Peerless God Lord

Chapter 3140 The secret under the endless ice field

Su Mo was very interested in this billion-year-old cold iron.

After all, from the exchange between the two soul clansmen, this cold iron, which can shake the world when it is born, is absolutely precious and unusual.

However, Su Mo suppressed his desire to find out.

No matter how precious the billions of years of cold iron is, it is not what he needs now. Solving Baifeng's matter is the most important thing.

When you have time in the future, you can always come back to explore the true face of billions of years of cold iron.

Therefore, Su Mo quickly left the mountain and continued to follow Baifeng.

Following the guidance of the Tracking Avenue, Baifeng's clone came to a snowy city and then left again.

Su Mo continued to follow, and not long after, he came to a vast ice field.

This ice field is boundless, the wind is raging, the ice and snow are flying, and the snowflakes condense into solid ice after falling, and it is unknown how thick it is over the years.

Moreover, the further we advanced, the colder it became.

"Isn't this the Canggu Icefield?"

Su Mo was puzzled. According to the records of the Soul Clan, Bai Tianzhu, the former uncrowned king of the Snow Realm and Snow Queen, was suppressed and killed by the Soul Clan here.

But why did Baifeng's clone come to Canggu Ice and Snow?

Now, Su Mo was also a little confused.

According to normal circumstances, Baifeng's body died in Hanche Lake, and his clone should return to Bai's house immediately.

Because of this, it was possible to determine how many senior members of the Bai family had died, how many had escaped, how to deal with the aftermath, etc.

But so far, according to the sense of his soul that he left behind in the Bai family, Baifeng has not returned to the Bai family.

It's okay if the other party doesn't return to the Bai family, but wanders around the snow world. What's the purpose of this?

Su Mo couldn't understand it either!

He continued to track, and before long, he arrived at the heart of the ice and snow.

The cold wind here is biting, the snow is falling all over the sky, and everywhere you look, there is desolation.

"Is this here?"

Su Mo was floating above the snowfield, looking at the ice below and frowning slightly.

According to the guidance of the Tracking Avenue, Baifeng disappeared here without a trace. The Tracking Avenue can no longer detect his whereabouts.

Looking at the ice below, Su Mo thought to himself. There was something strange about the ice below. It had obviously been broken before.

Although it has been covered with snow and ice again, it is still obviously different from other places.


Su Mo waved his hand and checked the spatial memory of this place.

Time went back, space rotated, and soon the memories from a few days ago appeared in front of Su Mo.

After Baifeng arrived here, he looked around and then broke through the ice and entered under the ice and snow.

In the image, it was not easy for Baifeng to break through the ice, almost showing his peak strength.

It seems that this Baifeng's clone has very average strength and does not have the strength of the Tao realm.


Su Mo was also interested. He wanted to know what Baifeng was going to do under the ice and snow.

Then, without hesitation, he broke through the ice and dived under the ice sheet at the same place.

It has to be said that this ice sheet is extremely solid.

If it were an ordinary person in the lower extreme of the Tao realm, he might not be able to break through the ice.

Su Mo kept diving down and breaking through the ice.

The thickness of the ice layer was impossible to fathom. Su Mo dived hundreds of miles down, but still couldn't see the bottom.

The cold air released from the ice below became more and more alarming. The place where Su Mo broke through would be frozen again in the blink of an eye.

A thousand miles!

Three thousand miles!

Five thousand miles!

Ten thousand miles!

When Su Mo went about 10,000 miles deep into the ice sheet, the cold power below was so terrifying that Su Mo needed to use the power of Chaos to resist it.

Continue down.

Twenty thousand miles!

Thirty thousand miles!

Fifty thousand miles!

When he was 50,000 miles deep under the ice sheet, Su Mo didn't understand the need to use the power of chaos. He had even used the power of the Avenue of Fire, the Avenue of the Sun and other avenues to resist the cold air.

The ice-cold energy released here far exceeds the power of the Perfect Ice Avenue, even more than ten times.

"He can't possibly get here, can he?"

Su Mo stopped and looked thoughtful. With the strength of Baifeng's clone, it was impossible to reach this depth.

But what about the other person?

Where have you gone?

When no trace of Baifeng was found, and even the traces left by him had long since disappeared, Su Mo checked the spatial memory again.

However, there is no longer any display of spatial memory.

Baifeng, disappeared!

very strange!

Su Mo had no choice but to search around. After finding no clues, he headed down again.

It's getting colder and colder here, and he also wants to understand why it's so cold here.

Continue down!

One hundred thousand miles!

Five hundred thousand miles!

Millions of miles!

After traveling a million miles deep into the ice field, Su Mo was almost at his limit.

The power of chaos boiled all over his body, the majestic power of the world enveloped him, and the power of three thousand avenues surrounded him.

At this time, not only was the extreme cold trying to corrode the body and soul, but the ice below had already become extremely hard and terrifying.

Because this is no longer solid ice, but cold iron, extremely hard cold iron, too big to be imagined.

It is precisely because it is cold iron that it is so cold here.

"Is the so-called billions of years of cold iron right here?"

Su Mo's eyes gradually brightened. The quality of the cold iron here was much higher than that of the cold iron previously guarded by Baifeng in the valley.

Moreover, it is too big and too numerous to be measured. After all, this ice sheet is too big.

Could it be that he happened to come to the power of billions of years of cold iron?

If this is really the place where billions of years of cold iron is located, what is Baifeng doing here? Even with the other party's strength, he can't go down to such a depth. What secrets does the other party have?

Down again!

When he was about 1.3 million miles deep under the ice, Su Mo was close to the limit, and the power of the world in the three small worlds was pushed to the extreme.

Can't go any lower!

In this position, the surrounding cold iron was terrifying to the extreme. He could barely break through it, but the consumption was too great and he was almost unable to bear it.

Looking at the endless cold iron around him, Su Mo couldn't help but frown. He couldn't continue downwards, so he had to give up.

It's just a pity that I can't go down and find out!

After pondering for a moment, he cast the Ice Avenue, and his spiritual consciousness combined with the power of the avenue, spread around, and merged into the surrounding cold iron.

However, it can only detect a few dozen feet.

The Ice Avenue with the same attributes actually doesn't work here either.

Su Mo had no choice but to leave.

But, at this moment, something changed suddenly.

"Who are you?"

An indifferent voice seemed particularly abrupt, suddenly echoing under this endless layer of cold iron and ice.


When Su Mo heard this, he immediately raised his eyes and looked around, but he didn't find anyone there.

However, he would never mishear that there were other people here.

"Who are you?"

Su Mo asked back.

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