Peerless God Lord

Chapter 2527 Join forces with Tu Ying

The war continues, and the people in the fifth city, the sixth city, and the eighth city have already begun to lose despite having no advantage in numbers or strength.

In a short time, there were only twenty or thirty people left in the three cities, and each of them was besieged and was in danger.

These twenty or thirty people, who still dared to fight, fled back to their own cities.

As for the people in the first city, the second city, and the third city, after such a long battle, there were only about eighty or ninety people left.

"Everyone, there are not many people left in the fifth, sixth, and eighth cities now. We should defeat them all!"

Among the first city, second city and third city, Gongsun Changjue said in a deep voice.

"Don't forget the seventh city and the ninth city!" Ye Lingtian reminded. Now, the strength of their three cities has dropped a lot, while the seventh city and the ninth city are still at their peak and have not taken action.

Therefore, they must be careful, otherwise they will just become a mantis and be eaten by the oriole in one bite.

"Let's do this, select some strong people to defeat the fifth, sixth and eighth cities one by one, leaving some manpower to guard against the people from the seventh and ninth cities!" Yan Devil Sheng Shen said the voice.

"Well, this is safer!"

"That's it!"

Everyone nodded. Although they did not have many people now, there were still some people in charge in each city.

Moreover, many people who had been seriously injured before returned to the city, but they were not afraid of the Seventh City and the Ninth City.

Immediately, they immediately divided into more than fifty people, led by Ye Lingtian and Yan Devil Sheng, and began to attack the fifth city.

As for the remaining thirty or so people, they are responsible for holding down the formation to prevent people from other cities.

Of course, there were more than thirty people on the throne, and thirty more people were transferred from the first city, the second city, and the third city, bringing the total to more than sixty people.

Under the attack of Ye Lingtian and others, it didn't take long for the protective formation of the fifth city to be breached.

There were not many people in the fifth city. There were only about twenty people left in total. They were no match for Ye Lingtian and others. After resisting for a moment, they were completely defeated. The formation base in the city was destroyed and everyone was eliminated.

None of the other cities came to intervene, and the people in the sixth and eighth cities did not take action. Although they knew they would be defeated one by one, they were already unable to resist.

As for the seventh and ninth cities, there was still no movement.

Afterwards, Ye Lingtian and others began to attack the sixth city's defensive formation.

In the seventh city, Tu Ying and many people stared at the sixth city, everyone was waiting for the opportunity to take action.

"Tu Ying, when will we take action?" A tall genius asked Tu Ying in a low voice.

"Wait a minute! Their strength is still stronger than ours now!" Tu Ying said in a deep voice. Although the first, second and third cities lost a lot of manpower, under the combined efforts of the people from the three cities, , still far stronger than them.

The main thing is that there are no powerful figures in their seventh city, they are all ordinary eternal geniuses.

Although if they don't take action now, the sixth city and the eighth city will be defeated, but at that time, the people in the first city, the second city, and the third city will still suffer a lot, and then the strength of the two sides will be different. Not big anymore.

"Then after a while, are we going to defeat these three cities?" someone asked.

"No, let's join forces with them!" Tu Ying shook his head and said solemnly: "Join forces with them and defeat the Ninth City!"

"Will they join forces with us?"

"When the time comes, their strength will not be much stronger than ours, and they will know how to choose!" Tu Ying said in a deep voice. Everyone must know that the Ninth City is the big problem.

The battle continued. After the fifth city was defeated, it didn't take long for the sixth city to be defeated, and then the eighth city.

The people led by Ye Lingtian suffered a small loss, but in the end they won a complete victory, completely defeating the fifth, sixth, and eighth cities.

At this point, of the nine cities in Shenkun's small world, only the first city, the second city, the third city, the seventh city, and the ninth city are left.

After Ye Lingtian defeated three cities, he gathered together with Gongsun Changjue and others, about ninety people in total.

"Everyone, what should we do next?" Ye Lingtian asked everyone.

"We don't have many manpower now, and we still have the seventh city and the ninth city, so we can't be careless!" said Yan Devil Holy Dao.


At this moment, the void in the distance suddenly exploded with a roar, and a figure flew out from the depths of the void.

"Su Mo!" Everyone was surprised when they saw this figure. Su Mo came out, which means he escaped from the hands of the Ancient Demon Prince!

Sure enough, Su Mo was so powerful that even the Ancient Demon Prince was helpless!

Everyone had different expressions. Regarding Gongsun Changjue and other people from other forces, they naturally hoped that Su Mo would not come back or be suppressed by the Ancient Demon Prince.

After all, Su Mo was too strong and he would definitely have to compete with them for the final victory.

But the people from the Dragon Clan or the Human Palace were relieved to see Su Mo return.

After flying out of the depths of the void, Su Mo looked around and saw that the protective formations of the fifth city, sixth city, and eighth city were no longer there. He knew in his heart that they had temporarily won.

However, Long Teng did not come back because the fifth city where Long Teng was located was breached and was naturally forcibly teleported out, so he was the only one who returned.

"Everyone, how is the situation?" Su Mo flew to everyone and asked in a deep voice.

"Currently, only the seventh city and the ninth city are left, both of which are motionless." Gongsun Changjue said in a deep voice.

They were not surprised that Long Teng and the Ancient Demon Prince did not come back. Both of them must have been eliminated.

"How many manpower do we have?" Su Mo looked at the seventh and ninth cities. Manpower was the key. There were more than two hundred people in these two cities.

"The total is less than one hundred and fifty!" Ye Lingtian said, this already included the people who stayed in their three cities.

The total number of all of them is less than 150, so they are at a disadvantage in numbers. Fortunately, they have many strong people, so they should have an advantage in combat power.

"So few!" Su Mo frowned when he heard this. More than half of the manpower was lost.


At this moment, in the seventh city that had been silent, a tall figure strode out.

"Su Mo, long time no see!" Tu Ying looked at Su Mo from a distance and said with a smile. He was happy to see Su Mo back.

He and Su Mo had never known each other before going from the Divine Road to the Divine Realm. They would become each other's rivals in the future, but before that, they had to solve the Ninth City first.

However, Su Mo was worthy of being Su Mo. Being able to escape from the hands of the Ancient Demon Prince really did not disgrace his reputation as a reincarnation clone.

"Tu Ying, do you want to join forces with us?" Su Mo looked at Tu Ying and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, only if we work together can we defeat the Ninth City!" Tu Ying nodded heavily.

"Okay, I agree!" Su Mo agreed immediately without hesitation.

The Ninth City is a formidable enemy, and the best way is for them to unite, otherwise they will not be able to break the situation.

Others also nodded and agreed to this proposal.

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