Peerless God Lord

Chapter 3569 Su Mo enters the Infinite Arena

The Jade Source Realm.

Mountain palace, inside the secret room.

Su Mo was still attacking the Creation Realm, and his progress was quite slow.

Because he wants to condense the power of eternal rules in the twenty-six eternal Dao foundations.

Time flies, and more than a month passes in the blink of an eye.

It took Su Mo more than a month and a lot of resources to finally give birth to a ray of eternal rule power in the eternal Dao foundation of the first small world.

When he gave birth to the first ray of power of eternal rules, the eternal foundation of his first small world immediately began to sublimate.

The eternal foundation is filled with the power of eternal rules, and its power increases instantly.

At the same time, his first small world immediately began to undergo earth-shaking changes. The small world expanded rapidly, and the power of the world exploded.

This allowed Su Mo's strength to increase rapidly.

However, there is still a long way to go before truly being promoted to the Yiyang Creation Realm.

"Presumably everyone else has almost made a breakthrough!"

Su Mo temporarily stopped practicing and was going to go out for a walk, because the human race had just arrived and he couldn't stay in seclusion for a long time.

Immediately, he walked out of the secret room and came outside the palace.

When Su Mo came out of seclusion, others noticed him instantly and immediately came to the mountain peak where Su Mo was.

There are legal kings, Taoist kings, and Haotian human kings.

"Su Mo, you haven't made a breakthrough yet?"

Human Emperor Haotian asked.

"Not yet, don't rush!"

Su Mo shook his head and asked with a smile: "Senior Haotian, congratulations on your breakthrough to the Creation Realm!"

"I only managed to break through three days ago!" Human Emperor Haotian said with a smile.

“It’s a good thing to have a breakthrough!”

Su Mo waved his hand, looked around the three of them, and sighed: "It seems that the others are not going well. I thought all of you should have made a breakthrough!"

"Su Mo, among the eight of us, apart from you, Zulong, Lingshang and Taichu seniors have not made a breakthrough yet!" said the kings of legal entities.

"Oh, Tu Ying also broke through?"

Su Mo asked in surprise. Then his mind swept towards the mountain where Tu Ying lived, but Tu Ying was not found.

"Yes, Tu Ying's breakthrough was earlier than that of Senior Haotian, but something happened after you retreated!"

The legal kings said solemnly.

"What's the matter?" asked.

"It's like this. Not long after you retreated, the ancestor of the Funiu tribe...!"

The legal kings informed Su Mo in detail about the four major ethnic groups including the Funiu Clan who came to sign a peace contract with them and gave them the Infinite Stone.

Moreover, Tu Ying also told the story of how Tu Ying took the Infinite Stone and went to the Infinite Upper Realm.

"How long has Tu Ying been gone?"

After the legal kings finished speaking, Su Mo asked in a deep voice.

"It's been a month!" said the kings of all the legal persons.

After Su Mo heard this, he was silent for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Tu Ying has always been prudent in doing things, so nothing will happen to him. As for signing a peace contract with the four major racial forces, if the Infinite Stone is really so strange, , we took advantage of it."

"We still have to wait until Tu Ying comes back to know the details of the Infinite Upper Realm." The kings of legal entities took a breath.

Tu Ying said that he was going to explore the road and would come back as soon as he went. It has been a month and he has not come back yet.

"Haha, don't worry!"

Su Mo smiled. He believed Tu Ying would come back.

"Su Mo, how long will it take for you to enter the Creation Realm?" Emperor Haotian asked. He was looking forward to Su Mo's entry into the Creation Realm.

After all, Su Mo was so powerful before he entered the Creation Realm. Once he stepped into the Creation Realm, the future of their human race would become even easier.

Su Mo represents the future destiny of their human race.

"It's hard to say, it may take a few years, but it won't be long!"

Su Mo said with a smile.

Immediately, Su Mo set up tables and chairs on the top of the mountain, sat around with Emperor Haotian and others, chatting and exchanging experiences on advancing to the Creation Realm.

Everyone chatted for more than half an hour. Suddenly, everyone turned to look at a mountain peak in the distance.

That is the mountain peak where Tu Ying is located.

At this moment, the space on the mountain peak fluctuated, and Tu Ying's figure appeared on the mountain peak, exactly where he left a month ago.

"Tu Ying is back!"

The legal kings stood up immediately, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief. He was not worried about Tu Ying, but mainly worried about Wuyuan Stone.

"Su Mo, are you out of seclusion?"

When Tu Ying noticed Su Mo and others, he suddenly flashed and flew over.

"How about the Infinity Upper Realm?" Su Mo asked with a smile.

"It's a great place. It's simply a paradise for geniuses and strong men. As long as you are strong enough, you can enjoy unlimited resources. Moreover, the barriers between races have been broken down there." Tu Ying said with a slightly excited expression.

"Come on, let's talk about it in detail!"

Su Mo waved his sleeves, took out a chair, and asked Tu Ying to sit next to him.

"Is such that……!"

After Tu Ying sat down, he pondered for a moment and then told in detail everything he had seen and experienced in this month. Everyone who listened was amazed.

"The creatures of all races in the boundless arena are really powerful. I have been fighting many times for a month. I have won 201 times in a row and only received ten eternal pills as a reward!"

"The Boundless Upper Realm is really a paradise for the strong. The weak are not suitable for survival. Moreover, due to the suppression of the Boundless Upper Realm, the power in our bodies is consumed very quickly, and we often have to rely on the Eternal Pill or the Eternal Divine Pill to replenish it. The weak there almost have to There won’t be any benefits, which is why Ancestor Funiu is willing to give us the Infinite Stone. If they go to the Infinite Upper Realm, they won’t earn anything, and they will also consume a lot of Eternal Pills.”

"In the Infinite Arena, there are geniuses of all levels...!"

Tu Ying talked non-stop, detailing the situation in the Infinity Upper Realm and everything he had experienced, which made everyone look forward to it.


After Su Mo heard about it, he became interested and wanted to visit the Infinity Upper Realm.

"Su Mo, I suggest you go and take a look. With your strength, you can get a lot of rewards. Moreover, if your ranking is high enough, you can be attracted by the big forces in the boundless upper world. The benefits are endless. Those big forces are here In the boundless upper realm, there are no racial constraints, unlike in the outside world, where each race is clearly differentiated." Tu Ying said solemnly.

"That's fine!"

Su Mo nodded.

Immediately, Tu Ying handed the Infinite Stone to Su Mo and told him the detailed method of use.

"I have a residence on Yunshui Street in that city, No. 16 North Street. If you go to the Infinity Upper Realm, you should appear there directly." Tu Ying said.

During this month, he had made relatively good arrangements in the Infinite Upper Realm.


Su Mo nodded, and then he pondered for a moment, looked at everyone, and said, "Also, I'm going to the Infinite Upper Realm and I don't know when I'll come back. You still need to make some arrangements for the migration of the human race. I I estimate that all of our human troops should be on board the Void Battleship, on their way to the Dongjia Source Realm!"


Everyone nodded. The original arrangement was that they would go forward as a group and take the vanguard position to explore the path. The rest of the group would follow, with Young Master Luo Hua in the middle.

If you look at it this way, it won't take long for the large human army to reach the Dongjia Source Realm.

The only thing is that the large human army may not have so many eternal pills, so it will take a lot of time.

"Well, then I'm going!"

Su Mo nodded slightly, and then he activated the Infinity Stone. The next moment, his body was wrapped in black light and disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, Su Mo looked around and appeared in a room less than five feet long and wide.

The room was extremely quaint, with a wooden bed, a wooden table, four wooden chairs, and nothing else.

Su Mo opened the door and walked out of the room.

Outside the room is a courtyard. In the courtyard, there are more than a dozen rooms like the one he lives in, each of which is a separate building.

More than a dozen houses are gathered together to form a small courtyard.

At this moment, in the courtyard, there were three creatures of other races, two men and one woman, sitting together and chatting.

These three people belong to the same race. They look similar to the human race, with slightly smaller bodies and light red skin color.

"I lost yesterday, and my record of winning 260 consecutive games was wiped out!" The woman among them sighed with a lonely face.

"I have only won 165 games in a row. I can't keep up. If I can't break through 200 consecutive wins within a year, my clan will take back my Infinity Stone."

"If we all fail, we will never have the chance to come to the Infinity Upper Realm again in this life!"

The faces of the three foreign creatures were not very good-looking, and they looked lonely.

Su Mo looked at the three aliens. The woman was at the Yiyang Creation Realm, and the other two men were at the second level of the Half-Step Creation Realm.

When Su Mo walked out of the room, the three of them were stunned because they remembered that another person lived here a few days ago and they exchanged a few words.

Could it be that that person was also deprived of the Infinite Stone by his clan because he was unable to achieve results in the Infinite Arena, and another one came in.

However, it seems that the current one is not of the same race as the previous one.

When Su Mo saw the three aliens looking at them, he nodded politely.

"Is this your first time coming to the Infinity Upper Realm?"

One of the alien men asked. He was wearing a bright red robe, which matched his skin color very well.

"Yes!" Su Mo didn't hide it.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask us!" the red-robed alien said.

"Thank you!"

Su Mo nodded.

Seeing this, the red-robed foreigner didn't say anything more, so he turned his head and continued to communicate with his two compatriots.

Seeing this, Su Mo turned around and returned to the room, took out the Infinite Stone, and instantly entered the Infinite Arena. He wanted to see the level of the top geniuses in the entire Infinite World and countless world groups.

at the same time.

The three aliens were still communicating in the courtyard.

"We can't give up. Only by constantly fighting and learning can we continue to improve. Our Chiyun clan is also a well-known clan in the Lingbo World Group. Every time a clan member comes to the Infinity Upper Realm, it has not gone through countless trials. Only then can we finally achieve dazzling results." The red-robed alien said.

"Indeed, we still have one year!" Another foreign man said.

"A few days ago, I watched dozens of battles of a top prodigy on the list who has won hundreds of thousands of games in a row. I have some thoughts. You should also watch more battles, especially the battles of those powerful prodigies. I think it will be helpful to you. It will help." The red-robed alien said.


The woman nodded and sighed: "Let's go now. Let's go to the Infinite Arena to watch the battle."


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