Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2638: Open four seals

Chapter 2638: Four consecutive seals


At the last moment when the fighting spirit rushed over, Awaken finally used the sword of profound meaning to smash the first seal in the body, and the vigorous cultivation base appeared like a tide.


Almost instantly, Awakening displayed the Nine Transformations of the Divine Cicada, the figure jumped up, and then the endless sword energy gathered in his palm and shot down suddenly.


With a palm, thousands of sword auras vented, sharp and unmatched, countless war spirits were penetrated, the light on the body surface was annihilated, and the spherical body was torn apart.

There are ten seals in the body of Awakening.

He just smashed the first seal, which was equivalent to only restoring 10% cultivation base.

However, although the number of war spirits is large, their overall strength is not strong.

One percent cultivation base is enough to wake up and start killing.

The surging and sharp sword aura whistled crisscrossing with him as the center, and wherever it passed, one war spirit fell quickly.

Observing from a close distance, I realized that the war spirits actually have hands, feet and heads, but compared to the spherical body, the hands, feet and heads are much smaller, so they were mistaken for just a ball...

I don't know how long it has passed, but the awakening finally killed the war spirits.

After each war spirit dies, it will leave behind a tiny dust-like light spot, suspended in the void, like the stars in the night sky, beautiful and dreamy.


Suddenly, those tiny dusty spots of light rushed toward the awakening at an extremely fast speed, and there was no time to stop the awakening. The body had already absorbed all the light spots.

"What is this?" Su Xing showed a bewildered look. He could feel that the light spots entering the body would not have any bad effect on him.

It's just that he didn't know for a while, what would it do for him.

Most of what Ying Xiaoyi said on the road was how he needed to deal with danger, and did not mention the light spot.

Awakening stopped thinking about it, spurring the sword of profound meaning, and slashing towards the second seal in his body.

The test in the war-intent space was divided into nine waves in total, and those Spirit Slashing just now were just the first wave of tests.

If you want to overcome all the trials, you must fully recover your cultivation base.

The second seal is many times stronger than the first seal, and it is naturally more difficult to smash it.

The second wave of war spirits appeared soon, and the number was reduced by 10% compared to the first wave of war spirits, but the individual strength of this second wave of war spirits became stronger.

Awakening has dual purposes, while fighting fiercely with the second wave of spirit slashers, while using the sword of profound meaning to try to smash the second seal.

Just restoring 10% of the strength is not enough to make Awakening and the second wave of Spirit Slayers fight hard, he can only fight and retreat.

Finally, he smashed the second seal, and his cultivation was restored to 20%.

Just as he was awakening and preparing to start a big killing, he suddenly moved in his heart, using the sword of Xuanyi to attack the third seal.

According to Ying Xiaoyi's introduction, in the war-intent space, every minute and every second of time is very precious, because the appearance of war spirits is based on time.

Regardless of whether you have solved the previous wave of war spirits, when the time is up, the next wave of war spirits will appear.

In this case, it is natural to make full use of time when waking up. Not only can there be no waste, but it is best to use one time as two.

Just like now, while he was fighting fiercely with the second wave of war spirits, he tried to smash the third seal.

Although in this way, his speed at killing the second wave of war spirits will be relatively slow, but overall, it is more efficient than he has killed the war spirits and then broke the seal.

Sure enough, when the second wave of war spirits was awakened, the third seal in the body was about to be smashed.

He entered a short rest period, and even during the rest, he was still using the sword of profound meaning to slash the third seal time and time again.

Finally, when the third wave of war spirits appeared, Awakening had already smashed the third seal, and the cultivation base had recovered by 30%.

"It seems that the test of this fighting spirit space doesn't seem to be particularly difficult?" After regaining consciousness, he shook his head again.

Although he didn't know how many trials Xia Yuanjia had surpassed, since the War Intent Space was called the core inheritance of Asura Mountain, it was naturally not as simple as it currently seems.

As time passed, Suwaken killed the third wave of war spirits.

After each wave of Spirit Slashing dies, there will be a light spot like dust, which is all absorbed by Awakening.

If you pay careful attention, you will find that the light spots that appear in each wave are different in size. For example, the light spots left by the third wave of slashing spirits are more than those left by the second wave of slashing spirits. Point, a little bigger.

While waking up and killing the third wave of war spirits, he was also trying to break the fourth seal in his body.

This fourth seal is stronger, but before you know it, the sword of the profound meaning that represents the awakening fighting will seems to have become sharper.

The seal is like a grindstone.

Before the arrival of the fourth wave of war spirits, Awaken finally broke the fourth seal.

At this time, he discovered that not only his cultivation base, but also his physical strength had recovered 40%.

The appearance of physical strength naturally made the comprehensive strength of the awakening stronger.

This is good news.

But what followed was bad news.


There was a huge roar in the surrounding world.

The fourth wave of war spirits appeared. Compared with the previous three waves of war spirits, their number was much less. However, the strength of each war spirit became extremely powerful.

Awakening and standing in place, he actually felt a strong sense of oppression.

His face sinks slightly, this fourth wave of war spirits has ushered in a qualitative increase in strength, even if the previous three waves of war spirits are added together, they are not their opponents.

Suwaken finally knew why the fourth seal was unlocked, and the physical strength would be restored directly because he had to face a stronger opponent.

Fortunately, he was racing against time to unlock the fourth seal.

Otherwise, this battle will undoubtedly be defeated.


Looking at the first war spirit that rushed towards him, he awakened and smashed the past with a punch. The rolling divine power rushed out, crushing the war spirit in a ruinous posture, and it was castrated and rushed towards To the rear.

Under one face, dozens of war spirits were beheaded.

But there were more war spirits, emerging from all directions, rushing to awaken like an overwhelming sky.


The blazing and surging sword light was released from the center of awakening. Wherever it passed, the war spirits fell one after another, but there was also a strong force to break the sword light, and the coercion to awaken.

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