Peerless God Lord

Chapter 2500 The right time, right place and right people

Long Teng rushed to Su Mo's room and brought news of the Thousand Selection Battle.

"Oh, what are the rules?" Su Mo stood up quickly and asked solemnly. This matter related to whether he could go down to the lower realm, so he was particularly concerned about it.

"This Thousand Selection Battle will be held in a small world called Shenkun!"

Long Teng's voice was solemn, he organized some words in his mind, and continued: "This small world is extremely special. There are nine cities in it, all of them are empty cities, and the rules this time are offensive and defensive battles!"

"Offensive and defensive battle? What kind of strategy?" Su Mo couldn't help but frown when he heard this. He was worried that the rules were unfavorable. This rule seemed to be very unfavorable.

"It's like this. After entering this small world, everyone's cultivation will be suppressed at the low level of the first level of True God Realm, and will not improve until the end; after entering the small world of Shenkun, everyone will be divided into nine camps. Among the nine different cities, no matter what method is used, defeating the other eight cities will be considered a victory." Long Teng said slowly.

"There are many people in a city, so who will win in the end?" Su Mo asked doubtfully. With so many powerful forces in the God's Domain participating in the Thousand Selection Battle, nearly a thousand people participated, so there could be at least a hundred people in a city. So many.

So how can the city that finally wins and the many geniuses in it decide the outcome?

"Of course there are rules!"

Long Teng took a deep breath and continued: "In the small world of Shenkun, there is a tenth city, which is the final test. After the victory of the nine cities is determined, who can get the token of the tenth city? , who is the final winner!"

"Understood!" Su Mo's eyes sparkled. There were ten cities in this small world of Shenkun. The tenth city was the final test, and the first nine cities would divide everyone into nine camps. A part of the test.

There is a duel between the nine major camps, and the people from the victorious camp will compete for the tokens in the tenth city.

This rule cannot be said to be fair, but it cannot be said to be unfair either.

If you want to win, it does not depend on personal ability at all. It depends on luck, strategy, and cooperation. In other words, if you want to win, it depends on the right time, place, and people.

Especially in the first stage, if you want to win, you must coordinate the strength of everyone in the city, cooperate sincerely, strategize, and have a large number of strong people to achieve victory.

You can't win if you don't have strong fighting power, you can't win if you don't have a unified mind, and you can't win if you don't plan well.


Su Mo took a deep breath. It was really not easy for these powerful men from all major forces to come up with such a rule.

Also, under this kind of rule, no matter how powerful a genius is, it is impossible for him to stand out.

This is a rule that is fairer and more acceptable to all major forces.

"Su Mo, we're in trouble this time!"

Long Teng's face was extremely solemn, and he said in a low voice: "Even if you and I are strong, if the people in the same camp as us are not strong, or are not aligned, it will be difficult for us to win in the first stage. Moreover, it will be difficult for us. Being put in the same camp.”

"How will we be assigned to camps then?" Su Mo asked in a deep voice. This was the key. If he and Long Teng could be assigned to the same camp, it would be beneficial.

However, if the two are no longer in the same camp, not only will they not be able to work together, they will become each other's opponents.

"We will allocate them when the time comes!" Long Teng said with a sigh.

"It is indeed troublesome!" Su Mo narrowed his eyes and thought secretly in his heart. There were many variables here.

For example, it is difficult for people in the same city to work together, because some people may secretly help their fellow clansmen or sects in other cities.

For example, if he and Long Teng were in different cities, they would most likely help each other.

For example, Su Mo himself would definitely help Long Teng win if the city he belonged to was too weak and he knew it would definitely lose.

"Su Mo, this Thousand Selection Battle, I will take you as the leader. If we are in different camps, I will try my best to help you win in the first stage!" Long Teng said in a deep voice. He knew in his heart that whether it is strength or strategy, , Su Mo is above him.

If he and Su Mo are in the same camp, they can only try their best to let Su Mo win. Of course, the premise is that Su Mo's camp has hope of victory.

"Well, let's play by ear when the time comes!"

Su Mo nodded and added: "However, you must remember that no matter which camp you are in, you must have the absolute right to speak as soon as possible."

"Of course I understand this!" Long Teng nodded. Naturally, he could not leave success or failure in the hands of others. He would definitely gain the right to speak in his own camp.

"Okay, you go back first and I'll think about it later!" Su Mo sighed. This matter needs to be carefully considered because there are too many uncertain factors.

"Okay, I'm going to discuss countermeasures with the Great Elder and others!" Long Teng nodded, then turned and left. This rule requires careful planning to have any hope of victory.

After Long Teng left, Su Mo sat quietly on the futon, secretly thinking about how to win under these rules and countless variables.

He did not go to other members of the Dragon Clan. After Long Teng and the others had discussed the matter, they would naturally inform him.

At this moment, not only Su Mo and Long Teng, but also other geniuses from the Dragon Clan, geniuses from other divine dynasties, and geniuses from the eighty-one realms of Tianchi, were all discussing the rules of this Thousand Selection Battle.

As soon as this rule came out, countless geniuses were stunned. Under this rule, no one had the confidence to win.

Because personal strength appears extremely limited under such rules.

Nowadays, basically all the people from the major dynasties and the eighty-one realms of Tianchi have come to Chaos Ancient Mountain and live in different palaces.

Suddenly, many strong men and geniuses from various forces were discussing and plotting intensively, discussing how to carry out an attack in the first stage of the Thousand Selection Battle? How to maximize victory?

Time passed slowly and quickly, and less than half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, the sky was just getting brighter. Long Teng pushed open Su Mo's door and entered the room.

"Su Mo, today is the day of the Thousand Selection Battle. Before departure, the Great Elder has something to say!" Long Teng said to Su Mo.

"Have you discussed the countermeasures?" Su Mo asked. Facing this thousand-selection battle, Long Teng, the Great Elder and others should have a strategy!

"It can't be regarded as a countermeasure, it can only be said to be a rough contingency strategy!" Long Teng sighed. There is no good countermeasure at present because the allocation of personnel cannot be determined yet.

"Let's go find the Great Elder!" Su Mo nodded. He had thought about it a lot in the past few days and had a rough strategy. He also wanted to see what the Great Elder had to say.

Immediately, Su Mo and Long Teng walked hand in hand towards the Great Elder's residence.

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