Peerless God Lord

Chapter 347 Lihuo Manniu

After Su Mo entered the colorful light door, he felt dizzy.

I don't know how long it took, but Su Mo felt his body suddenly sink, and then he landed on a piece of grass.

Looking around, there were lush wild grasses all around, and there was not a single human figure.

"It seems this is also a random transmission!"

Su Mo thought secretly.

After taking a breath of air, Su Mo could clearly feel a strong and ancient aura, as if he was in the wilderness era.

After a while, the dizziness in Su Mo's mind disappeared and he left the place and flew far away.

I don't know how big this area is. At a glance, I can see only barren weeds and nothing else.


A high-pitched bird song was heard, and not far away, a huge ferocious bird in the sky spotted Su Mo and flew over quickly.

This ferocious bird is a third-level and fourth-level monster beast with a wingspan of fifty meters long. Its whole body is as black as ink and looks like an eagle. Its huge mouthparts and sharp claws shine with a cold light.

This ferocious bird was extremely fast and approached Su Mo quickly. Its cold claws grabbed Su Mo's head like lightning.

"court death!"

Su Mo's eyes flashed coldly and he punched out. The fist and claws collided hard.


With a muffled sound, the vicious bird was blasted dozens of meters away by Su Mo.


The ferocious bird roared angrily and pounced on Su Mo again.


Su Mo was surprised. Although his punch just now was just a random blow without much power, it was enough to kill an ordinary third-level and fifth-level monster. But this ferocious bird was only a third-level and fourth-level monster. There was no problem at all.

"By the way, this Sky God Realm is inherited from ancient times. The monsters here must also be ancient monsters with pure blood, so they are so powerful!"

Su Mo thought and understood the reason.

The monsters in ancient times were much more powerful than the monsters in the outside world now.


Looking at the ferocious bird that continued to fly towards him, Su Mo stopped holding back. He took out his sword from its sheath and slashed out a thick sword energy, instantly cutting the ferocious bird in half, causing blood to rain in the sky.

"We can't waste it!"

Seeing the blood all over the sky, Su Mo immediately released his martial spirit and started to devour it.

Although his current cultivation level is not very solid, it is not frivolous either. He can completely consume a large amount of blood essence and demonic power.

If Su Mo hadn't been so poor now and didn't have a single spirit stone in his hand, he could have tried to reach the fifth level of the True Spirit Realm.

Buzz! !

Using the Devouring Martial Spirit, the ferocious bird's beast soul, blood essence, and demonic power were quickly devoured by Su Mo, leaving only a withered corpse.

It has to be said that although this ferocious bird is only a third-level or fourth-level demon beast, the blood essence and demon power in its body are quite huge.

After refining his blood energy and demonic power, Su Mo's cultivation improved a little and he was close to the middle stage of the fourth level of the True Spirit Realm.

"Okay, if I kill a dozen of these monsters, I can reach the peak of the fourth level of the True Spirit Realm!"

Su Mo was overjoyed. The effect of swallowing this kind of monster was probably better than swallowing the third-level and sixth-level monsters from the outside world. He could improve his cultivation level.

After a while, Su Mo took out the monster core of the vicious bird and left quickly. He was looking for traces of the monster while flying.

Not long after, he hunted three more monsters, but they were all third-level and third-level monsters. However, after devouring them, his cultivation level still reached the mid-level fourth level of the True Spirit Realm.


At this moment, a loud cow moo was heard not far ahead.

Su Mo was overjoyed when he heard the sound. The moo was quite deep and contained powerful demonic power. This beast was at least a third-level or fourth-level demonic beast.


Su Mo's body was like lightning and he flew towards the source of the sound. Soon he saw a huge demonic cow.

This monster bull was more than thirty meters long, and its whole body was burning with raging flames. Wherever it passed, everything around it was burned into nothingness.

"Level 3 and Level 5 monster! Lihuo Barbarian Bull!"

Su Mo immediately recognized the beast. He had killed the Lihuo Barbarian Bull before, but he only killed the second-level Lihuo Barbarian Bull.

The Lihuo Barbarian Bull in the outside world only has a scarlet red body, but this Lihuo Barbarian Bull has blazing flames on its body, which is far incomparable to its counterparts in the outside world.


Su Mo chuckled and took action. He swung his sword in the air and shot a sharp sword energy towards Lihuo Barbarian Niu.


The Lihuo Barbarian Bull roared angrily, swung its head, and swept the sword energy with its five- to six-meter-long huge horns.


With a muffled sound, the sword energy collapsed, and Lihuo Manniu's huge body retreated ten meters, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

"Sure enough, he is really powerful. He is almost as strong as a seventh-level warrior in the True Spirit Realm!"

Su Mo was amazed, but even so, this Lihuo Barbarian Bull was still going to die.


"Innate Infinity"

Su Mo drew his sword again, and the terrifying sword energy, which was a thousand meters long, tore through the sky and slashed towards the Lihuo Barbarian Bull like lightning.


There was an explosion, and the terrifying sword energy directly cut off the huge horns and hit the Lihuo Barbarian Bull's huge head.


Blood spattered, and even though the Lihuo Manniu had rough skin and thick flesh, it could not withstand Su Mo's sword energy, and half of its head was almost cut off by Su Mo.


The Lihuo Barbarian Bull howled miserably, its body crumbling, and half of its head was cut off. It was obvious that it would not survive.


At this moment, a hearty laugh suddenly came from the distant sky.

Su Mo looked up and saw a purple-robed young man flying rapidly from the sky.

The young man in purple robe has bright eyebrows and sharp eyes, but his skin is red. He has obviously practiced some kind of fire-based technique.


The young man in purple robe was extremely fast. In just two blinks of an eye, he flew over here, descended, and landed in front of Lihuo Manniu.

"That's right! The third-level and fifth-level Lihuo Barbarian Bull, the pure power of flames in its demonic core can slightly increase my strength!"

The purple-robed young man smiled and immediately punched out, hitting the remaining half of Lihuo Manniu's head.


Blood sprayed and brains splattered everywhere. Lihuo Manniu died on the spot and collapsed.

Immediately, the young man in purple robe stepped forward and prepared to take out the demon core of the Lihuo Barbarian Bull.

"I said, this monster seems to be mine, right?"

Su Mo reminded him that this person was going to collect the demon core. Should he treat him as if he didn't exist?

Hearing this, the purple-robed young man paused and turned to look at Su Mo. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "You are at the fourth level of the True Spirit Realm, and you dare to compete with me for the demon core? Get out!"

The young man in purple robe was not polite and shouted loudly, telling Su Mo to get out.

Of course he had seen Su Mo a long time ago, but he didn't need to pay attention to a genius at the fourth level of the True Spirit Realm.

Su Mo's face suddenly darkened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. This guy was simply looking for death! ***3***6***9***


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