Peerless God Lord

Chapter 2288 Team

I saw the eyes of Samsara Heavenly Lord suddenly emitting bright divine light.

The divine light spreads, allowing everyone to be bathed in the divine light.

This is a blessing, a blessing given to everyone by the Samsara Heavenly Lord.

Bathed in the divine light, everyone felt comfortable and relaxed.

Su Mo's eyes narrowed. This divine light was indeed a treasure. Although it could not improve people's cultivation or increase their strength, it had miraculous effects on warriors.

He felt that bathing in this divine light made the power of his three great spirits become purer, the power of all his bloodlines became more condensed, and the foundation of his cultivation was becoming more solid.

Although this kind of blessing has no immediate effect, it will be of great benefit in the future.

After a while, the divine light dissipated, and the illusory eyes of Samsara Heavenly Lord returned to their original state.

At this moment, the mutation regenerated, and in front of the illusion of the Samsara Heavenly Lord, the endless power of the void condensed and instantly condensed into a huge platform with a radius of tens of thousands of feet.

At the same time, Samsara Heavenly Lord slowly raised his hands, spreading his palms flush with the platform, and his ten huge fingers were like ten golden stone pillars stretching across the sky.

At this moment, everyone stood up slowly and looked up at the ten huge fingers of Samsara Heavenly Lord.

Everyone's eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Is this going to be a spar?" Seeing this, Su Mo asked Qin'er beside him.

"Yes, Lord Tianzun's ten fingers are ten quotas. Whoever can occupy one of Lord Tianzun's fingers can get a quota. The ten people who get the quota will get greater blessings!" Qin'er clicked. He nodded.

She also looked forward to this kind of opportunity. After all, this kind of opportunity could not be obtained anywhere else but here.

"What else?" Su Mo continued to ask. He knew that it was far from that simple.

"After the ten quotas are determined, the ten people will compete and rank. The higher the ranking, the greater the blessing!" Qin'er said.

"Understood!" Su Mo nodded gently. It looked like there was going to be a fight at first.

After all, there are more than a hundred people here, but Samsara Heavenly Lord only has ten fingers.

"Also, once you get on Master Tianzun's finger, you must not be knocked out, otherwise you will be eliminated and will not be able to get on again!" Qin'er said with a solemn expression.

Su Mo understood clearly after hearing this. It seemed that this time the competition was a bit tricky.

At this moment, more than a hundred geniuses were not in a hurry to leave.

Many people are communicating secretly, discussing countermeasures, or inviting others to join forces.

"Juniors, the opportunity to show your strength has come. What are you waiting for?"

At this moment, a loud shout rang out from outside the city, like thunder exploding.

Outside the ancient city of Samsara, the elders of the six palaces and more than five hundred geniuses who could not enter the ancient city had already flown high into the sky and were watching everything.

Outside the city, you can clearly see the situation of everyone.

The person who spoke at this moment was Elder Tian Youwei from the Heavenly King's Palace.


As soon as Tian Youwei finished speaking, he saw a figure rising into the sky, instantly flying into the sky and landing on one of Samsara Heavenly Lord's fingers.

This person is none other than Tianchen Shan.

"Everyone, I would like to advise you, if anyone dares to compete with me, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Standing on the huge fingers of Samsara Heavenly Lord, Tianchenshan looked down at everyone and shouted loudly.

Tianchenshan's body showed an extremely domineering aura, and his eyes flashed with sternness.

This feeling is as if he will kill anyone who wants to compete with him.

Whoosh whoosh!

Someone took action again, and saw Ji Yuesong, Gui Wuxue from the Demon King's Palace, Hua Xiaoque from the Beast King's Palace, Gui Sheng from the Ghost King's Palace, and Di Yang from the Earth King's Palace, all flying into the sky.

At lightning speed, the five people immediately occupied one of Samsara Heavenly Lord's fingers.

In an instant, six of Samsara Heavenly Lord's ten fingers were occupied.

The people who occupy these six fingers are the strongest monsters in the six palaces.

At this moment, there are still four fingers left, but there are more than a hundred people.

The remaining people were not in a hurry to act. Most of these people were at the second level of cultivation. There were more than a dozen high-level second-level people.

Su Mo didn't act in a hurry. No matter what happened to Fang Zheng, as long as he was strong enough, he could occupy one finger.

Some people with weak cultivation did not take action, because if they were not strong enough, they would become the target of public criticism, so it was better to wait and see what happened.

"Sister Luo Yu, what should we do?" Qin'er asked Luo Yu. Although she knew that with her own cultivation, it was impossible to get the top ten spots, she still had to fight for it.

"Let's join forces first, and then invite a few people from the palace to try to occupy one finger!" Luo Yu said with a thoughtful look on her face.

"That's all we can do!" Qin'er nodded.

"How about we invite Lin Wushuang to join us?" Chu Yan said. Lin Wushuang is a monster in the Human King's Palace, and his cultivation is comparable to Ji Yuesong.

However, as soon as Chu Yan finished speaking, many people started to fly again, flying into the sky and occupying the remaining four fingers.

However, this time, it is no longer one person occupying one finger, but two, three, five or six people occupying one finger.

And Lin Wushuang, together with an evildoer from the Earthly Palace, occupied a finger.

"Let's work together to guard this finger and decide the outcome!" Lin Wushuang said to the monster in the palace.

"Yeah!" The monster from the Earthly Palace nodded slightly.

"It seems we have no hope, these people are all second-grade advanced cultivation!"

Qin'er looked around at the people above ten fingers and said helplessly, these people are all second-grade high-level practitioners, how could they possibly beat them.

Unless you invite more people, there will be a chance with the strength of the crowd.

"Invite all palace disciples to give it a try with all your strength!"

Luo Yu took a deep breath. They didn't have the upper hand in cultivation, so they had to do this.

Immediately, she called everyone in the palace to gather together.

The remaining disciples from other palaces did not give up and started organizing one after another.

In the end, the six palaces formed six teams, each with a large number of people, more than ten people.

However, among the six teams, the people with the highest cultivation level are only second-grade intermediates.

Su Mo was not surprised when Luo Yu and Qin'er were included in the team of the King's Palace. He didn't have any objection. He wanted someone to help him clean up his opponents.

Whoosh whoosh! !

After a while, everyone started to take action. Several teams chose a finger of Samsara Heavenly Lord and prepared to defeat the opponents above.

Of course, the team in each palace will not choose the finger occupied by the monster in their own palace.

For example, the team from Ghost Palace flew onto the finger occupied by Ji Yuesong, preparing to eliminate Ji Yuesong.

The team from the Earthly Palace flew onto the finger occupied by the demon Gui Sheng in the Ghost Palace, preparing to defeat Gui Sheng.

Of course, not all teams are targeting this most powerful monster.

The team from the Demon King's Palace flew onto the finger occupied by Lin Wushuang and the monster from the Earthly Palace.

"Let's go up!" Luo Yu, who was obviously the leader of the Royal Palace team, shouted softly and flew upwards.

Everyone followed Luo Yu and flew onto one of Samsara Heavenly Lord's fingers.

This is a little finger of Samsara Heavenly Lord. On it are three monsters from the Ghost King's Palace, all of whom are at the second level of advanced cultivation.

As several teams began to take action, the war suddenly came.

PS: Three book friends who won the prize on the public account: First place: ?? is a big boy, second place: Fei Young, third place: Ye Weiyang TEL; don’t forget to leave your contact information on the Lobster public account Oh, I will send gifts! ! !

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