Chapter 971 Impossible

  Sumei followed Chu Liushi to learn about the situation in the mansion.


   "Girl, girl, something happened." Lin Mianmian was applying rouge, and when she heard the dowry maid's words, she frowned slightly: "Speak well, don't worry."

   "Miss, the old lady is going to be a housekeeper." Gui Xiang didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly told the news she had inquired about.

  Lin Mianmian's hand paused, and his eyebrows instantly crooked: "What's going on?"

  Although the power of the housekeeper in the house was not placed on her, because of her status, the servants in the inner court would dare not give her face.

She just waited for the master to finish his work, and when he came back, he could hold the power of the house in his hands with a blow on the pillow. Although the woman from the country was more beautiful than she expected, it did not affect her status. .

  She has her father's support.

   "The old lady's people came to inform, and asked all the maids, wives, and servants to go to see the ceremony one by one, and each yard has set a time."

   "Now the housekeeper has been called."

   "Where is Madam?" Lin Mianmian hurriedly asked: "That is to say, Madam does not have the power of the house either, and the power of the house is in the hands of the old lady?"

Lin Mianmian smiled: "The old lady is just a woman from the country. Although she doesn't look so stupid, she should be easy to coax. Only when I understand my natal family can I help the master to make his official career smoother. The old lady must understand how to choose. "

   "Help me get dressed, I'll go visit the old lady now, and learn how to be a housekeeper." Lin Mianmian said happily.

  The more Gui Xiang listened to her, the paler her face became: "Girl, madam... madam..."

   "What are you hesitating about, just say it directly." Lin Mianmian frowned.

  Gui Xiang regarded death as home, closed her eyes and said: "The madam went out with the master early in the morning to work in the county below."

   "What did you say?" Lin Mianmian screamed, unwilling to believe what she said: "Impossible, the master has such a temper, he will never take a woman to work!"

  She has met Chu Heng many times. He is cold-tempered and vigorous in his actions. Even his own father has praised him, saying that he is extraordinary, and he should be wined over and not offended.

   Otherwise, she wouldn't have married Chu Heng just because of his looks.

   After all, Chu Heng is just this year's Jinshi of Xinke. He has just entered his official career and still has to endure.

"Slave... I don't know, but the news came from the old lady's yard. Even the maid brought by the lady's side is with the old lady." Gui Xiang became more and more frightened when she saw her young lady's face became ugly. .

   "I don't believe it." Lin Mianmian gritted her teeth: "Come on, go to the old lady's place. You must get the power of the house no matter what."

   This side.

  Ye Muyu was sitting in the carriage, seeing the blackness in Chu Heng's eyes, he guessed that he didn't have a good rest last night.

  She leaned over: "My husband, I'll give you a massage."

   Without waiting for Chu Heng to answer, he directly reached out to touch his temple, and slowly pressed it.

  Chu Hengben was reading the county chronicles, when suddenly a scent of fragrance came to his nostrils, he frowned subconsciously, but what caught his eye was the woman giving him a massage seriously.

  He has always been a direct person, feeling comfortable, he didn't wave her away, and just looked at the woman in front of him silently.

  The skin is snow-white, and the bright eyes in the almond eyes seem to be able to speak. Under the bridge of the straight nose, the lips are slightly red. I don't know what the lip balm is, and they look moist.

  He even noticed that the woman's lips were a little red and swollen, and her slightly raised lips seemed to be tempting someone to kiss her.

  (end of this chapter)

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