Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 936: Yantie Guanying

  Chapter 936 Yantie official camp

  Ye Zhao pouted: "We didn't dislike you for walking slowly."

   "I hate it myself." Ye Muyu ordered the a la carte: "Hurry up and eat more."

   "Even if this matter is over, the status of the princess is there, and it is okay for me to go too far. People already have the capital of willfulness, don't you think?"

   "Okay, don't think so much, I will definitely protect myself."

   "And your brother-in-law, please don't tell him about this!" Ye Muyu urged very worriedly.

  Ye Zhao moved his lips, wanted to say but was afraid that his sister would get angry, so he finally agreed reluctantly.

"Sister, I went for a walk around the county this afternoon, and found that quite a few strangers appeared in the county, and they seemed to be businessmen from other places." Go shopping, if there is business, do it.

   I also accepted some work.

"Because Luoping County is close to Luoping Pass and the west of Daxia, not only is there some yellow sand, but the soil is also dry. It is not a good place, and there are no special products. How come there are so many merchants? "Ye Muyu asked curiously.

  Ye Zhao shook his head: "I don't know either. I heard from those merchants that there is news that there is a copper mine here, so they all came here to ask for news."

   "Copper mine? Why haven't I heard of it." This Luoping County is under the command of the Shen family army, and the county magistrate basically has no sense of existence.

   What's more, there is still the Hou Mansion.

   If there is any news, there must be news in the barracks.

"Yeah, I also find it strange. I don't know why there is such a rumor. I asked those merchants, but they couldn't tell why. They just said that everyone was spreading it. As for who spread it in the first place, I don't know. .” Ye Zhao scratched his head, indicating that he didn’t know.

  Ye Muyu pondered, although it is said that it is a copper mine rather than an iron mine, it is still a mine anyway.

  As the saying goes, salt and iron official camps, these two are sensitive topics for the emperor. Even though Emperor Mingzong has a gentle personality, the other party definitely has iron and blood methods on sensitive topics.

   "You go to the county more these days to see, I always feel that this rumor is not a good thing."

  Ye Muyu had an intuition and was a little uneasy, so she thought about it and told her.

  Ye Zhao nodded and said he got it.

  In the evening, Ye Muyu took a good bath, slept comfortably all night, and woke up early the next morning.

   "Ma'am, is it still riding clothes?" Sumei asked while helping her comb her hair.

  Ye Muyu nodded: "Well, riding clothes are more convenient. I'm used to wearing riding clothes these days, so I can do things more quickly."

   "Madam only needs to drink tea and listen to operas in the inner house, she shouldn't have to work around." Sumei muttered.

   "Okay, I want to eat rice noodles in the morning, is it ready?"

"Okay, ma'am, speaking of it, the rice noodles brought from my hometown are very convenient. You just need to boil them in hot water to cook them. It's really convenient and tastes good." Sumei thought of the inconvenience in the barracks, so she Ask: "Ma'am, do you want to bring some vermicelli over there? If you are hungry at night, you can just heat it up and eat it. It will be very convenient, and you don't have to ask the soldiers in the barracks for too much firewood."

  Ye Muyu patted his head: "If you don't tell me, I'd forget, but I always let my mother and the others eat the meals in the military camp."

   "Then you bring some more. By the way, bring some more rice and firewood. It's best not to trouble others."


   After eating.

  Ye Muyu went to the Hou Mansion first to wait.

  (end of this chapter)

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