Peerless God Lord

Chapter 1301 Heavenly Sword Technique

Su Mo felt the scene in front of him change, and then he appeared in a vast wasteland.

He turned around and looked around. The wasteland was vast, endless, and very vast.

The wasteland is covered with lush vegetation, overgrown weeds, and some low ancient trees. There are also low mountain peaks in the distance.

"Is this the high priest's spatial treasure?" Su Mo's eyes flashed. Could Qingxuan be here?

Su Mo immediately became slightly excited and wanted to look for Qingxuan.

But soon, he suppressed this unrealistic thought, not to mention that Qingxuan might not be here, even if she was here, he wouldn't be able to save her.

Once your identity is exposed, you will definitely die!

And since this place is among the high priest's spatial treasures, it must be under the high priest's prying eyes.

Now that his goal is almost achieved, he cannot fail because of impatience!

Seeing no one around, Su Mo guessed that all those who participated in the third test were separated.

Then, he tried to calm down his mind, sat cross-legged, and began to learn martial arts.

The position of Shaoshi was just around the corner, and he would go all out to win it in one fell swoop.

Su Mo carefully felt the martial arts in his mind. The martial arts taught by the high priest was a sword technique called "Heavenly Sword Technique".

However, a sword is not required to perform this sword technique, because this sword technique emphasizes that everything in the world can be used as a sword.

Every plant, every tree, every flower, every stone, everything can become a sword in your hand.

"What a mysterious sword technique!" Su Mo was amazed in his heart. The high priest of the Witch Clan could actually create such a mysterious sword technique. He is worthy of being a super strong man in the Martial Saint Realm.

Immediately, Su Mo studied this sword technique carefully and found that there were no levels in this sword technique, and it was not very difficult to practice.

The power of this sword technique is determined by the practitioner's cultivation, control, and perception of the sword technique.

In other words, when this sword technique is mastered, it can be very strong or very weak, it all depends on the ability of the person who uses it.

After a while, Su Mo studied the sword technique several times. Instead of practicing it in a hurry, he pondered it carefully in his mind to figure out the mystery.

To be honest, this sword technique is very simple. After knowing the principles, he can perform it immediately.

However, it is somewhat difficult to exert its powerful power.


After pondering quietly for an hour, Su Mo gave a soft drink and raised his palm, causing all the stones, dead leaves, weeds, etc. within a hundred feet around him to fly away.

"Go!" Su Mo pointed forward, and countless stones and dead leaves flew out like lightning.

Poof! Poof! !


Stones, dead leaves and other objects shot into a sieve at a larger ancient tree several miles away, and then the ancient tree collapsed, sending up a cloud of dust.

"The power is too low!" Su Mo shook his head. Warriors of his level could basically use this method of turning everything into a sword, but it had no power at all.

This kind of swordsmanship uses a special method to mobilize the spiritual power to mobilize all things, and then also uses the spiritual power as a guide to guide the power into all things, thus forming a powerful power.

The former is easier, the latter is a little more difficult.

Immediately, Su Mo continued to practice and used the Heavenly Sword Technique again and again. All kinds of gravel, dead leaves and other objects within a thousand feet around him were completely destroyed by him.

With continuous practice, his understanding of this Heavenly Sword Technique became deeper and deeper, and every time he used this technique, the power became more and more powerful.


Su Mo soared into the sky, raised his hands, and countless messy objects within a hundred miles began to float.

Then, under the control of Su Mo's mental thoughts, these countless debris seemed to turn into a beautiful little sword, piercing the sky and shooting towards a hill in the distance.

Countless small swords, densely packed and countless, seemed to be a rain of swords, overwhelming the hill.

next moment.


An explosion shook the heavens and the earth, and the two-hundred-foot-high hill thousands of miles away was suddenly exploded, turning into rubble and scattered in all directions.

"Not bad! You should have achieved some success!" Su Mo smiled and murmured to himself in a low voice. Only one day had passed and there were still two days left.

Within two days, cultivating to the state of Dacheng is not a big problem.

Moreover, this Heavenly Sword Technique is also very particular. The method he used to control countless 'swords' requires very high requirements and control on the warrior.

It was only because of his strong mental strength that he was able to do this.

If he could only control a small number of objects, the power of this Heavenly Sword Art would be even higher.

Immediately, Su Mo changed places and continued to practice the Heavenly Sword Technique.

As time went by, his Heavenly Sword Art became more and more pure and powerful, and when he finally used it with all his strength, it was almost close to the power of his natal Spirit Sword Formation.

Although this power is not too strong, it is still very impressive!

The reason why Su Mo can practice so quickly is that firstly, he is a sword cultivator and naturally has more understanding of swords. Secondly, he has extremely strong mental power and high understanding. Thirdly, it is not difficult to practice the Heavenly Sword Technique.

However, he didn't know if he had reached the state of Dacheng at present, but he felt that his performance was perfect and everything went smoothly.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. At a certain moment, Su Mo, who was practicing the Heavenly Sword Art, suddenly felt a huge idea suddenly envelope him.

The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared and he was forcibly pulled out of this space.

Swish, swish, swish! !

In the Holy Witch Square, figures flickered, and sixty-one geniuses who participated in the third level of assessment appeared on the square one after another.

There is no change in the square from three days ago. Everyone is waiting for the end of the third level.

Seeing Su Mo and others coming out, everyone became excited. Who can pass the test will be decided soon.

Who can become the new Shaosi may be decided at this level!

The high priest's penetrating gaze swept over the sixty-one geniuses one by one. When he spotted Su Mo, he paused for a moment, and a trace of undetectable appreciation flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, three days have passed, and now it's time to test your results!" the high priest announced loudly.

After saying this, the high priest pondered for a moment and continued: "Those who think they have not mastered the Heavenly Sword Jue should leave on their own! To avoid embarrassment!"

As soon as the high priest said this, many of the sixty-one geniuses immediately changed their expressions and showed hesitation.

Shao Qing, forty-five people left slowly and walked aside with sad faces.

These people who left are all self-aware and aware of the progress of their cultivation. Let alone the realm of Dacheng, they are not even close to the realm of Xiaocheng.

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