Peerless God Lord

Chapter 3645 Dongchao Valley

Seeing that Su Mo agreed, the tall and thin creature nodded.

Then let Su Mo's level and identity information come from which Tiange strength, name, cultivation level, etc.

Then, the creature gave Su Mo a jade talisman.

"The jade talisman contains detailed information about the mission, and can also contact several other participants. This mission is best completed within a month. If it cannot be completed within the specified time, it will be regarded as a mission failure!" The tall and thin creature said.


Su Mo nodded and stood up to leave.

After arriving at the first level of space, Su Mo left the vast treasure house without disposing of the artifact.

Return to your residence.

He took out the jade talisman and examined it carefully.

The location of the mission is called Dongchao Valley, which is a little far away from Kuncheng. It is not in the Xuanhuang Mountains where he was stationed in the last mission, but it is also a border area.

Driving from Kuncheng might take three days at his speed.

There is a second-level fire vein in the Dongchao Valley. Within the fire vein, a Purple Mysterious Lotus is conceived and is about to mature.

The time to mature is within a month.

This Purple Mysterious Lotus was born from the fire earth veins of the boundless upper realm. It is a treasure worth more than 200,000 eternal divine elixirs.

The mission of Su Mo and ten others is to jointly seize the Purple Mysterious Lotus when it matures, and to kill the enemy creatures guarding it.

According to the detailed information in the mission, there is a legion of five thousand creatures stationed there. There are as many as five San Yang Creation Realm beings in the legion, and the number of Two Yang creatures is no less than 150.

Therefore, this time, each of the ten creatures who need to do the task is an outstanding person in the Sanyang Creation Realm, so they can be qualified for this task.

"That person didn't even test my strength!"

Su Mo thought to himself.

He told the other party that he had a strength close to Siyang, but the other party did not have any verification.

This may be because the other party believes that as long as ten ordinary creatures in the Three Yang realm join forces, they will have a high chance of completing the task.

Or maybe the other nine participants in the mission are all very powerful.

It may also be that among the other nine, there are one or two or two or three who are very outstanding in strength.

Su Mo didn't care about the specifics, because as long as the mission information was not too wrong, even he could complete the mission.

Not to mention, there are now nine companions.

After checking the details of the mission, Su Mo used the jade talisman to contact the other nine mission companions. The other nine living beings could receive the message conveyed by the jade talisman.

Similarly, if anyone else sends a message, Su Mo and others can receive it.

Soon, the ten people contacted each other and decided to get together immediately without wasting time.

A quarter of an hour later, they gathered at the east gate of Kun City.

When Su Mo arrived, seven people had already arrived earlier.

These seven creatures are both male and female, ranging in height, short, fat and thin, and their race is difficult to distinguish.

Of course, no matter what race they are, everyone's appearance is humanoid.

After meeting, everyone nodded to each other, even if they knew each other, and did not introduce their specific identities too much.

After Shao Qing, another person came. After seeing him, Su Mo couldn't help but be a little surprised, because the person who came was actually his subordinate Lang Ying.

"Why did you accept this mission?"

Su Mo asked.

"I want to earn some resources, and the risk of this task is relatively low. Before I came here, I went to find you. I wanted to inform you, but I didn't inform you!" Langying shrugged.

However, he took a long look at Su Mo, first confirmed it, and then became speechless.

He could see that Su Mo had been promoted to the Sanyang Creation Realm.

At the level of Creation Realm, the power contained in the body is so huge that it is difficult to hide it with ordinary cultivation. Unless the gap is too big, it can be easily seen.

What made Langying speechless was that even if Su Mo's cultivation level hadn't broken through, he would still be relatively stable for this task.

But now that Su Mo had been promoted to Sanyang, he was overqualified for this task.

Anyway, if Langying had Su Mo's strength, he would not do this task.

"It doesn't matter, there is nothing else to do at the moment. We will be back soon!" Su Mo nodded.

Langying nodded silently. With Su Mo this time, even if there were any changes in the mission or the news was untrue, they would be able to deal with it.

While the two were talking, the last person to participate in the mission arrived.

This person is a young man, about one foot tall, tall and strong, with dark golden scales all over his body, and short dark golden hair, like steel needles.


"I didn't expect you to accept this task!"

"Brother Chence, you are here for this mission, it's safe!"

When everyone saw this tall and strong man, they were a little moved and immediately bowed their hands politely.

Su Mo was a little surprised. He looked at the other party carefully and didn't see anything unique about him.

"Everyone is here? Let's go then!"

Chen Ce nodded indifferently, and then said in a deep voice: "In order to avoid attracting attention, we don't want to fly at high altitude, just fly at low altitude, and try to arrive within three days."


"You should be more cautious!"


Everyone nodded, and then left Kuncheng and headed east.

Everyone is at the Sanyang Creation Realm, and even without flying in the air, their speed is extremely fast.

They were flying at low altitude, like a big bird, shining over the wasteland and in the dense forest.

"Langying, what is Chen Ce's background?"

On the way, Su Mo had a thought in his mind and sent a message to Langying to ask.

As soon as this person appeared, he became the leader of this small group by default, which was obviously extraordinary.

"He comes from the Silent Spirit World Group, but I don't know which Heavenly Pavilion he joined. But this person is extremely powerful, much better than me. He has a winning streak of more than five million games in the Infinite Arena. Record, very famous!”

Langying replied via voice transmission.

"More than five million games?"

Su Mo knew clearly that it was not easy for someone who was at the Creation Realm to have a winning streak of more than five million games in the Infinite Arena.

Langying was called the best among the Three Yangs in Xingluotian Pavilion by others, but in fact, his winning streak in the Infinite Arena was only about 200,000 games, which was a huge gap compared to Chen Ce.

No wonder the creature who arranged the mission didn't verify his strength.

Maybe, the other party thought that with a strong person like Chen Ce in the team, it would be enough for the others to have Sanyang cultivation.

"Yes, I estimate that this person's combat prowess should be among the top 20,000, or even the top 10,000, among all the Sanyang creatures in the Infinite Arena."

Langying obviously recognized Chence's strength and gave him a very high evaluation.

However, when Su Mo heard these words, the taste changed.

A winning streak of more than five million games sounds extremely impressive, but when you say that he is ranked around 20,000 in the same tier, it suddenly seems ordinary.

Of course, Su Mo also knew that this was because there were still many creatures of Sanyang's level in the boundless arena, perhaps more than ten million.

Su Mo didn't ask any more. The stronger the other party, the easier the task would be, and his reward would not be reduced.

There was no words along the way. After one day, the ten people turned in a different direction and entered the sphere of influence of the World Honored Heavenly Pavilion. Then they moved forward and in less than two days, they were close to the Dongchao Valley where the mission was located.

They identified the direction and were careful, and soon found the location of Dongchao Valley.

Dongchao Valley is a small valley, less than ten miles in radius, surrounded by high mountains and dense forests.

In the valley, there is silence, and there is a gray palace.

"Everyone, check the situation in the valley first, don't act rashly!"

More than ten miles away, everyone was hiding on an ancient tree, looking at the Dongchao Valley, and Chen Ce said.

Naturally, they cannot completely trust the intelligence in the mission information. If they go in directly, they will be in trouble if the intelligence is wrong.

Everyone nodded without objection, and then split up to observe the situation from several directions.

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