Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2171: that place

Chapter 2171 That Place

As one of the three beauties of the Hengshan Sword Sect, Xiao Jingyu has a gentle temperament, a graceful figure, and a good-looking appearance. Now she is actively throwing in her arms, which makes people happy.

Su Xing took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in her heart, slapped Xiao Jingyu's buttocks forcefully, and said with a grumbling expression: "Why did you go before? Now my cultivation base has just broken through, and I need to consolidate. Where can I have time? Do that kind of thing?"

Xiao Jingyu's body trembled, and there was a touch of ruddy on her face, and she said in shame: "Brother Yuan, I didn't think about it well. After your cultivation is completely consolidated, I will accompany you well."

Wake up with a finger to hold up Xiao Jingyu's chin, and said with a frivolous and evil smile: "Remember, when that time comes, all requirements must be met for me?"

"Brother Yuan, you are too bad." Xiao Jingyu looked very shy and ran out blushing.

"Have you gone to report to Xiao Anyuan?" Awakening senses, she found that Xiao Jingyu had left Zhou Yuan's dojo soon, and her face returned to normal.

He carefully recollected the whole process of contact with Xiao Jingyu, and he was relieved after he was sure that he did not show his feet.

At night, I woke up and left the mountain without knowing it.

From the back, it looked like some signs of fleeing.

In the absence of Xiao Jingyu, those beautiful maids were more courageous than anything else. In one night, the ghost knew what would happen...

As one of the top ten true disciples, Yu Qingwan has a special status in the Hengshan Sword Sect. He also has an independent mountain as a dojo, but the scale is not as good as the original Zhouyuan.

Awakening did not break in, but waited outside.

Soon after, handsome Nangong flew out, looking at his awakening with some surprise: "Brother Li, you actually came so early, and thought you were going to stay longer in Wenrou Township."

The corners of Su Xing's mouth twitched: "Don't talk nonsense, do business first."

Talking about business affairs, Nangong’s handsome face was a bit solemn, and he took out a map and said, “This is the map of the Hengshan Sword Sect. There are 3,826 Lingfeng Peaks in total. Look, the 18 main peaks among them are the most doubtful."

"If you go to investigate with fanfare, one night is enough, but it is easy to be found."

"If you are more careful, it is estimated that one person can only check one main peak in one night. My suggestion is to proceed with caution. After all, the identities that we have only obtained cannot be easily exposed."

It takes nine nights together to wake up.

He didn't know whether he could last for nine nights under the guise of consolidating his cultivation, and it would easily arouse suspicion if he played missing every night.

"Let's start!" Su Xing did not express any objections, but in her heart, she was planning to spend one night exploring all the main peaks.

Nangong's handsome arrangement is not unreasonable, but he doesn't know how powerful the real strength of awakening is.


After leaving Nangong Yingjun, Su Xing immediately performed the Nine Transformations of the Cicada and flew to the nearest main peak.

Each of the eighteen main peaks is extremely majestic, with extraordinary craftsmanship, towering into the sky, and around the peaks, there are more powerful formations and restrictions guarding them.

But the formation restriction here can't stop the pace of waking up.

Like a ghost, he sneaked into a main peak, and his figure shuttled from the foot of the main peak to the top of the main peak. After searching back and forth several times, he found nothing suspicious.

Subsequently, he flew to the second main peak.

The second main peak is used for alchemy. There are many alchemy rooms, alchemy apprentices, and so on.

After waking up and walking around for a few laps, there was no gain.

After leaving, he flew straight to the third mountain.


Ruiyang Peak is one of the eighteen main peaks of the Hengshan Sword School.

At the same time, this is also the dojo of the Supreme ancestor of the Hengshan Sword Sect.

Of the entire Hengshan Sword Sect, only Xiao Anyuan was qualified to enter here.

In the middle of the night, two streams of light flew towards Ruiyang Peak and turned into two figures. It was Xiao Anyuan and Xiao Jingyu's father and daughter.

The two walked into a palace, Xiao Anyuan stood up to an old man with white beard and hair, and said, "Father, why call me late at night?"

The old man with white beard and hair is the great ancestor of the Hengshan Sword School, Xiao Guanshan, and he is also Xiao Anyuan's father.

Although Xiao Guanshan's beard and hair were white, he did not look old, his complexion was ruddy, and his life was in harmony with the sky. Naturally, there was no such thing as old age and death.

However, with age, the potential of the body will also be exhausted, and it is difficult to go further in cultivation.

Xiao Guanshan didn't answer Xiao Anyuan, but stared at Xiao Jingyu, frowned and said, "Why did you bring Jingyu?"

"This..." Xiao Anyuan explained: "Zhou Yuan broke through to the ninth level of the True God Realm during the day, and I brought Jingyu over here to give my father the good news."

"Has Zhou Yuan made a breakthrough?" When Xiao Guanshan heard the news, his eyes brightened a bit, and he nodded, "Then, he can be the heir of the head teacher."

"That's what I meant." Xiao Anyuan smiled, and the heir in charge is like a prince. After Xiao Anyuan abdicates, he can take advantage of the situation and become the new head teacher.

"Jingyu, for Zhou Yuan, thank you grandfather!" Xiao Jingyu immediately bowed and saluted, her delicate face couldn't hide her intense joy.

"Yeah!" Xiao Guanshan nodded, and then between his eyebrows, there was a dignified meaning, and he activated the formation in the palace, and then cautiously said: "An Yuan, I call you late at night because there is an abnormality in that place. Fluctuations."

Xiao Jingyu looked puzzled, but Xiao Anyuan next to her changed slightly, as if she was a little uncertain, and asked tentatively, "Father, is that place?"


Xiao Guanshan gave an affirmative answer. Xiao An could not help but change his face. It seemed that that place was a big taboo and could not be mentioned easily.

"Father, grandfather, what are you talking about?" Xiao Jingyu's puzzled gaze went directly back and forth between Xiao Guanshan and Xiao Anyuan.

Xiao Anyuan did not rush to answer. He looked at Xiao Guanshan inquiringly. Seeing the latter nodded, he said: "Jingyu, this matter is our Hengshan Sword Sect. The biggest secret. You know, don’t mention it like anyone else. ."

"Not even Zhou Yuan?" Xiao Jingyu's pretty face changed slightly.

"It won't work for the time being. It's not too late to tell him after Zhou Yuan becomes the head teacher." Xiao An said far away.

"I see." Xiao Jingyu nodded.

"Go to that place first! Tell Jingyu when you go." Xiao Guanshan suddenly said, his face was filled with worry that was hard to hide.

"Okay!" Xiao Anyuan replied.

Afterwards, the three left Ruiyang Peak and flew toward the depths of the mountains.

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