Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2688: Pseudo-king-level purgatory viper appeared

Chapter 2688: The Purgatory Viper of the Pseudo King Appears

The boundary between the deep sea area and the shallow sea area is about three thousand miles wide.

At this time, in the 3,000-mile wide junction area, there are countless deep-sea undead roaring at the shallow sea area from time to time, and the scene is amazing.

This is also the daring master of Suwa and Huanhua.

If you change to general divine cultivation, even if you find these deep-sea undeads, they won't enter the shallow sea area, and you don't dare to mess around. What if the deep-sea undead suddenly ignore the rules of the Dead Sea?

After all, there seems to be nothing in the shallow sea area that can threaten the souls of the deep sea.

Su Xing and Huanhua Fajun did not show up for the time being.

In the current situation, it makes no sense for them to show up. They must wait for the storm to pass and most of the deep-sea undead disappear before they have a chance to do it.

They were hidden in the shallow sea area, which was as dark as ink, until several hours passed, and the number of undead was finally reduced in the three thousand-mile-wide junction area below.

Most of the undead returned to the deep sea area.


Finally, Su Xing and Fajun Huanhua shot at the same time and flew in two different directions.

When they were hiding in the dark, they had already locked the target.

Huanhua Fajun's goal is an undead soul.

The goal of awakening is a fifth house undead. With his current strength, he is only suitable for hunting this level of undead. If he is arrogant to find a more powerful undead, he will be hunted.


Fierce fighting broke out in an instant.

The undead of the Fifth House fighting fiercely with awakening is a deep sea electric eel.

Not only wakes up extremely quickly, but also can release powerful thunder and lightning, which is very scary.

In order to hunt and kill efficiently, Awakening summoned the Flower of Cookery.

The God of Cookery spent this time down, and his strength has been steadily increasing, and now he is no weaker than waking up.

It is equivalent to two awakening and shooting together.

No matter how powerful the deep-sea electric eel is, it will eventually end in hatred. Even after death, its body like a dragon is still surrounded by lightning, exuding a dangerous breath like a beast.

Awakening skillfully took out the God Yuanzhu, and then collected the body of the deep-sea electric eel into the Chaos Pool.

"Is it here again? It's really a must-have." Su Xing glanced at the Purgatory Viper who rushed over because of the fighting movement.

Compared to other deep-sea undead, Purgatory Viper is indeed very vengeful.

They were the first to hunt down Su Xing and Huanhua Fajun, and until now, they have not completely left, scattered in this long 3,000-mile wide junction area.


The Flower of Cookery stretched out purple jade vines and quickly penetrated towards the purgatory viper that had survived the fifth house.

Su Xing rushed forward with a sword.

Not long after, with the cooperation of the God of Cookery, the purgatory viper was quickly killed.

Also at this moment, a sign of extreme danger, his heart awakened from injury, he almost didn't hesitate at all, and his figure flashed and rushed into the shallow sea area.


Behind him, a purgatory viper that had survived the difficulty of the soul appeared. It had three pairs of wings. Following the wing cave, the huge shock wave quickly swept to wake up.

The awakened figure flickered dozens of times in the sea, and finally escaped the shock wave's pursuit dangerously and dangerously.

Fortunately, he has a keen sense of smell for danger, otherwise, it would not be easy to escape to the shallow sea area.


One by one petals swept over, piercing the purgatory viper that had survived the difficulty of the soul, and calmly killed it.

Ordinary deep-sea undead, Huanhua Fajun didn't look at him.

This kind of soul is her goal.

Soon after, he awakened and entered the border zone again. This time his target was a "pictographic undead" with the same body as an elephant, but with nine long noses.

Each nose is extremely long, like tentacles, and is a very powerful means of attack.

It is a pity that this pictographic undead has encountered more tentacles with more cooks, unable to play its own strengths.

Wake and Cookery had become very close. When the two were besieging, Cookery used her own tentacles to entangle the opponent, and then recovered quickly to give a fatal blow.

This attack method is very efficient.

Soon, after slaying the pictographic undead, Wake encountered the Purgatory Viper again.

"It's really not going away!" Wake's eyes narrowed. This time he encountered three Purgatory Vipers, all possessing the power of the Undead of the Fifth House.

"Swish swish!"

The sound of the sea being torn apart, Cooke Flower took the lead.

The tough purple jade vines quickly entangled the three purgatory vipers.


The awakened attack came first, directly inspiring the power of the god-piercing arrow, and shot it with one arrow, and then pointed forward with one hand, driving the dragon sword with his mind, and then immediately followed the second offensive. .

Two offensives, one after the other, killed a purgatory viper in an instant.

Fighting can sharpen a person very effectively.

From the beginning to the deep sea area, the efficiency of awakening and killing the undead has been significantly higher.

The dragon sword flew back, and Wake quickly swept towards a purgatory viper that was entangled by the **** of food flower, slashed down with a sword, and the fiery sword light instantly crushed the vitality in the purgatory viper.

Soon after, the third purgatory viper also died in his hands.

On the other side, Huanhua Fajun is also constantly killing the Purgatory Viper to obtain an endless stream of God Yuan Orbs.

As time goes by, more and more deep-sea undead hunted by Wake and Huanhua Fajun.

At a certain moment, a powerful and majestic voice came from the deep sea area, "Humanity, this seat wants you to fall into an unforgettable place."

This voice is no stranger.

Su Xing's face changed slightly, and he looked at Fajun Huanhua.

But when he saw Fajun Huanhua, there was no sign of retreating, but standing in place, waiting quietly.

"Are you going to fight head-on?" Su Xing's gaze condensed, Huanhua Fajun's posture is obviously to engage in a confrontation with the purgatory viper who possesses the power of the pseudo-king.

"Stand a little farther." Sure enough, Huanhua Fajun awakened through the sound transmission.

"Okay!" Wake nodded, the clash between the pseudo-kings can cause terrible destructive power. As the distance gets closer, he may suffer severe damage or even fall in danger.

After awakening and retreating to a suitable distance, in the sea below, a giant figure has also emerged.

Its body is hundreds of miles long, like a towering mountain, sinking and floating in the sea.

His head is as big as a mountain, and a pair of scarlet pupils are shining with cold light.

And on its broad back, there are four pairs of huge wings.

This scene was extremely shocking, and the timid divine cultivation had already been scared by this pseudo-king-level purgatory viper, and his head was blank.

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