Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3079: Desperate Slave Curse

Chapter 3179

The huge city was originally broken, but now it is completely destroyed.

But this is nothing. In contrast, the space array is unlocked, and the people are about to wake up from their deep sleep, which is undoubtedly a thing to celebrate.

Therefore, even the hunter who has always been Gujing Wubo is excited at this moment.

For him, this is a historical moment worth remembering.

Thousands of years of waiting finally ushered in the dawn.

Awakening can't imagine what kind of suffering and loneliness it would be for Shu Zun to stand alone for thousands of years, just to wait for the return of the tribe.

Suddenly he thought of the Void Bereaved. They... weren't they also waiting for him to rescue him?

The awakened fists involuntarily clenched tightly, and his eyes became extremely long and deep.

It took a full half a day before the world returned to peace.

The giant city is completely turned into ruins, but it will not be buried by yellow sand in the years to come, because the king will rebuild the giant city to welcome the return of the tribe.

Shou Zun took out a golden order arrow and solemnly handed it to Su Xing, saying: "This is the'Golden Profound God Arrow' of my Golden Devouring clan. If you are in trouble, you will shoot the Golden Profound God Arrow. I will definitely come to support, no matter the sword or the fire."

A golden mysterious arrow, thousands of troops come to meet.

But Shou Zun's heart still owes something, and he feels that too little has been given to wake up.

It's just that the Space Array has just been destroyed now, and he still needs to stay here to help the people awaken step by step, unable to follow the awakening and leave.

After thinking about it, the hunter took out another ancient monument.

The ancient stele is full of nicks, like countless sword wounds, but also contains inexplicable Taoist rhyme, like a complex and complete engraving...

"I think there is a rare sense of sharpness in your breath. I want you to have extraordinary talents in swordsmanship. This ancient monument is reproduced according to the engraved drawing of Jianzu's second sword monument."

"With this, you can greatly improve your kendo realm."

After Shou Zun finished speaking, he pointed to a sword and pointed to the center of his awakened eyebrows.

A series of mysterious and obscure auras flooded into his awakened body and combined with his own realm of kendo.

Awakening carefully realized that the realm of Kendo was steadily improving.

Soon after, he discovered that he had actually completed the comprehension of all the engraved drawings on the first sword monument, reaching a state of Dzogchen, far beyond the previous.

"Because your own kendo accumulation is already quite vigorous, I can help you to complete the breakthrough, but this is after all just a way to promote growth, not much use."

Shou Zun explained: "So you still need to understand the mystery in the second sword stele inscription."

Reawakening nodded: "It is already not a small gain to be able to complete the engraving of the first sword monument."

Shou Zun said again: "That person named Gong Kun is not a friend with you? Do you need me to kill him?"

Wake up thinking for a while, shook his head and said: "You don't need to kill, but you can let him use it for me."

Shou Zun murmured: "Gong Kun is not easy to kill him. It is easy to kill him. I want him to work hard, but it is a bit difficult. Let me think about it..."


Outside the yellow sand desert, Gong Kun, who was sitting in the air, suddenly opened his eyes.

For the past six months, he has stayed where he is.

It's not how honest he is, but he doesn't dare to move at all.

Gong Kun's intestines are almost repentant. If he had known this, he would not be able to give directions indiscriminately if he killed him, causing him to fall into such a crisis.

"How come it suddenly feels chilly, did that kid fail?" Gong Kun's heart trembled. Although he still lived a lot of years, he still hasn't lived enough!

Suddenly, Gong Kun's eyelids twitched, and he saw that in the sandstorm that filled the sky, Awakening and Shou Zun stepped out.


Shou Zun pointed a little, and there was a bright beam of light bursting at Gong Kun.

"Senior forgive me!"

Gong Kun's face changed drastically, but he didn't catch it with his hands. Instead, with a very fast reaction speed, he displayed a strange body technique. The body suddenly turned into countless afterimages and swept in all directions.

However, even though Gong Kun's escape cards are very good, they are far from enough in front of Shou Zun.

It's like a child juggling.

All the mysteries were seen through by the hunter.

That golden light beam, at extremely fast speed, locked one of the afterimages and revealed its original shape. It was Gong Kun...

The beam sank into Gong Kun's body.

When Gong Kun tried to react, Shou Zun's voice sounded, "Don't you want to break into the eighth stage of the Divine King Realm?"

Gong Kun was startled, and at this moment, the golden light beam swarmed into his body with an arrogant posture, accompanied by majestic and powerful power.


Gong Kun's body was shaking, and there were roars in his body.

After a while, when everything was calm, Gong Kun felt the amazing changes in his body and couldn't help but surprise.

He actually broke through and transformed into an eighth-order **** king.

Venerable Hunter looked at Suwakening and said: "This kind of'God Destruction Slave Curse' has extraordinary control power. As the master, you can determine the life and death of the curse in a single thought."

"What kind of curse?" Gong Kun had a bad premonition and subconsciously looked towards awakening.

Su Wake did not rush to speak, put out a finger, and the dark golden runes flashed on the fingertips. The next moment, Gong Kun's face suddenly changed, and then he couldn't help but spit out blood.

Su Xing dissipated the Divine Slave Curse, and looked at Gong Kun plainly: "Now Senior Gong understands?"


Gong Kun put his hands on his chest, staring at awakening in anger.

In such a situation, he still couldn't understand it. In the past six months, the friendship between awakening and Shou Zun had been so extraordinary that Shou Zun took action and made him subject to awakening.

Gong Kun gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, the old man has been riding all his life, what a beautiful scenery, and it is better to die than to be humiliated by this kind of humanity."

Shou Zun said: "The God Destruction Slave Curse is unsolvable, but it also has a flaw. When you break through the great realm, the Slave Curse will be automatically solved. The curse will dissipate by itself."

"In addition, I have added a lot of good things to your God Destruction Slave Curse, you will understand it after you carefully understand it."

Gong Kun was skeptical and immediately probed himself carefully.

Soon, he realized that there seemed to be a very majestic energy in his body, nourishing himself all the time, making his cultivation strength steadily improving.

Think about it again, Gong Kun had already believed in the eighth rank of the Divine King Realm just now.

"What the **** do you mean?" Gong Kun asked with a sullen face, but no longer shouted that he was going to die.

"In the next period of time, you will be Su Xiaoyou's servant until you break into the realm of the gods." Shou Zun said straightforwardly.

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