Peerless God Lord

Chapter 1330 Tai Shijue (fourth update)

Chixia Cave Heaven, Ziwei Holy Land, Jiuxiao Holy Land, Taishi Family, Yunding Holy Sect, Cangyun Holy Sect, Starry Holy Sect, Sun and Moon Holy Sect, Imperial Ancestor Holy Dynasty, Guangyun Tiangong, Canghai Temple, Purple Light Holy Sect, Wuji Holy Sect Mountain.

These are the thirteen major forces behind Shenwu Academy. These thirteen major forces are distributed on the Ancient Zhou Star and several surrounding stars.

Each of these thirteen major forces is a top existence among ordinary human forces within the Ancient Spirit Galaxy.

If more than a dozen major forces unite, they will not be much different from the main line of the Witch Clan.

Of course, the Ancient Spirit Galaxy is extremely vast, and the various forces are complicated. Not to mention some other alien races, there are many big forces like these thirteen forces among ordinary human races.

Within the Shenwu Academy, the thirteen factions also have their own characteristics, such as the Purple Light Saint Sect faction, which attracts some geniuses who practice light-attribute martial arts.

Another example is the Imperial Ancestor Holy Dynasty faction. Because the Imperial Ancestor Holy Dynasty is a country, this faction likes to recruit people who are good at conquering and fighting to expand the territory of the Holy Dynasty.

Over a cup of tea, Nie Gan told Su Mo everything he knew about the thirteen factions.

After Su Mo heard this, he fell into silence. He didn't know which faction was more suitable for him.

"Brother Su, although joining a faction will involve you in various fights, the benefits are actually endless. Han Ying and I are not very talented. We wanted to join a faction before, but no faction wanted us!" Nie Gan said with a lonely face.

Disciples like him and Han Ying can only wait until they have stayed in the academy for thirty years before they are eligible to join one of the thirteen forces.

At that time, they had achieved some achievements in cultivation, and then these thirteen major forces were willing to accept them.

"Oh, what's the benefit?" Su Mo asked curiously.

"Brother Su, you don't know something. Because joining a faction means joining the force behind that faction in the future, so you can get key training from that force!" Nie Gan said.

"Yes! Brother Su, each faction often holds various trials, expeditions, etc. The benefits are endless. The speed of cultivation is much faster than that of ordinary disciples like us!" Han Ying said in agreement.

"Is there such a thing?" Su Mo was shocked when he heard this. He had never heard of this before. If that were the case, joining a faction would be beneficial without any harm.

"Of course, why else would so many people join the faction in advance?" Nie Gan said.

"Brother Su, look at Nanyuan where we are, it seems that there are not many disciples, only about 10,000 people. In fact, there are no less than 50,000 disciples in Nanyuan, but most of them are people from major factions, and they are rarely in the academy. !" Han Ying said.

"That's it!" Su Mo understood.

"Actually, strictly speaking, ordinary disciples can only be regarded as peripheral disciples of Shenwu Academy. Only those who join a faction are considered core disciples!" Han Ying said solemnly.

Su Mo nodded in acquiescence and felt deeply about what they said. It seemed that it was true.

Shenwu Academy is a place that recruits talents for more than a dozen factions. Only when they join their factions will they vigorously train them.

If you don't join a faction, you will have to practice alone. After thirty years, you can join one of the factions.

This difference is huge, because if you join a faction early and receive key training, your cultivation strength and status will be much higher after you join your faction in the future than if you join later.

It seems that I didn't join a faction before, but I was a bit arrogant.

Although joining a faction may involve you in the battles between major factions, not joining a faction is not very stable.

"Well, then I will join a faction. Which one do you think is suitable?" Su Mo nodded and asked for their opinions.

"Brother Su, you can make your own decision! Anyway, it's not much different!" Nie Gan shook his head.

"Which force is the richest and has the greatest opportunities?" Su Mo asked.


Nie Gan pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and said: "To say that the wealthiest force with the most opportunities is the Imperial Ancestor Dynasty. This country often fights, expands outwards, plunders endless wealth, and rewards those who have military exploits. Very big!”

"Yes!" Su Mo nodded secretly. This Imperial Dynasty was the only country among more than a dozen powers, and conquest and expansion were unavoidable.


hehe! His fighting spirit is that he is not afraid of crowds and will destroy your millions of troops in just one breath!

Su Mo secretly decided that if someone from the Royal Ancestor Holy Dynasty faction came to win over him, he would join directly.

After Nie Gan, Han Ying and Su Mo chatted for a while, they all returned to their caves.

The two of them were still injured and had to go back for treatment.

Su Mo sat alone in the cave, meditating quietly. The Shenwu Academy was not a place where he could stay for a long time. People from the Wu Clan might come looking for him at some point.

He wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible, so it would be good to join a faction. Even if people from the Wu clan came to find him, he would have a backer and it would be easier to deal with them.

Immediately, Su Mo began to sort out the trophies in the cave.

In the battle of Tianmingxing, he got a lot of loot, but he didn't even have time to sort it out.

It took Su Mo a full hour to sort out the trophies on his body. The wealth was astonishing.

There are more than a million low-grade spiritual crystals, and the top-grade spiritual stones are indescribable, more than a trillion, and the lower-grade high-grade spiritual stones are also astronomical.

Various weapons, treasures, martial arts and martial arts are also countless.

Of course, most of them are low-level treasures and martial arts secrets, not even 1% of them are above the emperor level.

Even so, it is already very impressive.

After all, he also gave Nie Qian and Han Ying, as well as a small part of the Cangqiong Palace.

After a while, after sorting out the trophies, Su Mo put aside his distracting thoughts and started practicing.

The inner mansion is far away from Huoyuan Peak, on a mountain peak that is much smaller than Huoyuan Peak.

There are not many buildings on the mountain, only a few palaces.

In one of the palaces, there were more than a hundred young people sitting in the main hall, including You Tianhan.

Each of these people has a powerful aura, filled with the aura of the venerable. You Tianhan's cultivation level is only at the bottom among these people.

Sitting on the central seat was a young man wearing a silver robe. This young man was very tall, over eight feet tall.

The young man's cheeks are long and his eyes are as sharp as an eagle.

Although this person is young, he already has the feeling of being in a superior position.

"Everyone, Tai Shixuan was killed by a man named Su Mo. Do you all know about this?" The silver-robed young man looked around the crowd and said expressionlessly.

"Holy Son, you tell me what to do!" said a young man.

The young man in silver robes on the main seat is the saint son of the Taishi family faction, one of the eighteen saint sons of the Shenwu Academy, Taishi Tianyi!

"Dare to kill the direct descendants of my Taishi family, you are simply asking for death. My request is only one word, kill!" Taishi Tianyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and the words in his mouth were extremely cold.

Su Mo must die in this matter, otherwise, the Taishi Family Faction will become the laughing stock of other factions.

After all, Taishi Xuan is not an ordinary member of the Taishi Family faction, but a direct descendant of the Taishi Family.

If Su Mo dared to kill Taishi Xuan, he would be slapping Taishi's family faction in the face and Taishi's providence in the face!

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