Peerless God Lord

Chapter 2687 Get rid of Emperor Yihun

Whoosh whoosh! !

As soon as Lord Taiying finished speaking, countless disciples from various branches rose into the sky and flew towards the big mouth of the starry sky beast.

The mouth of this starry sky beast has been magically exerted by Lord Taiying. Only those who have the marks of disciples of each major branch can enter.

Tens of millions of people, like a long dragon entering the sea, all entered the body of the starry sky beast in just a few breaths.

There are many disciples of the human god king realm who are still in place. Most of these people are low-level god kings and are relatively weak, so they have given up on this selection.

They are all preparing to participate in the next selection after their cultivation has improved.

Of course, the number of these people is not too large, but there are more than tens of millions of them.

Su Mo, Ling Shang, Lin Ya, Zi Xiao, Di Yixun, Xiao Yushu, etc. all flew into the big mouth of the starry sky beast without any delay, following the massive flow of people.

The mouth of the giant beast in the starry sky is so huge that even a mountain range can fit inside.

Su Mo, Ling Shang and Lin Ya did not separate. After entering the starry sky beast's mouth, they flew directly into its belly along the beast's throat.

The space inside the body of the starry sky beast is infinitely vast, and even tens of millions of people inside it are still a drop in the ocean.

"He's coming!" Ling Shang glanced back and reminded Su Mo.

"I know!" Su Mo nodded. He had been paying attention to Emperor Yihun and had already noticed that the other party had been following them.

However, now he is not worried about the other party taking action, because there are too many people around him, they have just come in and have not dispersed yet.

"Follow me!" Su Mo greeted Ling Shang and Lin Ya, then turned around and flew quickly in the other direction.

It was not appropriate for him to have a head-on confrontation with Di Yihun now. Even if he was very strong, he would never be his opponent.

However, the gap between the two is no longer as big as it was before, and can even be said to be very small.

Su Mo is not yet confident that he can defeat Emperor Yihun, so he will not entangle with the opponent.

The three of them walked quickly, racing inside the starry sky beast.

As they entered the belly of the starry sky beast, tens of millions of people gradually began to disperse. The body of the starry sky beast was not only very vast, but also had a large number of passages leading to all directions.

These passages are the meridians, blood vessels, trachea, intestines, etc. in the body of the starry sky beast, extending in all directions.

Of course, because the starry sky beast is so large, even a small gap in its internal organs is still a vast space for human warriors.

"No, I can't get rid of him!" Ling Shang's face was heavy. Their speed couldn't get rid of Emperor Yihun. Now there were fewer and fewer people around, and the opponent would soon catch up with them.

"I can get rid of him!"

Su Mo's eyes narrowed, and he took Lin Ya and Ling Shang and flew quickly towards a passage. This passage should be the trachea of ​​the starry sky beast, the trachea leading to the lungs.

call out!

The three of them all launched at the fastest speed and flew along the trachea towards the lung area of ​​the starry sky beast.

Di Yixun looked indifferent and looked at the direction in which Su Mo and the others were flying. He immediately increased his speed.

He wanted to kill Su Mo first, then snatch the token, and then deal with the starry sky beast.

Killing Su Mo is the first priority.

"He's catching up!"

Lin Ya exclaimed. Although she didn't know what grudge Emperor Yihun had against Su Mo, she could guess that it was definitely a deep hatred.

call out!

Su Mo turned around and struck out towards Emperor Yihun with his sword. He didn't expect to be able to block the opponent, he just wanted to be able to block him a little.

The strength of Emperor Yihun was really extraordinary. He raised his big hand and instantly shattered Su Mo's sword energy. His whole body was like a sharp arrow, penetrating the mighty sword energy shock wave, increasing his speed to the extreme, and shot towards Su Mo. Coming in pursuit.

"Follow me!" Su Mo didn't stop, grabbed Ling Shang's hand, and quickly ran through the spacious passage.

As for Lin Ya, her speed was slightly faster than Su Mo's and she didn't need Su Mo's help at all.

"Junior brother, we are entering the blood vessel!" Lin Ya reminded, the passage they are flying in now, there are large capillary branches on the flesh wall not far away.

Although it is a capillary, it is extremely huge. Even a dragon, let alone a human, can get through it.


Su Mo immediately agreed, and then the three of them flew towards the edge of the passage, and soon approached the flesh wall.

Those capillaries were extremely dark inside and emitted a heart-stopping aura that made Su Mo and the three of them tremble.

However, the three of them still did not hesitate and dived into a capillary.

The entrance to the capillaries was blocked by an invisible force, but it could not stop the three of them and they rushed away.

"Oh my God!"

Lin Ya exclaimed. After entering the capillaries, they seemed to have entered a big river, surrounded by endless blood.

The most important thing is that this is blood, it is extremely viscous, causing their speed to drop more than a hundred times.

What's more important is that the blood of this starry sky beast contains huge power of blood. The huge pressure almost caused the three of them to collapse in an instant.

Fortunately, the three of them were not weak, and they immediately used source power to protect their bodies, thus blocking the pressure of energy and blood.

"The giant beast in the sky is really powerful. Even if it is suppressed by Lord Taiying, the power of blood energy alone is not something that ordinary people can bear!" Su Mo said in horror.

"Of course, this giant beast in the starry sky is as powerful as the Master. It is beyond the imagination of a warrior in the God King Realm!" Lin Ya said.

"This blood is the key to getting rid of the Emperor's Soul!" Ling Shang said. The spiritual power was suppressed here, and even the direction could not be identified. It was impossible for the Emperor's Soul to catch up with them.

While the three of them were talking, they kept moving, trying their best to increase their speed, and move through the endless blood.

Beyond the capillaries, Di Yihun's figure paused for a moment, and he felt the terrifying aura in the capillaries.

The majestic power of Qi and blood is enough to crush anyone under the God King realm, but it can't cause any harm to him.

He just paused for a moment and then got in.

However, as soon as he entered the blood vessel, he regretted it, because the endless blood obscured his vision, and the terrifying power of blood blocked his consciousness and all spiritual perceptions. He was unable to locate Su Mo's position.

In other words, he could no longer find Su Mo and Ling Shang.

Emperor Yihun stopped and looked thoughtful. The possibility of catching up with Su Mo here was too low.

It would be unwise for him to waste time on Su Mo when there were not many possibilities.

"Su Mo, let you live a little longer!"

Di Yixun sighed, his eyes flickering as he thought about how to find the token.

Zi Xiao had already separated from him. If his prediction was correct, Zi Xiao must have gone to the starry sky beast's mind.

Because if the other party wants to kill the starry sky beast and is accepted as a disciple by Lord Taiying, he will definitely go to the starry sky beast's sea of ​​consciousness as soon as possible.

Because only by killing the beast soul of the starry sky beast can the starry sky beast be completely killed.

However, there are definitely a lot of people who go to the sea of ​​​​starry sky beast consciousness, and it is definitely very difficult to kill the soul of the starry sky beast.

Presumably for this reason, it is relatively easier to obtain a token.

"Where will those thirty powerful men in the Supreme Realm hide?"

Emperor Yixun murmured to himself, he was sure that those thirty powerful men in the Supreme Realm must understand their own situation, they did not dare to expose their whereabouts, and would do everything possible to hide their bodies.

Because once his whereabouts are exposed, he will be surrounded and killed by countless people. No matter how strong he is, he will die.

While thinking, Emperor Yihun slowly retreated, exited the blood vessel, returned to the passage, and then turned around and left.

He is determined to win a token and no one can stop him.

After obtaining a token, he will also kill the beast soul of the starry sky beast. Zixiao is not the only one who wants to become the disciple of Lord Taiying, he also has this expectation.

Will you give up the opportunity to become the disciple of Lord Taiying to Zi Xiao?

This is impossible.

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