Peerless God Lord

Chapter 3577 Yuan Shi is here again!

Su Mo and Yun Huan returned to the small courtyard where they rented.

In the courtyard, Yun Huan's two tribesmen have returned to their rooms.

After Su Mo exchanged polite words with Yun Huan, he also returned to his room.

After returning to the room, Su Mo thought for a moment and decided to stay in the Infinity Upper Realm and practice in seclusion. He would not return to the Jade Source Realm for the time being.

At present, there are several Yiyang Creation Realm beings at the residence of other people. They are safe and worry-free, and there is no need for him to worry about them in the short term.

After a while, Su Mo prepared to go into seclusion.

Although the rooms here are simple and simple, the security and privacy are still good, and the outer door cannot be detected.

Soon, Su Mo was immersed in seclusion.

He began to take the elixir resources he had just bought to speed up his attack on the Creation Realm.

The Eternal Dao Foundation that Su Mo's first small world belongs to has successfully condensed the power of eternal rules. His first small world has been greatly expanded, so he now begins to condense the second Eternal Dao Foundation. .

Sure enough, after taking Tianhuanghua, the speed of condensation was much faster than before when he first took the Eternal Dao Foundation.

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, more than seven months passed.

Su Mo, who was practicing, slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"not bad!"

Su Mo smiled. In more than eight months, he had made great progress and condensed the twenty-two eternal Dao foundations into the power of eternal rules.

After condensing the power of eternal rules, the small worlds to which the eternal Dao foundations belong have also expanded, and the power contained in the small worlds has become more powerful.

At this moment, 23 of Su Mo's twenty-six eternal Dao foundations have condensed the power of eternal rules. They are filled with eternal Dao foundations and are extremely powerful.

After more than eight months of training, Su Mo consumed a lot of resources. He consumed the Eternal Dao Fruit and other purchased elixirs, treasures and other resources.

Moreover, he consumed more than 300,000 Eternal Pills as a reward in the Infinite Arena.

The further he goes, the more difficult it becomes for him to condense the power of eternal rules, which all depends on the continuous accumulation of resources.

Because his eternal Dao foundations that have condensed the power of eternal rules have become extremely powerful and require more powerful soul power to support them.

As more and more of the power of eternal rules was successfully condensed, the pressure on his soul became heavier and heavier, and the speed of condensation became slower and slower.

After all, his eternal Dao foundations are close to the characteristics of the Yiyang Creation Realm's eternal Dao foundations, but his soul has not yet been baptized by the breakthrough realm.

Therefore, he kept consuming the Eternal Pill to replenish his strength and replenish his consumption.

"Should we directly devour and refine Yinluan's Eternal Dao Foundation and Small World?" Su Mo whispered to himself.

If he now refines Yinluan's eternal Dao foundation and small world, he must first destroy Yinluan's soul without destroying the eternal Dao foundation and small world. This may be difficult, but it can still be done.

However, he currently has enough eternal Dao foundations and small worlds, and if they are combined, there will be twenty-seven more.

Moreover, the Taoism cultivated by Yinluan is different from his, and it will take a long time to change after integration.

After thinking about it, Su Mo decided not to merge Yinluan's Eternal Dao Foundation with the Small World. He would let it go for now and refine it later when resources are urgently needed.

"The consumption of resources is like running water!"

Su Mo sighed. Although he had received 1.01 million Eternal Pills as a reward in the Infinite Arena, only a few of them were left now. And the Silver Gods captured in the Jade Source Realm were half-stepped out of the realm. In fact, Not many eternal pills were refined.

"Going to the Infinity Arena again?"

Su Mo felt something strange in his heart. Now, he only needed to condense the last three Eternal Dao Foundations into the power of Eternal Rules, and then return all the Ten Thousand Flows to the Clan and condense the Sun of Creation to become the One-Yang Creation Realm.

But now there are not enough resources, so we can’t plunder, let’s kill!

The Infinite Arena is undoubtedly the best place to obtain resources now.

"Fight with all your strength and get the most rewards as possible. Even if it causes a huge sensation, I will return to the Jade Source Realm immediately after I come out. Anyway, my information has not been fully disclosed, so other living beings will not know where I come from!" Su Mo I thought secretly in my heart.

Even if there really is a terrifying being who can use special means to obtain the information hidden in the Infinite Arena and find out that he comes from the Tianyu World Group, that would not be a big problem.

First of all, there is an unknown distance between the opponent's world group and the Tianyu world group. Wuyuan Stone does not have the ability to travel between world groups, and can only travel between its own world group and the Wuyuan upper world.

Secondly, the Tianyu World Group is so huge that even if the opponent reaches the Tianyu World Group, it will not be easy to find him.

Other races will not stay in the Jade Source World for a long time, or they will change places soon.


Su Mo thought for a moment and realized that even if he caused some noise, it would not bring much risk.

Therefore, he immediately decided to enter the Infinity Arena again.

Take out the Infinite Stone, inject strength, and call out the Infinite Arena in your heart.

The next moment, the scene in front of Su Mo changed instantly. He once again came to his independent stone room in the Infinite Arena.

He looked at the jade stone wall on one side.

Oh my god, there are tens of thousands of messages!

Most of the news about recruiting him came from a certain Tiange.

In addition, there is a lot of news about wanting to fight with him.

Su Mo glanced at it casually and stopped looking.

"Elf incarnation, I want to fight. This time I want to fight happily until I can't fight anymore."

As soon as Su Mo came in, he spoke loudly.

Perhaps feeling Su Mo's strong fighting spirit, something different from last time, the elf's incarnation appeared in front of Su Mo in a flash of light.

"Okay, please welcome the new first battle!"

The soft voice of the elf incarnation sounded, which was very pleasant to the ears.

The next moment, Su Mo left the stone room, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived on the sea.

Looking up, everything within sight is sea water, with no end in sight.

Buzz~~! !

The next moment, his opponent appeared, a tall alien.

Su Mo didn't bother to look at the other party's specific information and slapped him in the face. The terrifying hand of chaos appeared, shaking the world.


With a scream, the foreigner was crushed to pieces and turned into billowing air waves that swept in all directions.

The scene remained unchanged. After Su Mo waited for a while, the second opponent came.

What follows is almost the same scene.

Su Mo slapped his opponent to death without any suspense, one after another at extremely fast speed.

At this rate, it would only take three or four hours to reach 10,000 games.

"Mard, that Yuan Shi is coming to the Infinite Arena again!"

In a jade stone room, Master Yueyi couldn't help but exclaimed, because he accidentally discovered that the 'Yuan Shi' who had won thousands of consecutive victories came to fight again.

The reason why he discovered it was because he wanted to check the information of 'Yuanshi'. By writing the name of a certain creature on the jade stone wall, he could check the other person's information. Of course, he could only check the information that the other party could publish, such as Winning streaks and rankings, etc.

So at this moment, he discovered that Yuanshi's winning streak was increasing rapidly, indicating that the opponent was fighting.

"I can't bear to look at it for now!" Mr. Yueyi thought to himself.

The last time I watched the battle of the 'Yuan Shi', all the Eternal Pills in his body were consumed. As a result, I watched in vain and gained nothing.

After he left the Infinite Arena last time, he returned to the world group where he was and obtained some Eternal Pills from within his race.

In the past few months, he had checked the information of 'Yuanshi' several times, but there had been no change.

That Yuanshi disappeared after his first single thousand-win streak and never appeared again. Unexpectedly, he appeared today!

Mr. Moon Wing is a little excited!

It is said that recently, many Tiange forces, or top beings at the half-step creation level, are inquiring about Yuanshi's situation, but they all have no clue.

"I will go to Feishengtian Pavilion now and inform them of the news of Yuanshi's appearance. Maybe they will give me a chance to join Feishengtian Pavilion!"

With a smile on his face, Young Master Yueyi immediately left the Infinite Arena and headed towards a Tiange force.

Su Mo kept fighting, one after another.

And the news that he came to the Infinite Arena again began to spread quickly, because every creature defeated by him knew that they were matched with Yuan Shi, who had won a thousand consecutive victories.


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