Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1116: Disintegrate the invincibility!

In Li Jingyi's words, he did not mention the decisive battle with Su Xing.

This is a stark contempt.

It seems to be telling everyone that for him, the most important thing today is to be promoted to Semi-Holy. Before that, he will solve the stepping stone of awakening by the way.

Next, Li Jingyi stopped talking.

The posture has been posed, and now only quietly waiting.

Li Jingyi stood in the void, with a tall and straight body, with a very mysterious aura in his body.

People looked up, and Li Jingyi at the moment, in their eyes, there were only two words left...invincible!

Not to mention ordinary martial arts, even a group of talented arrogances, quasi enchantments, and world-famous enchantments of the Southern Territory's younger generation felt that Li Jingyi at this moment was invincible.

This is the invincible belief bred by Li Jingyi.

At the Peak Plaza, Jie Huayu, Su Miaoyin, and Dong Ruhua looked at Li Jingyi, and all three pretty faces changed slightly. Li Jingyi's condition at the moment was so perfect that they could not help but worry about waking up again.

Dong Fengxue and Su Ke also sank together, and their hearts felt the pressure to wake up.

"The belief in invincibility is not unbreakable. There is no way ahead. Just cut a path." Zhou Ziheng said, standing not far from Dong Fengxue.

Zhou Ziheng knew that Suwaken and he were of the same kind, who had come out step by step from the **** path of thorns. The most terrifying thing about this kind of people was that their minds were firm as a rock and unshakable.

Xie Longfei sighed and said, "It's easy to say, but how difficult it is to do it."

In fact, the decisive battle between Su Xing and Li Jingyi had already begun at this moment.

Li Jingyi showed his belief in invincibility and allowed himself to remain invincible. If he could not awaken his belief in invincibility, he would be passive everywhere.

Xie Longfei is the one who is closest to Li Jingyi and Awakening among the young people in the square, so he saw the mystery of this duel, and that was why he expressed emotion.

Zhou Ziheng speaks without saying.

The failure of others to do it does not mean that Awakening cannot do it.

In the palace, a group of half saints, saints, and great saints looked at Li Jingyi and couldn't help but applaud.

They asked themselves, if they were the same age as Li Jingyi, they would definitely not reach the level of Li Jingyi, and the control of the environment, mentality and other factors would be exquisite.

Feng Xixian, the lord of the Purple Cloud Palace, glanced provocatively at Fengxing Half-Holy and Prophet, and smiled: "I don't know how to break Jing Yi's invincible power when I wake up?"

Popular half-holy, Prophet is silent.

Li Jingyi's strength also made them worry about waking up.

"Jingyi has made great progress during this period of time." Above the sea of ​​clouds, the Sage King of Water Heart looked at Li Jingyi below, and praised him without hesitation.

"With the help of the right time and place, this invincible momentum is condensed, and there is nothing to be proud of. If the place of battle changes, Li Jingyi will lose this advantage." Tian Ji Sheng Wang said.

A saint king-level figure, his eyesight is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

The invincible momentum that Li Jingyi condensed at this moment is precisely with the help of the right time and place.

"Tianji, time and place, but your good apprentice chose it himself, maybe in the dark, God has a perception, let him choose a good place to bury his bones." Shui Xinsheng Wang smiled triumphantly.


The Heavenly Sage King snorted, and he didn't argue with the Shuixin Sage anymore. His old man's thinking now is how to break the current passive situation when he wakes up.

After half an hour.

Li Jingyi's invincible momentum has become more stable and can be described as impeccable.

At this moment, a figure appeared on the horizon.

He was wearing a light blue long gown, with a delicate face, a slender body, and no sense of personability. He was more like a big boy next door, with a calm and calm expression, with a gentle warmth.

Just wake up!

In terms of appearance, awakening is not as handsome and perfect as Li Jingyi.

And what people are most concerned about at the moment is not the appearance, but the awakening momentum.

Strangely, Awakening did not show off his edge, he seemed to be enjoying the beauty of the sea of ​​clouds at will, and there was no sign of generosity to fight.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that the awakening at this moment has a vaguely detached taste that is not among the five elements.


Li Jing opened his eyes abruptly, looking at the awakening through the void, his eyes are like swords, erupting with brilliance, and there is an invisible world, like mountains and seas, oppressing to awaken.

To be other people, facing the oppression of this general trend of the world, at the slightest level of mental confusion, at the most direct defeat.

However, waking up still looked calm and calm, his mentality was not affected at all, and he didn't feel any pressure.

"Is it invincible?" Su Wake stopped, looking at Li Jingyi a hundred miles away, shook his head and said: "A few years ago, I had already condensed the invincible momentum. I don't need to be like you. With the help of the right time and place, people can be united."

"So, your invincible power has no effect on me."

"is it?"

Li Jingyi didn't believe in evil, and felt that he was awake when he was awakened. He stretched his arms and pushed forward. For a while, there were bursts of muffled thunder in the void, and the invisible and invincible momentum, like a wave, one after another, impacting wake.

Regarding this, Awakening did not take any action, just standing there, my body like a huge rock in the sea, letting the invincible force impact, I stood still.

After a while, all the invincible momentum receded like a tide.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted!

After Li Jingyi's invincible power did not affect his awakening, there was no way to continue.

"it is good!"


Zhou Ziheng changed from the usual, looking very excited, and muttered: "It's a good one to respond to all changes. Li Jingyi appeared on the stage more than half an hour ahead of schedule. The invincible momentum that has been condensed through hard work is so easy to fly. The power was disintegrated."

"The steadfastness of waking up the mind is definitely the first in my generation." Xie Longfei couldn't help sighing.

The power of invincibility is an intangible thing that affects a person's mind.

However, if a person's mind is firm enough, no matter how strong the foreign object is, it will have no effect.

The reason is simple, but it is extremely difficult to do it.

There are many Tianjiao and world-class evildoers in the Southern Territory today, and only the holy blood demon son and the holy son of Tianyan who have been promoted to semi-sages are capable of blocking Li Jingyi's invincible momentum.

But even those two people couldn't be as relaxed and calm as waking up.

Feng Xing Demi-Holy and Mu Sheng glanced at each other and couldn't help but smile. Then they looked at Feng Xixian, the lord of the Purple Cloud Palace, with a somewhat ugly expression. He snorted and said, "It's just a contest of mentality. The next thing is the highlight. Strength is king."


Li Jingyi gave a soft drink, the light flowing between his hands, two white clouds emerged from the left and the right, rushing to wake up with the momentum of thunder. The invincibility was resolved, making Li Jingyi angry, eager to attack, and save his face.

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