Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3254: Picture poor see

Chapter 3254

"Go together!"

Huang Yulong shouted, following the arrogance of the Five Elements Shadow Clan such as Lan Yi and Luo Lang, they shot together.

The light obscured the sky, and the earthquake shook and rolled.

Looking from a distance, the gray-robed old man's figure was already submerged, like a lonely boat in the stormy sea, which could be broken into dust at any time.

Of course, when a majestic aura came out of the gray-robed old man.

In an instant, his figure became tall and towering.


In the sky-shaking roar, Huang Yulong and others, Qi Qi was shaken out.

However, no one was injured.

At the moment of crisis, Awaken used the hand of the void to rescue Lan Yi, Luo Lang and others to avoid them being beheaded by the gray-robed old man's offensive.

After a round of offensive, the gray-robed old man was arrogant.

But these are actually just appearances.

The gray-robed old man who was already seriously injured was just forcibly suppressing the injury and had to take action. His strength was more like a glimpse.

As long as the battle continues, the gray-robed old man will not be able to hold it for long.

"Start-up style!"

Wake up and walk towards the gray-robed old man.

The water gathered around him.

With every step he took, his aura rose by one point, and the waters around him expanded in a large circle.

When the gray-robed old man was only a thousand miles away from waking up, beside him, there was already a vast ocean, with surging waves and surging momentum.

"What a profound sword intent."

"What is the origin of this kid?"

Lin Mo watched this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see that the nine swords of the sea that Awaken uses are very extraordinary, but his own cultivation is limited and he cannot fully reveal its power.

The gray-robed old man condensed all over his body.

He unexpectedly awakened himself and felt a sense of oppression.

In the usual way, such things will never happen. The reason is that his injuries are too serious. The forces that were previously restricted still exist in his body.

As a result, he had to allocate most of his power to suppress it.

Otherwise, he doesn't need to wake up and start hands, he himself will be frightened because of the full outbreak of his injuries.

"The sword is coming!"

Wake up with a soft drink.

The Tianque Broken Sword whizzed out, the sword light was like a wave, and it slashed towards the gray-robed old man at a very fast speed.


The gray-robed old man clenched a fist with one hand, and a large amount of extremely yin and ghost energy gathered, and then a punch was suddenly shot out, and it collided fiercely with the thick sword light.

It was as if two stars collided.

Terrible power fluctuations raged and spread from the middle area, mushroom clouds rose to the sky, and the strong wind roared, majestic and majestic.


The offensive for awakening has not yet settled, and has risen again.

Beside him, the vast ocean set off turbulent waves, one after another huge mountains, quickly advancing forward, trying to crush the gray-robed old man into pieces.

"Are you coming?"

The gray-robed old man's eyes were cold.

He clasped his hands together, muttering words.

Suddenly, there was a burst of light in his eyes, and the shroud on his body lit up with rays of light. Then, the shadow of his palm flew forward and quickly pushed forward.

The water ridge is pressed horizontally and the palm is fierce.

Two terrible forces collided constantly, obliterating each other's attacks.

The nine water ridges, one after another, seem to be endless.

When the watershed was shattered one after another, the figure of the gray-robed old man also retreated one after another.

This is very unusual.

With the strong cultivation base of the gray-robed old man, in the past, who can push him back?

"Can't stop it?"

The light in Lin Mo's eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Old ghost, take a knife!"

He Tong's figure fell from the sky, and the giant flame bear appeared with her, majestic, stalwart, ancient, and tyrannical, giving people a very terrifying feeling.

The knife light seemed to cut the world in half.

The timing of this knife is extremely clever.

Just when the gray-robed old man was fighting with awakening with all his strength, he had no time for him to look after him.

Not only that, the huge tornado is rolling forward.

Yanfeng also shot.

He cooperated with He Tong and did not give the gray-robed old man a chance to breathe.


After all, the gray-robed old man is the Yin Lord. Even at the end of the crossbow, the reaction speed is still extremely fast compared to the Divine King. I saw a lot of extremely Yin ghost energy rushing out of his body, turning into a huge spherical protective body. Photomask.

The light of the sword and the tornado rushed at the same time, but they couldn't kill the protective mask.


Yue Zhijun, Huang Yulong and others also acted.

This battle has reached the most critical time, and every effort must be made to completely crush the gray-robed old man, otherwise, he may face the opponent's counterattack.

The sky is full of light, and the divine light is bright.

Huang Yulong, Yue Zhijun, and others are not the general generation, and everyone's combat power level has entered the nine levels of the Divine King Realm. Together, they are naturally extraordinary.

Sure enough, the gray-robed old man who had endured too many offensives had cracks emerging on the surrounding body shield.

At this time, above the sky, a huge roar sounded.

People involuntarily raised their eyes and looked, and they saw that a huge and incomparable sword descended slowly from the sky, seemingly slow and fast, carrying an extremely sharp aura.

In an instant, the gray-robed old man felt a huge sense of crisis.

However, he couldn't escape at all. His own energy was already completely locked. What's more, that sword seemed to break through the constraints of space, and instantly appeared above his head.



Amid the huge roar, the body shield beside the gray-robed old man burst into pieces.


"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The gray-robed old man uttered an extremely angry roar.

Immediately afterwards, a bright light burst out from his body, and a thick and majestic extremely yin ghost gas gushed out, and it turned out to be a huge Tianque broken sword flying out in an instant.


But after all this was done, the old man in gray robe also spewed a big mouthful of blood.

Just now, at the moment of the crisis, he just forcibly mobilized the power belonging to the Yin Lord to resolve the mortal blow of awakening, but because of this, the injury in the body deteriorated rapidly.

Now, he must find a place to heal his injuries with all his strength.

Otherwise, it won't be long before the injury breaks out, even if the ancestor descends, he will undoubtedly die, unable to return to heaven.


The gray-robed old man no longer stayed, taking advantage of the shock to fly the Tianque Broken Sword, he swept toward the rear at an extremely fast speed, trying to escape temporarily.

But soon there was a light and shadow catching up.

The other party seemed to have waited a long time, until this moment, it was Tu poor see.

It's like the hunter has long been staring at his prey.

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