Peerless God Lord

Chapter 35 Remarks on the launch!

Today is the most important day of "The Lord of the Gods". I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night, and my hands are shaking when I type now. Really, this day will decide everything about this book!

Starting from April, from the time the first word of "The Peerless God Lord" appeared in a blank document, Lobster stayed up late every day to code, and the wind and rain continued. No matter it was a power outage, a business trip, illness, etc., updates were always a must. Things to do.

I remember those days when I had a fever of 39 degrees and coded while holding an ice pack. Thinking about it now, it has become a special memory.

Now available!

Many friends and book friends may have to leave. Lobster is very sad. Each of you is a friend who has spent every day and night with Lobster. Whenever I write until late at night and feel sleepy, I will always say Clicking on my phone and looking at each of your familiar names makes me smile inexplicably.


Because of you, "Peerless God Lord" is what it is today.

I remember that when I first opened the book, "The Unparalleled God" did not receive much recognition. I will always remember the editor Mao Da's words, "Update it well!"

So, for countless nights with dim lights, I gritted my teeth and persisted! Many times, I even fall asleep while writing on the computer!

For no other reason than for you and for every book friend who has supported and trusted Lobster, Lobster will work hard.

A subscription, for you, may be a few cents. A one-month subscription may be a pack of snacks or a box of cigarettes for you. Lobster is also a hard-working wage earner, and he has just been fired!

I don’t blame my boss, it’s because he caught me coding too many times during working hours.

My child is very young and very cute. He is my whole life. I don’t have many requirements. I just want him to be able to afford better milk powder and to go to a better kindergarten.

My future life and the lives of my children may depend on this book to support me, so I urge all book friends to subscribe and support!

Once it's on the shelves, Lobster will work harder. It's absolutely impossible to be a eunuch. Lobster can't do this kind of thing, and he won't do such a thing to feel sorry for the book friends who grew up with me.

Four updates a day!

This is Lobster's update guarantee. The excitement of "Peerless God Lord" will definitely come after it is released. Su Mo's wonderful life will soon bloom.

Okay, because I was too excited and didn’t know what I said? However, I believe you may understand that Lobster will definitely see you again when I finish this review.

Thanks to the many book friends on the fan list for their support. Because there are too many names, I will not list them one by one, but every one of you book friends who have supported Lobster, and every name, Lobster will never forget it.

Finally, I just hope that book friends of this book can give me a first order today. This is my most sincere request!

bow! Love your lobster! ***3***6***9***


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