Peerless God Lord

Chapter 1546 I found Su Mo

"Bi Qinghan!" Su Mo's eyes lit up and he saw the person flying towards him at a glance. It was Bi Qinghan, the second true disciple of the Dao Sect.

Bi Qinghan, Li Hentian and Elder Lu of the Tianxu Sect once attacked and killed Su Mo in the starry sky. Su Mo has not forgotten this enemy.

Now seeing Bi Qinghan appear, murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

However, he had already reached the mountain peak and it was too late to stop.


With a muffled sound, Su Mo stepped on the mountain peak. At the same time, the scene in front of him immediately changed drastically.

In front of him, what was still a mountain peak turned into a vast plain area. The air was full of demonic energy, and the land was overgrown with various weeds, making it look barren.

"Is it an illusion?" Su Mo narrowed his eyes. No wonder everyone on the mountain was walking in circles or standing still. It turned out to be an illusion.

This was not beyond Su Mo's expectation. He had guessed this before.

Immediately, Su Mo looked around and started walking. Only by finding out the mystery of this illusion could he get those magic flowers.

In the sky above the mountain peak, a figure flashed, and Bi Qinghan arrived in an instant.

"So you're here!" Bi Qinghan looked at the mountain peak and saw Su Mo spinning in circles on the top of the mountain. A sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Now, all the disciples of Tianxu Sect were looking for Su Mo, but they didn't expect that he would be the first to find him.

Immediately, Bi Qinghan moved his palm, and a communication talisman appeared in his palm.

"Li Hentian, I've found Su Mo. Come here quickly!" Bi Qinghan said with a smile as a ray of profound energy was injected into the communication talisman.

He didn't say where he was, because Li Hentian could know his location based on the location of the communication talisman.

The reason why Bi Qinghan helped Li Hentian and Tianxu Sect was not because he was a spy of Tianxu Sect, but because of his relationship with Li Hentian.

He and Li Hentian have known each other since childhood and are close friends. They have a brotherly relationship.

That's why he helped Tianxu Sect and Li Hentian. First he told Tianxu Sect that Su Mo had gone to the starry sky, and now he told Li Hentian about Su Mo's location.

Of course, his efforts would not be in vain, Tianxu Sect gave him a fairly generous reward.

After transmitting the message and putting away the communication talisman, Bi Qinghan began to look at the mountain peak.

He had seen the situation on the mountain peak from a distance before arriving, and knew that the people on the mountain peak might be trapped and lost their way.

"What a strange mountain!" Bi Qinghan frowned and pondered for a moment, then raised his palm and suddenly struck the mountain with a palm.


In an instant, a huge palm print of profound energy slammed towards the mountain peak.

This palm is quite powerful. The palm print is as big as a palace. It contains earth-shattering profound energy fluctuations and can crush the space. Its power is unparalleled.

What's worth mentioning is that the spot where Bi Qinghan's palm print struck was right on top of Su Mo's head.

Under normal circumstances, if this palm hit hard, Su Mo would be reduced to ashes.

In an instant, the palm print was close to the top of Su Mo's head, but Su Mo didn't notice it at all and was still walking in circles.


Just when the palm print was about to hit Su Mo's head, the huge palm print suddenly shattered, collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

"Weird!" Bi Qinghan was silent for a while, then he flashed and landed at the foot of the mountain.

He was still planning to wait until Li Hentian arrived before talking. This mountain peak was extremely weird, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

After Li Hentian arrived, they would discuss how to deal with Su Mo.

In the illusion, Su Mo walked slowly, leaving a footprint on the ground with every step he took.

He deliberately left a mark so that he would know that he had not gone back.

However, after walking for a while, he turned back and saw his own footprints in front of him.

Su Mo stopped and frowned in thought. In this illusion, although his spiritual consciousness was not restricted, everything he examined with his spiritual consciousness was false.

His spiritual sense detected that it covered a radius of more than 20,000 miles. Under the perception of his spiritual sense, he was on a vast plain. There was nothing within a radius of 20,000 miles, and there was nothing within ten feet around him. any difference.

And he was clearly on a mountain peak, so how could he be on a plain?

"This illusory formation is really profound!" Su Mo murmured to himself, secretly thinking about how to break it. This place was different from the misty mountains in the Sky World.

In the Misty Mountains, although his sight and spiritual perception were greatly restricted, he could find the correct direction by observing the twisted trajectory of space.

But in this illusion, the space is not distorted, everything is normal, just like the normal world.

After pondering for a moment, Su Mo began to try various methods, such as drilling into the ground, flying into the sky, powerfully breaking the space, etc.

He tried various methods, but none of them were of any use, and he could not escape from this illusion.

"Damn it, are you going to be trapped?" Su Mo's face darkened. It would be bad if he was trapped.

However, the Sirius from the Howling Sirius clan got a magic flower before. How did the other party get it?

Is it just a coincidence?

This is unlikely. In this illusion, there is no coincidence. The other party must have found some way.

After a while, Su Mo stopped walking around and sat down cross-legged, putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind and thinking carefully.

He must get out as soon as possible, or find the mystery of this illusion, otherwise the longer he delays, the more disadvantageous it will be to him.

"Illusion, demonic energy, mountain peaks!" Su Mo murmured to himself in a low voice. A light flashed in his eyes. He thought of a way to try.

That is to devour it directly. On this mountain peak, including in the illusion, there are demonic energy billowing. The formation of the illusion requires energy, and this demonic energy is the source of power.

If he swallowed all the demonic energy, wouldn't the illusion be broken automatically?

Of course, Su Mo was not sure whether swallowing the demonic energy directly could break the formation, but swallowing the demonic energy was much easier than finding other methods.

Su Mo did it as soon as he thought of it. Without saying a word, Su Mo immediately activated the Devouring Spirit in his body and started devouring it.

He has no time to understand the mystery of this illusion and find other methods. He must break this formation as soon as possible.

With the activation of the Devouring War Soul, the billowing demonic energy in the illusion suddenly rushed towards Su Mo like thousands of streams returning to their clan.

Moreover, the Devouring War Spirit was no longer a Devouring Martial Spirit. It had evolved to be very powerful. The devouring force swept across it. Even the earth and rocks under him were cracking and breaking, and they were burrowing into Su Mo's body.

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