Chapter 881 Fireworks

  After Ye Muyu arrived, he basically prepared all the meals.

  The stewed vegetables that Ye Muyu brought over just happened to add another dish.

   "Mother." The two children played all afternoon, their faces turned red. Seeing her coming, they hugged her legs one after the other.

  Ye Muyu staggered from being hit, and laughed, and someone held her shoulder.

  She turned her head and saw that it was Chu Heng, so she ignored it and asked, "When did you come here?"

   "Just came here."

  Chu Heng put his arms around her waist from behind: "I just came here."

   "The matter of the Luo family is a little tricky?"

   "It's not really troublesome, but it's a little troublesome, and it involves other things." Chu Heng saw that she was a little curious, rubbed her head with a smile, and said with a voice under his eyes, "I'll tell you tonight."

   "Okay." Ye Muyu is not in a hurry because he has a lot of time to keep watch at night.

   A dinner is more substantial than the lunch.

  For this evening meal, Ye Muyu didn't dare to drink fruit wine anymore, for fear of being caught by Chu Heng.

  Wang Shi was still a little strange: "Third brother and sister, why don't you drink?"

   "I want to eat more food, but the wine is too filling." Ye Muyu made an excuse.

  Beside Chu Heng heard her answer, the smile in his eyes deepened, and he asked someone to bring some fruit tea for Ye Muyu. These fruits are all refrigerated products, and the quantity is not much.

   Mrs. Wang didn't think it was strange, so she picked up a pot of fruit wine and poured herself another glass: "Third brother and sister, this taste is different again. What kind of fruit did you put in?"


  Ye Muyu took it up and smelled it, and then determined the category.

   "Is that the sour grapefruit hanging on the book?" Most of the villages are wild grapefruits, without special care, and the natural taste is not very good, so sugar is needed to have a sweet taste.

  However, the sugary taste cannot cover up the fruity aroma of grapefruit itself, so that fruit wine can taste purer and more mellow.

   "Yes." Ye Muyu listened to Wang's words, and the two of them unexpectedly chatted.

  Ms. Wang ate a piece of stewed lotus root slices, which was quite rare: "Third brother and sister, this sliced ​​lotus root is also delicious. I said that meat is the best. This sliced ​​lotus root is only a vegetarian dish, and it must not be as good as meat."

   "However, I just ate so much meat and a vegetarian dish, and I thought it was delicious?" She said, "It's really rare. I never thought that I would be able to eat meat until I got tired of it."

  Ye Muyu laughed: "Second sister-in-law eat slowly, don't worry, the combination of meat and vegetables is good for your health."

"That's right, with you here, I won't worry about running out of meat in the future. They say that Ah Heng can read, but you are not bad either. You can read and cook well. No one knows these things. "

   "If a woman can take the imperial examination, you must be very good, the third sibling." The Wang family is now conquered by Ye Muyu's food.

  Ye Muyu didn't care about this, and the family came out of the old house after eating and drinking.

  Ziluo and Xiaojin both hold small fireworks tubes.

   "Where did this thing come from?" Ye Muyu looked at the sparkling little fireworks from behind, and asked Chu Heng beside him.

  Chu Hengdao: "It was researched a hundred years ago. It is expensive, and you can't buy it in normal times. Only some wealthy businessmen, birthdays, or lively festivals will have some fireworks."

  Ye Muyu couldn't help asking when she heard this, "Do you know what this is made of?"

   "Sulphur, soil..." Chu Heng said the corresponding formula.

   "Are these things only made into fireworks?"

  (end of this chapter)

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