Peerless God Lord

Chapter 3532 has begun!

Thousands of races and hundreds of millions of strong men gathered in the human city.

The human city has become the center of the entire origin world.

"Get out of the way quickly, the Human King is coming!"

I don't know who shouted, and the sound shook the whole world. I saw hundreds of millions of strong men from thousands of races in the sky and on the earth, retreating to both sides.

Behind them, a group of humans were seen walking towards the human city.

This group of people is not many, they are the powerful people of the human race headed by the Haotian Human Emperor, including various human kings, as well as some core figures of the Peerless Divine Sect.

When they saw that Su Mo had defeated the six Realm Lords, they naturally came back with confidence.

At this moment, the Haotian Emperor and a group of people were watched by hundreds of millions of people. These eyes were extremely complicated and contained a variety of emotions.

The human race, an ordinary first-class race, will from now on be superior to all races and become the true overlord.

And all this is just because of one person.

"I've met Brother Haotian!"

"Hahaha, the Human Emperor Haotian, it's been so long since he's been gone for so many years, it's even worse than before!"

"Greetings to the Human Emperor Haotian and all the human kings!"

"From now on, we, the Golden Thunder Clan, will respect the human race!"

People of all races spoke one after another, and their words were all full of compliments and flattery.

These compliments and the scene of being watched and surrounded by hundreds of millions of people made Emperor Haotian and all the human kings feel quite emotional.

Things have changed so fast that people like them, who have experienced endless hardships, can't help but sigh.

Not long ago, they were like lost dogs, helpless in the face of the Sea Clan, and fled the human realm in panic.

But now, they have become the overlords of the Origin World, and everything is too dreamy.


At this time, several figures appeared in front of the Haotian Human Emperor and others. These figures were members of the Hai Clan, and the leader was none other than the powerful elder of the Hai Clan.

"Old man from a wealthy family, what does this mean?"

When the Haotian Human Emperor saw everyone from the Sea Clan blocking his way, he couldn't help but be shocked. At this point, he was really worried that this big boss of the Sea Clan would suppress them all regardless of risk.

After all, he had Su Mo's family and children behind him, and he might be able to coerce Su Mo.

"Haotian, we, the Sea Clan, are very sorry for everything that happened to you and our clan. Whatever your human race needs in the future, I, the Sea Clan, are willing to pay for it in order to make amends!"

The elder of the Hai Clan made a deep bow to the Emperor Haotian and others, and said in a deep voice.

Now, the incarnation of his own Realm Lord has been destroyed, and other Realm Lords have been suppressed by Su Mo. His Sea Clan has become a fish on the sticky board and has to bow its head to gain a living space.

Of course, the elder of the Sea Clan, as the top power and the pinnacle figure in the Origin World, naturally cannot place all his hopes on Su Mo and the Human Race. This is not in the interests of the people.

At this moment, the Sea Clan is making three preparations.

One, is the core figure of the Sea Clan, who is quickly and secretly evacuating the world of origin, entering the boundless universe to temporarily avoid the limelight.

Second, the Sea Clan is contacting the Infinite World, the Sea Clan Realm Lord, to discuss a solution.

Third, it is to express surrender to the human race, apologize and make amends for previous mistakes.

The current elder of the Sea Clan is not his true body. His true body has immediately escaped into the boundless universe.

Only when it is certain that the origin world can continue to survive will his true body return.

Hearing this, the Haotian Human Emperor looked at the Human Kings around him, then shook his head towards the Hai Clan clan, and said, "Brother, I can't make the decision at this time. Su Mo still needs to decide everything."

Naturally, the Emperor Haotian cannot make the decision on such a major matter without authorization, and it must be decided by Su Mo.


The rich man nodded slightly. He naturally knew that the Emperor Haotian could not make the decision, but he wanted to show his own attitude, so as to convey the attitude of the Sea Clan to Su Mo through the Emperor Haotian.

"Thank you!" The big clan elder and the elders of the sea clan behind him saluted the Haotian Emperor again, with a very low posture.

They knew very well that only by lowering their posture and showing sincere repentance would Su Mo be able to let the Sea Clan go, even if the possibility was not very high.

Normally, world lord-level beings are not in the Origin World, and beings like the Great Clan Elder are the overlord-level figures in the Origin World.

The elders of the wealthy clan knew that in the eyes of a peerless person like Su Mo, the Sea Clan was nothing more than a group of ants that could be easily wiped out.

Immediately, the wealthy clan elders and other sea clans immediately retreated to the side, making way for the Haotian Human Emperor and other human clans.

Soon, the Human Emperor Haotian and other human races entered the human city. The outside of the human city was crowded with people, but the inside of the human city was empty, with not a single person in sight.

"Fu Kong, take your people and stay in the human city!"

The Human Emperor Haotian ordered the Fu Kong Human King beside him. There were tens of millions of powerful men from all races gathered outside the human city. Although it was impossible for these people to rush into the human city, the human city could not be empty. Some manpower was still needed to stay. Here, keep some order.

"Yes, sir!"

King Fu Kongren responded, and then with a wave of his hand, he released some of his subordinates in his small world, or some other strong men of the human race, from his small world.

"Everyone, follow me and defend the city!" King Fu Kongren ordered loudly.

At this time, Human Emperor Haotian had already led everyone away from the human city and headed towards the human realm.

In the human realm, there is the Divine Court of Kaitian.

Su Mo stood with his hands behind his back, and in front of him were the four weak Realm Masters.

"We are all just incarnations, a ray of will coming to the world of origin through a special release method!"

"This method requires the formation of a formation base in advance, which is similar to an altar. It is filled with a lot of mysteries, but it cannot allow our body to descend into the world of origin!"

The leader of the Ancient God Clan slowly told Su Mo the situation. He did not deceive Su Mo and told the truth.

It's not that he is upright, but he can't be deceived. Su Mo will definitely check every situation personally.

"If the creatures in the Origin World want to go to the Infinite World, how should they go?" Su Mo continued to ask.

"Our six major races all have special teleportation methods that can save a lot of time, but the teleportation process consumes a lot of money, so you won't be able to use it easily!"

"Why do you harvest the eternal Dao foundation of the great world of origin?"

"Eternal Dao Foundation is also a resource. It is a necessity in the boundless world and can enhance strength. Therefore, the eternal Dao Foundation has great circulation in the boundless world!"

"How do you use those eternal Dao foundations to increase your strength?" Su Mo continued to ask.

"The Eternal Dao Foundation is the foundation of a strong man's small world. It condenses his life's cultivation, and this cultivation can be used by others. In the boundless world, the Eternal Dao Foundation can...!"

The Realm Master of the Ancient God Clan kept explaining with a calm face. A new big world slowly opened in front of Su Mo's eyes.


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