Peerless God Lord

Chapter 3632 Detailed Information

In the main hall.

Su Mo sat on the main seat, and below him sat the Taoist King, the Dharma King, Sikong Yan, and Rongtian who had just arrived.

After talking with Elder Jintian and a group of rescued humans, they already had a rough understanding and guess about many things that happened after they and others left the world of origin.

Back then, after they left the Great World of Origin, the remaining human race continued to operate and manage the human race realm, and even the entire great world of origin. The human race was developing rapidly and prospering.

Even though Su Mo's body, Taichu Human Emperor, Haotian Human Emperor and others have left the world of origin, the human race can still suppress the six super races of origin and other races.

Later, the human race simply destroyed the phantom of the Sun of Creation in the sky of the Origin World, interrupting all possible connections between the Origin super races and the Infinite World, which can be regarded as cutting off another possibility. The route to the endless world.

Later, Luo Hua came back.

The human race then embarked on a large-scale migration to the boundless world, following the routes taken by Su Mo, Taichu Human Emperor and others, as well as the teleportation channels they arranged.

Of course, the human race does not want to abandon the world of origin. After all, this is the place where they have lived and developed for generations.

So, after deliberation, the human race was not prepared and all moved to the boundless world.

Instead, migrate in batches.

The great world of origin will always serve as a retreat for the human race.

However, Su Mo's clone will also escort the second batch of humans to leave the world of origin, and a large number of powerful people and elites from the human race and the peerless sect will also leave the world of origin in this second batch.

Therefore, in the future Origin World, the human race will be weak for quite some time.

In order to prevent the world masters of the six major races from returning to the world of origin in the future, the human race decided to move the entire world of origin.

For this reason, countless powerful people from the entire human race joined forces to move the entire world of origin away from its original position.

The entire world of origin drifted in the vast universe of nothingness for three hundred years at a flying speed no lower than that of creatures in the upper realm of creation.

Then, the second batch of powerful humans from the human race set out to leave the world of origin and go to the boundless world.

Where is the current origin world specifically?

Even the vast majority of powerful human beings involved in the mobile origin world don't know this.

Because when they were in the Great World of Origin, they had no concept of the location of the Great World of Origin. No matter where the Great World of Origin was, they were surrounded by endless nothingness and a dark and boundless universe.

In other words, there is no reference, no reference object, and the coordinates of the origin world are not clear at all.

Only Luo Hua, the Three Kings of Dao, Long Teng and a few dozen others knew the approximate location of the Origin World based on the direction in which Su Mo, Taichu Human Emperor and others left.

The second batch of humans heading to the Infinite World is approximately close to 40 million.

Among them, there are 15 million people from the Peerless Divine Sect, people from the Dragon Clan, etc., and the number is nearly less than half.

The scale of the current peerless divine sect is extremely huge. Even if fifteen million people have left, there are still many left in the world of origin.

There is no way. Over the years, especially in the hundreds of thousands of years since Su Mo became invincible in the world of origin, the disciples of the Juedai Divine Sect have spread rapidly and have countless descendants.

Except for the 15 million people from the Peerless Divine Sect, the rest are all the three major forces of the human race, as well as some elites from other major human forces.

The second group of nearly 40 million people, coerced by Su Mo's clone, Master Luo Hua, Long Teng, and Dao, followed the original route and headed towards the boundless world.

Teleport all the way.

Finally, the second group of them arrived at Juetian World.

Although the second group of people traveled hundreds of thousands of years later than the first group of Taichu Human Emperor and others, the time they arrived at Juetian World was not actually different by a few years.

Because the first group of people in front had to travel a lot of the distance by themselves and then set up teleportation formations, while the second group of people directly enjoyed the teleportation formations arranged by the first group of people, which was several times faster.

So in the end, the time when the second group of people arrived in the boundless world was actually a little later than the first group of people, as if they were two feet behind.

But when the second group of people approached Tianyu World, something happened.

But what exactly happened?

These people who were rescued didn't know it. They only knew that they were still in the small world of the top human beings, and they were suddenly forcibly taken out.

The top powers of the human race have already been completely restrained and have lost the ability to resist.

Not long after that.

Those top human race powerful men, as well as the core members of the Peerless Divine Sect, were all taken away and separated from the second batch of human race troops.

As for where is Su Mo's clone?

No one knows.

This second batch of rescued humans have never seen Su Mo's clone since they appeared in the boundless world.

At this moment, Su Mo was sitting in the palace with cold eyes and a gloomy expression.

There is a high probability that his clone is no longer there and has died.

Because, according to his thoughts, he would never let his clone be suppressed or captured alive by the enemy.

Because once his clone is suppressed by the enemy, the enemy can use his clone to find his true body or deal with his true body.

Therefore, if things go wrong, his clone will most likely die.

Talk about it.

The enemy attacked the second group of people but did not attack the first group. It seemed that they did not know the specific time of their arrival, so they took action with probability.

"Su Mo, according to what you said, the six major races, including the Ancient God Clan, the Ancient Demon Clan, and the Holy Demon Clan, may be the driving force behind this?" Sikong Yan asked with a solemn expression.

Although he came to the world of Infinite World earlier than Su Mo, he still had basically no information about these major races in Infinite World.

After all, he has been in the Litian World Group and does not know the specific situation of other world groups. Moreover, the entire infinite world is too big, with countless world groups and countless races.

"It's basically certain, but I don't know whether one of the races or all six major races are involved." Su Mo nodded.

"We need information now!"

The legal kings glanced at Sikong Yan, then stared at Su Mo and said, "First of all, we need to know the information about the six major races in the boundless world. Which world groups are they in? What is the strength of their major races? "

"Leave these to me. The Lihuo Clan has relatively detailed information about many races of medium strength and above in the Zhen Ancient World Group. Even some powerful races in other big world groups outside the Zhen Ancient World Group. We all have a lot of understanding." Sikong Yan nodded.

"Then I'll leave it to you!" Su Mo sighed. He also found some information about the ancient gods and the ancient demons in Xingluotian Pavilion, but it was too brief and not detailed.

As for the other major races, such as the Ancient Holy Clan, the Sea Clan, and other races, there is no information at all.

"Wait for me, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Sikong Yan stood up and took out the Infinite Stone, then disappeared with a thought.

He does not need to return to the Litian World Group, he only needs to go to the Infinite Upper Realm to get news from the Infinite Upper Realm.

After all, the Lihuo Clan, as one of the few major clans in the Zhengu Great World Group, has its own territory and sphere of influence in the Infinite Upper Realm, as well as its own intelligence collection.

It can be said that as the only disciple of the ancestor of the Lihuo tribe, Sikong Yan can mobilize almost all the power in Lihuo for his own use.

After Sikong Yan left, Su Mo and the others did not leave the main hall. They chatted about possible situations in the main hall while waiting for Sikong Yan to return.

Didn't have to wait long!

In just two hours, Sikong Yan returned.

"How about it?"

Su Mo and others looked at Sikong Yan who reappeared almost immediately.

"Got it!"

Sikong Yan nodded. After arriving in the Infinite Upper Realm, he actually did not leave Star Luo City. He only sent messages to several elders of the Lihuo Tribe in the Infinite Upper Realm and easily obtained the information.

Immediately, Sikong Yan took out a blank jade slip with a wave of his hand, and with a thought, began to enter information into the jade slip.

Since there was a lot of information, it would take a long time to tell them one by one, so he simply entered all the information into the jade slips and let Su Mo and others check them one by one.

After Shao Qing finished typing, Sikong Yan handed the jade slip to Su Mo first.

Su Mo left to check:

The Ancient God Clan, inhabiting the world group of gods and demons, is the only powerful race in the world group of Gods and Demons. The ancestor of the tribe has the cultivation level of the Six Yang Creation Realm. Within the entire Ancient God Clan, there are eighteen strong ones in the Five Yang Creation Realm. , the number of tribesmen above the Creation Realm exceeds 4,000, and its core place is the Ancient Origin Realm...!

The ancient demon clan also inhabits the world group of gods and demons. It is a race among the world group of gods and demons that can look down on the ancient god clan. The ancestors of the clan are also in the six-yang creation realm, and there are twenty strong ones in the five-yang creation realm. There are about 3,500 clansmen with cultivation level above World Realm. They live in the Great Demon Source Realm...!

The Ancient God Clan and the Ancient Demon Clan cannot be regarded as strong clans in the entire Zhenan Ancient World Group. They are at most a large clan. However, the entire Gods and Demons World Group is considered a powerful world group within the Zhenan Ancient World Group.

Because within the world group of gods and demons, there is another force called the Gods and Demons Yu.

The Gods and Demons are a powerful force that is superior to the ancient gods and the ancient demons, and controls the entire world of gods and demons.

According to the intelligence, among the Gods and Demons, there is a suspected existence that reaches the limit of the Creation Realm. Its combat power is close to the power of Yiyang. The strength of the Gods and Demons is not weaker than that of the Lihuo Clan.

The Ancient Saint Heaven Clan, the Asahi World Group that lives within the Zhen Ancient Great World Group, has its ancestor, the Saint Heaven Taizu, who has the cultivation level of the Six Suns Creation Realm, and has a combat power of more than five hundred thousand suns...

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