first of all, to collect the more than fifty weapons he had refined, as well as the trophies obtained from the tall young man and fair young man killed in the gravity training room, as well as the trophies from the last time he killed Tao Wei. All sold.

Tao Wei had a lot of things on his body, but there were no treasures of great value.

Although he has practiced a king-level boxing technique, this boxing technique is not included in his storage ring.

Secondly, Su Mo wanted to buy some good refining materials and start refining some good treasures.

Not long after, Su Mo arrived at the Lingbao Palace.

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