Peerless God Lord

Chapter 1142 Are you willing?

In the early morning, the sun rises.

In the new house, Su Mo put on a moon-white gown. Xi'er's jade hand gently smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes.

After more than a month of cultivation, although Su Mo's energy and spirit had not fully recovered, there was no impact on him, so he ended the retreat.

After spending a whole night with Xi'er, not only did he not feel tired at all, but he felt a hundred times more energetic.

"Xi'er, how many disciples have you recruited in Shuiyue Palace?" Su Mo asked with a smile.

"There are more than 3,000 people. However, coupled with the re-division of the old disciples, Shuiyue Palace now has nearly 30,000 disciples!" Xi'er said with a smile.


Su Mo nodded slightly. The original 200,000 disciples of the Firmament Palace were re-divided according to their respective talents and attributes. This way they would be more suitable for development and management.

Although there are currently no heirs to the Evergreen Palace, Thunder Palace, and Houtu Palace, there will be no problems if there are guardian puppets to help manage them.

"By the way, Brother Su Mo, Zhan Luan is currently in the palace and has been waiting for you for a month!" Xi'er thought of something and suddenly said.

"Zhan Luan?" Su Mo was stunned when he heard this. He then remembered that last time in the Emperor Xuan Mountains, he asked Zhan Luan to come to the Cang Qiong Palace.

Then, Su Mo said goodbye to Xi'er, left the room, and went to meet Zhan Luan.

In a simple side hall, Su Mo and Zhan Luan were seated as guest and host.

"Zhan Luan, long time no see. Hello!" Su Mo looked at Zhan Luan with a smile on his face. The more he looked at him, the more he realized that he was very suitable for Houtu Palace.

Zhan Luan is a genius with twin martial souls. He has a giant martial soul and an earth martial soul. His talent is definitely at the peak of existence, and he is very suitable for Houtu Palace.

"Su Mo, what do you want from me?" Zhan Luan sat still, tall and straight. Even when facing Su Mo, the invincible being in the world, his expression remained unchanged.

"I'm looking for you, of course I have something to do!"

Su Mo nodded, pondered for a while, and said solemnly: "How about you join the Firmament Palace?

Zhan Luan was startled when he heard this, then immediately shook his head and said: "This is impossible. I was born in the War Temple and grew up in the War Temple. It is impossible to betray the War Temple!"

Zhan Luan is a principled person and he will not be oppressed by others.

"No one wants you to betray!"

Su Mo chuckled lightly and continued: "Soon, the world in the sky will be unified, so there is no such thing as betrayal!"

"What? You want to annex all the big forces?" Zhan Luan was shocked when he heard this and narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect Su Mo's appetite to be so big.

In fact, with Su Mo's current strength, the Cangqiong Palace has become invincible, and other major forces will definitely surrender on the surface.

But this is not enough. What he wants is unification, but he is not in a hurry.

"The catastrophe is coming, we have to do something!" Su Mo sighed. In fact, if it weren't for the catastrophe, he wouldn't bother to fight for hegemony. It would be great to be free and at ease with the one he loves.

"There are still eight or nine years left for the great catastrophe. Besides, even if you unify the entire firmament world, it will not help!"

Zhan Luan shook his head. Facing the arrival of the tester, the strong men in the sky world could only try their best to hide in order to have a chance to escape the disaster of death. Fighting against them was tantamount to seeking death.

He didn't think that Su Mo was doing it to fight against the catastrophe, it was definitely his own ambition and desire.

"Are you willing to be a lamb slaughtered by the trialists? Are you willing to be the captive prey of the Witch Clan in the Sky World for generations to come? Don't you want to resist?" Su Mo looked into Zhan Luan's eyes with burning eyes and asked repeatedly. Three questions.

Zhan Luan frowned when he heard this. Of course he wasn't willing to give in, but what could he do if he wasn't willing to give in?

According to the records of the ancestors of the War Temple, the Witch Clan is an uncontestable existence. They can only hope to survive by hiding and escaping.

"Answer me, are you willing?" Su Mo suddenly shouted coldly, and a domineering and majestic aura rose to the sky from him.

"I'm not willing to give in!" Faced with Su Mo's sudden change, Zhan Luan was startled and said subconsciously.

"Since you are not willing to give in, then follow me, defeat the tester, break out of the sky world, and pursue the freedom we deserve!" Su Mo looked solemn and his voice was extremely low.

Defeat the tester, break out of the sky world, and pursue our freedom——

Su Mo's words echoed endlessly in Zhan Luan's mind.

Zhan Luan was shocked. He didn't expect Su Mo to have such ambition. Is this possible?

Countless ancestors in ancient times all wanted to achieve this idea and worked hard for it.

But for countless thousands of years, for generations, no one has been able to do it.

Resistance will only result in a bloody massacre, with no exceptions at all.

Therefore, in today's sky world, when faced with the catastrophe of the Trialists, what we think about is no longer resistance, but how to hide and how to escape!

"Can you do it?" Zhan Luan asked in a daze. Although he knew that Su Mo's talent was terrifying and unparalleled forever, he still didn't believe that Su Mo could accomplish this great feat.

Because since ancient times, there have been too many amazing geniuses who eventually suffered from hatred and fell into the hands of the testers.

For example, Dugu Shang, the ancestor of the Dugu family and the forger of the Billion Demonic Swords.

In the ancient times, Dugu Shang was an unparalleled monster, and was ultimately invincible. In order to fight against the testers, he forged a terrifying magic weapon such as the Billion Demon Sword.

But in the end, Dugu Shang still ended in failure.

However, if it is really possible to accomplish this feat, Zhan Luan will not refuse. He is considered the most outstanding genius in this era, and he must definitely shoulder the responsibility.

"If you don't succeed, you will succeed!" Su Mo said calmly. He would definitely do it, not only to save the world of the sky, but also for his own destiny.

Moreover, Su Mo knew that with his current level of cultivation, it was impossible to break through to the realm of the Martial Emperor in the Cangqiong World.

Because of the sky world, resources are severely lacking and luck has been exhausted.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for a Martial Emperor to appear in the current Cangqiong World. The emergence of Wu Sen is already a miracle.

He wanted to break through to the realm of Emperor Martial in the world of heaven, but faced numerous difficulties. If he could not be promoted to Emperor Martial, he would not be able to save Qian Xunyue.

Therefore, considering various circumstances, Su Mo must leave the Sky World.

Looking at the determination in Su Mo's eyes, Zhan Luan's heart surged and could not calm down for a long time. He felt that the blood in his body seemed to have been mobilized.

"Do you have any specific plans?" Zhan Luan asked in a deep voice.

"Any plan is in vain. Only by strengthening yourself can you have hope of victory!"

Su Mo's eyes flickered and he continued: "There are a lot of top ancient martial arts in the Cangqiong Palace. With our talents, eight or nine years is enough!"

After hearing Su Mo's words, Zhan Luan fell silent and kept thinking in his heart.

Yes, no one doubts that Cang Qiong Palace, as an ancient overlord-level force, possesses a large number of ancient most powerful martial arts.

If they have so many martial arts skills and gather the resources of the entire Cangqiong World, with their talents, their strength will be able to reach an extreme within a few years.

By then, there might actually be hope of victory.

The most important thing is that with Su Mo, a genius whose talent exceeds common sense, it is not impossible to accomplish this feat.

Moreover, in today's era, as the strength of the firmament world is getting weaker and weaker, the strength of the testers who come is also getting weaker and weaker, which is far from being compared with the ancient times.

"Okay, I'm willing to join the Firmament Palace!"

After being silent for a long time, Zhan Luan nodded heavily. His heart was moved!

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