Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2126: Elder Ning Mo

Chapter 2126: The Crazy Elder Ning Mo

Ordinary people, faced with many reprimands from the elders of Sanxuantian, it is difficult to withstand the pressure.

However, Su Xing's expression was abnormally calm. He looked at a Sanxuantian elder and said, "Elder Ning Mo, is your daughter called Ning Niyun?"

"Yes!" Ning Mo nodded, but his face was very ugly.

As the elder of Sanxuantian, his reputation is well-known, and it is not surprising that some family affairs are well known to everyone.

Regarding her daughter, Ning Niyun, it has always been a pain in his heart. When he wakes up, it is all about which pot is opened or not, Ning Mo naturally has no good expressions.

However, after waking up, he didn't seem to see Ning Mo's ugly face, and he said: "Elder Ning Mo's daughter, the natal soul card must have not been extinguished, right?"

"Do you want my daughter to die?" Blue veins appeared on Ning Mo's face, looking very hideous, and he roared: "Wake up, I warn you, talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being impolite."

Seeing this scene, the elders of Sanxuantian who had awakened from scolding before, all showed smirking smiles.

Elder Ning Mo’s beloved daughter has disappeared and her whereabouts have been unknown for so many years. This incident is Ning Mo’s heart disease, a scar in his heart. Now that she is so naked, how can she not be angry?

However, Suwaken still did not have the consciousness to shut up, and continued: "Elder Ning Mo, I have no intention to uncover your scars, but I know the whereabouts of your daughter Ning Niyun."

"What did you say?" Ning Mo's face changed suddenly, and he flew out of the **** seat, standing in front of his awakened body, feeling very excited.

This look seems to be possible at any time.

"You tell me clearly where my daughter is." Ning Mo almost roared.

"She is in Mu Shuyang's dojo, in the Wutan Peak." Su Xing said simply.

At the beginning, he was assassinated by the dark hall of the Yunmeng in the Valley of Flowing Light. The one who hurt him the most was the dark hall's killer Mu Wei. The opponent had no knife in his hand and almost awakened.

Then in the Diyou Riverbed, Xing Xing captured Mu Wei alive, and in order to save his life, Mu Wei told Xing Xing a very important piece of news, that is, the hall master of the dark hall, Mu Shuyang, had boldly imprisoned Ning Mo's daughter, Ning Ni. cloud.

"Wu Tanfeng!" Ning Mo chewed on the name, suddenly raised his head, looked outside the Phoenix Palace, and roared: "Mu Shuyang, you return my daughter."

As the head of the dark hall, Mu Shuyang came to the scene today, standing outside the Phoenix Palace.

When he heard Wake mentioning Ning Niyun, he had an extremely bad premonition in his heart, but he still hoped that Wake didn't know the specifics.

And when Su Xing reported Wu Tan Feng, Mu Shuyang's last fluke also vanished.

He was already guilty of the extreme, when he heard Ning Mo roar and his eyes were bloodshot, he rushed towards him like crazy, his soul frightened, his face pale as paper.

Subconsciously, he shouted to Bai Yunfei: "Leader, save me."

However, Bai Yunfei didn't speak at all, and sometimes he didn't see him.

At this time, Ning Mo was extremely emotional. The most important thing was that when everyone saw Mu Shuyang's guilty conscience, they knew that most of what Suwax said was true.


As an elder of the Three Profound Sky, Ning Mo is at the peak of the ninth level of the Heavenly God Realm. His combat power has even reached the level of the first level of the God Realm. Is it Mu Shuyang comparable?

With just a palm, Ning Mo severely wounded Mu Shuyang, and his body flew towards the outside like a broken kite.

But before he could fly far, he was chased by Ning Mo, then used his body skills to turn into a divine light and disappear into the sky.

Everyone knew exactly what Ning Mo was doing. He wanted to grab Mu Shuyang and find his daughter.

"Elder Ning Mo, stay alive." Starry Sky Mountain Master opened his mouth and yelled toward the sky, but his face was not pretty.

"Xingkong Mountain Lord, sorrow!" Yushan Lord looked at Xingkong Mountain Lord and said softly.

Everyone can understand the feelings of the Starry Sky Mountain Lord at this time. He and the experience are very similar to Ning Mo. Ning Mo is the lost daughter, and the Starry Sky Mountain Lord is the lost son.

Compared to Ning Mo, the situation of the Starry Sky Mountain Lord is even more miserable. After all, Ning Niyun is still alive, but Stardust, the son of the Starry Sky Mountain Lord, is already dead.

Inside and outside the Phoenix Palace, fell into silence.

At first, everyone felt that waking up and wanting to eradicate the Yunmeng was purely whimsical, but after experiencing the incident of Elder Ning Mo, many people were shaken in their hearts.

After all, Yunmeng had a scum like Mu Shuyang, and the impression it gave people was a lot worse.

Su Xing looked at Bai Yunfei, and said: "Mu Shuyang is a true evangelist and a senior member of the Yunmeng, but he cannot save his eyes. The daughter of Elder Ning Mo has been imprisoned for more than ten years. You are a member of the Yunmeng. Leader, I'm afraid I can bear the blame?"

Bai Yunfei did not refute, but only said: "This incident is indeed my negligence, but the Yunmeng is just an idle organization, and I don't know what the members do."

"If you want to make a fuss about this matter and have to dissolve the Yun League, then dissolve it!"

He first admits his mistakes, and then shirks responsibility. In the final words, he also implies that waking up is making a fuss, not only to resolve his own crisis, but also to counterattack and awaken.

It can be said that if there is only Mu Shuyang, there is no way Bai Yunfei can do it today.

Su Xing did not answer, but looked up at the Starry Sky Mountain Lord, and said, "If the Starry Sky Mountain Lord wants to know who killed Stardust, then please protect the witnesses."

The complexion of Xingkong Mountain Lord became very cold and sharp, but his state of mind was much stronger than Elder Ning Mo, and he did not lose his reason, and said, "Why should I trust you?"


Awakening was not long-winded, a gleam of light flashed in the palm of his hand, and a phoenix order emerged, and then he threw it to the starry sky mountain master.

When the Fengwu Ling was flying in mid-air, many people inspected it and caught a glimpse of the two characters carved on the back of Fengwu Ling, Stardust.

That is the Fengwu Order belonging to Stardust.

The Master of the Starry Sky Mountain took Feng Wuling in his hand, his face had already changed drastically, how could he not be familiar with the identity token of his son? He carved the word Xingdust by himself.


The voice of the starry sky mountain lord was a little choked, and there was unconcealable sadness in his expression.

His son, Stardust, has always been his pride. He has continued his extraordinary talents, and has a tendency to be better than blue. He has entered the ranks of the six calamities and is expected to become the supreme Taoist.

But just when Stardust was in the prime of his life and had unlimited potential, it fell.

For the Star Mountain Lord, it was a huge bad news, and it made him decadent and distressed for a long time. Even today, it is still hard to let go.

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