Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1123: Banquet!

No matter how enraged Feng Xixian was when he awakened, the latter did not do anything in the end, nor did he agree to the proposal of waking up'one man fight one case'.

After all, it was Palace Master Zixiao, and the city mansion still had it.

If the death of Li Jingyi hadn't touched Feng Xixian too much today, his emotions wouldn't even have fluctuating.

Nevertheless, the face of Zixiao Palace today is completely lost.

Watching Feng Xixian turn around and leave, Awakening and the Heavenly King of Yunhai, both secretly said "a pity" in their hearts.

This pair of masters can be said to have a clear heart.

Bingjia Manor!

This is the property of the Shenbing Business League in the Holy Spirit Wucheng. It is a restaurant with a lot of fame.

The splendid and luxurious manor was awakened tonight.

Although it is an internal price, it also costs a full 100,000 Tianjing for a night.

This makes waking up very painful.

The poor child was in charge early, he is not the descendants of those aristocratic families in the Southern Territory, and he can't squander a single Heaven Crystal!

But this matter, wake up has no way to call the shots, Dong Fengxue the guys, said that he got Li Jingyi's space spar, made a fortune, and wanted to exploit him, the rich man.

Li Jingyi's space spar does have many good things.

As the son of Zixiao, Li Jingyi's most indispensable thing is the celestial crystals. The celestial crystals in the spatial spar are piled up like a mountain, which is more than ten million.

In addition, there are five sacred artifacts, all of which are included in the "Sacred Weapons of God".

There are countless martial arts, exercises, and conventional cultivation resources. It can be said that Li Jingyi's spatial spar is even comparable to the sum of assets of a small saint.

This is also the reason Feng Xixian wants to get back the space spar.

For this banquet, Awakening invited some people, such as Zhou Ziheng, Xie Longfei, Monk Xuankong, monkeys, etc., and some people came uninvited. They were basically young representatives of the saints of the major families, such as Huo. Home of Hobeki.

Reaching out and not hitting the smiley people, the group of people represented by Suwa and Huo Beiqi, although there were some festivals, they took the initiative to show their favor, and he did not save others' face.

And the reason for the other party's initiative to show the good, wake up is also very clear, now he has become the first person in the "Supreme Kings List", and there is the Tianji Saint King behind him, which can be described as a promising future.

The atmosphere of the banquet is very lively, everyone is young, grievances come and go quickly, and it is easy to mix together.

Drinking all the drinks and drinking is the famous "Chaolu Brew" in the Holy Spirit Martial City. If you don't need to resist the cultivation base, you will get drunk easily if you drink too much. Even Jie Longfei, who has always been serious and meticulous, is a bit drunk.

It was the first one to wake up and toast him, which made him feel more face.

Wake up doing this, there are natural reasons. I was almost caught by Huang Xiaotian at the beginning. It was Jie Longfei's siege. Although the other party was from a fair standpoint, I still remembered this personal affection.

Zhou Ziheng, the hardest cultivator, hadn't practiced for a day, and frequently clinked glasses with everyone.

The ones who drank the most were Dong Fengxue, Monk Xuankong and Monkey.

Dong Fengxue is a good wine, and Master is also a wine saint. Everyone can still understand that the strange combination of monk Xuankong and monkey, like a veteran of the wine shop, surprised everyone.

"Little Master Xuankong, I heard that you Zhongyu Buddhism Sect has the precepts of not drinking and not eating meat, isn't it?" Xie Longfei asked curiously.

"The meat and wine have passed through the intestines, the Buddha left it in his heart, and the benefactor, if you think so, it is too tacky!" The young monk Xuankong looked like a high monk, then took the wine glass and drank it...

"Then you and the monkey went to'Drunken Fragrant House', what do you do? Just drink?" Su Xing stared at the little monk with contempt.

"That's natural!" The little monk said with a flushed face, and his skin was so thick that it would be difficult to pierce the rusty iron sword that was awakened.

"Xuan Kong, this is what you said, next time we go to Zuixianglou, you will drink, and the women will leave it to me." The monkey said excitedly.


Wake up, Dong Fengxue, and Xie Longfei laughed together. This monkey is really honest and honest.

The little monk's white face immediately went black.

Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

There were many women at the banquet, such as Su Ke, Su Miaoyin, Dong Ruhua, Jiehuayu, and women from the saint family, all young and beautiful, and generous.

But at this moment, when I heard the words "Drunk Xianglou", they all looked over here as if they had seen the murdered father and enemy.

Originally, everyone wanted to make friends with the little monk, mainly because the monk had a fair face and was so good-looking.

But now, after hearing the monkey's words, they all cast contemptuous glances at the little monk, and the woman with straightforward character directly cursed: "Bah! Human face and animal heart."

The little monk wanted to cry without tears.

He kicked the confused monkey fiercely.

Late banquet.

The little monk regained consciousness, folded his hands together, and said politely: "Su benefactor, the little monk suddenly changed his mind. You may not return the Buddhas, but please let the little monk take three'saint women' to the Central Buddha Sect."

"Are you talking about Su Miaoyin, Dong Ruhua, and Jiehuayu?" Su Xing asked.

"Yes! The three of them have cultivated into a'golden body Buddha body', which is very suitable for practicing in my Buddhist lotus view." The little monk said seriously.

"Wake up, promise him." Mi Tuo's voice sounded in Su Xing's mind.

"Why?" Waking up was originally intended to refuse. First, it was not easy to go to the Central Region. Second, the young monk was very unreliable, and his character did not seem particularly good.

"Your worries are unnecessary. This monk and monkey have not leaked their essence. I guess they go to the Zuixianglou, at most they are drinking with those firework women, and then getting drunk, as a fool..." Amitabha Road.

"...That's really unjust enough." Wake remembered the words that the women said at the banquet, fire prevention, theft prevention, and monk, could not help being a little funny.

"Also, the Buddha's lotus view has a special status and does not prohibit intermarriage with men, and their martial arts and martial arts are very suitable for the three girls. They can maximize the potential of their golden body and Buddha." Mi Tuo said again.

"In this matter, you need to ask the three of them their own opinions." In the end, Su Xing did not immediately agree, and he had no right to call the shots for the three women.

"The little monk, go talk to the three female donors?" the little monk asked.

"Let me talk about it!" Su Xing said.

The little monk realized that he was now infamous and understood the meaning of waking up, and couldn't help crying again.

At the end of the banquet, Dong Fengxue, Dong Ruhua, Su Ke, Su Miaoyin, and Jie Huayu were all gathered together when they regained consciousness. They were all old friends and there was no need to be polite. Awaken took out five space spars, which contained many training resources he had prepared in advance, and handed them to the five people.

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