Peerless God Lord

Chapter 15 Blood Knife Village

Eighty miles away from Linyang City, on a green path.

Su Mo carried the long sword on his back, spread out his body skills, and rushed towards Youfeng Mountain Range.

Youfeng Mountain Range is more than a hundred miles away from Linyang City. With Su Mo's speed, he can reach it in about half an hour.

"Huh? What a strong smell of blood!"

Su Mo frowned as he hurried on. He felt keenly that there was a strong smell of blood floating in the air nearby.

what happened?

Where does such a strong smell of blood come from?

Su Mo stopped and thought for a moment, then followed the smell of blood to see what was going on?

After a while.

A small village appeared in Su Mo's sight, with about a hundred households.

But at this time, the entire village was in dilapidated condition, a large number of houses collapsed, and the village was littered with corpses.

The scarlet blood dyed the earth red, and the blood flowed into a river, just like Shura Hell.

The strong smell of blood emanates from this village.

"This is……?"

Su Mo was shocked. Even though he had seen strong winds and waves, he was still extremely shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Who is so cruel? He actually slaughtered an entire village!"

Su Mo's anger rose in his heart, and his eyes flashed coldly.

Taking a deep breath, Su Mo flew forward and walked into the village.

The whole village was in deathly silence, with corpses scattered everywhere, scattered limbs and broken arms, and bloody red blood, which made people sick.

Among the corpses, there were many old, weak, women and children. Su Mo saw a little girl of three or four years old who had been stabbed through the body by a knife and fell to the wall not far away.

All this made Su Mo extremely angry and his face was as gloomy as water.

Who could be so inhumane? Doing something that is outrageous to both humans and gods?

ah! ah!

Suddenly, a slight moan reached Su Mo's ears.

Su Mo's expression changed and he quickly ran towards the source of the sound. Not long after, he saw an old man with gray hair among the collapsed ruins.

The old man was covered in blood, and half of his body was suppressed under the rubble. He was severely injured, but he was still alive.

"Old man, how are you?"

Su Mo hurried forward, moved the rubble away, and helped the old man up.

I saw that the old man's abdomen was cut open with a sharp knife, and his intestines flowed out. It was obvious that he would not survive.

"What a sin! God is unfair! Wuwu...!" The old man was in a daze and cried loudly.

"Old man, what is going on?" Su Mo asked.

After a while, the old man stopped crying and his eyes gradually became clear.

"Little brother, save my granddaughter! Please save my granddaughter!"

The old man looked at Su Mo and suddenly grabbed his hand tightly, his face full of pleading.

"Old man, don't worry! Tell me what's going on?" Su Mo asked.

"It's the Blood Knife Village! It's the beasts from the Blood Knife Village who looted our village and killed all the villagers."

The old man's face was full of grief and anger, and his eyes revealed immense resentment.

"Is it the Blood Knife Village?"

Su Mo's eyes narrowed. He had heard about this Blood Knife Village.

It is said that they are a gang of bandits hundreds of miles away from Linyang City. They are numerous and ruthless, and they often burn, kill and loot.

However, although this Blood Knife Village does all kinds of evil, they are also very self-aware. They never provoke slightly stronger forces and only attack some weak people.

Therefore, the Blood Knife Village was able to thrive for many years without being wiped out.

"How many are there? What are their strengths?"

Su Mo's eyes were filled with coldness, and murderous intent burst out in his heart.

"There are not many of them. There is only a small team of about twenty people. However, they are basically masters of the third level or above of the Qi Refining Realm. They are very powerful."

The old man was bleeding profusely and his voice became weaker and weaker: "There are only five Qi Refining Realm experts in our village, and they are no match for them. They killed them all very quickly!"

"Little brother, please save my granddaughter. My granddaughter was taken away by them. As long as you can save her, I will work as a horse for you in the next life."

The old man begged Su Mo, no matter how strong Su Mo was, he could defeat the bandits.

However, he could also tell that Su Mo was wearing more luxurious clothes and must be a member of a big family. He would definitely be able to save his granddaughter.

"Old man, don't worry! I will definitely rescue your granddaughter."

Su Mo nodded heavily.

At this moment, his heart was quite complicated. This was the nature of this world. The weak could only be slaughtered by others, while the strong could do whatever they wanted.

"Okay! Okay! Thank you little brother...!"

A smile finally appeared on the old man's face, and then he tilted his head and died.

"Blood Knife Village?"

Su Mo stood up, clenched his fists, and said with murderous intent in his brows: "You scumbags shouldn't live in this world at all."

Su Mo immediately left and followed the horse's hoof prints outside the village.

This village had just been looted not long ago, and the people from Blood Knife Village should not have gone far yet.

Su Mo was going to kill all these beasts.

drive! drive! drive!

A group of bandits from the Blood Knife Village were driving their horses on the mountain path.

This group of bandits did not move very fast, because there were twenty or thirty women in their team.

Among this group of women, the older ones include women in their thirties and forties, while the younger ones include girls of twelve or thirteen years old. Whether they are women or girls, all of them are pretty.

"Brothers, rest where you are for a while, and then go on your way after eating."

The tall bandit captain gave orders to his men.

Soon, the group of bandits stopped, rested on the spot, lit a bonfire, and roasted game.

A large group of women were also gathered together by them.

"Hey! I didn't expect to get so many good things this time. I can't wait!"

A bandit looked at the group of women with a lewd smile, revealing his nakedness.

"Haha! I haven't seen any meat for more than a month. When we go back this time, we brothers will have a good time!"

Another bandit with a scar on his face laughed, his eyes rested on one of the girls in green, and said with a lustful look on his face: "This girl is really the best! Mad, I have never seen such a girl in my entire life. Real girl!"

Among this group of women, there is a girl in green clothes who is fourteen or fifteen years old. The girl's appearance is extremely outstanding. She stands out among the other women and is quite eye-catching.

Although the girl was dressed simply, she still couldn't hide her temperament that bloomed like a green lotus.

"Hmph! Ma Laosan, if you don't want to die, don't pay attention to her. I'm going to go back and dedicate this girl to the leader of the village!"

The bandit captain's eyes were cold and he scolded.

"Hey, since it's going to be given to the leader of the village, I won't do anything about it."

The scar-faced bandit couldn't help but shuddered when he thought of the cruelty of the village leader, and smiled brightly.

Kick, kick, kick!


At this moment, one of the young women took advantage of the bandits not paying attention and ran away, running dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

"Hehe! Captain, leave this little bitch to me!"

The scar-faced bandit sneered and quickly chased after her. After a while, he captured the young woman.

"Haha! Little bitch, if you still want to run away from me, I will punish you on the spot right now!"

The scar-faced bandit smiled obscenely and dragged the young woman into the grass nearby.


Not long after the Scarface Bandit entered the grass, a loud shout came from the grass. ***3***6***9***


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