Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2266: temporary truce

  Chapter 2266 Temporary truce

  Qi Shangshu knew that he was coming, and his face changed slightly.

  Emperor Xuanming waved his hand: "Qi Aiqing, go down."

  Qi Shangshu's heart was full of emotions, but now he didn't dare to show the slightest expression, and walked out.

   Sure enough, within a short while, I saw Mr. Qi in the Jingji camp being called into the palace.

  On the same day, Mr. Qi was deprived of half a year's salary, and was reprimanded by the emperor for half a day in the hall.

  From that day on, the patrols in the capital became more and more stringent.

   Qi Shangshu returned to the mansion and sank like water.

  When Third Master Qi rushed over, seeing his expression, he knew that something was wrong.


   "Trash." Qi Shangshu said angrily.

  Master Qi's face changed slightly, hiding his true emotions in his heart.

  He lowered his head: "Brother, it's all my fault, I didn't expect the Li family's reaction."

   "However, this is not a bad thing, at least I know that Duke Qing's mansion is not suitable for making friends with."

  Master Qi is an adventurer. Although he suffered some losses this time, he did not recover from the setback. On the contrary, there are more and more thoughts in his heart that he wants to take revenge.

"The emperor's attitude couldn't be more obvious. He wants to protect Chu Heng. It's really not worthwhile for us to confront Chu Heng now. Let's forget about this time. There is no need to continue to offend the Li family." Qi Shangshu did not Qi San Master is so ruthless. To be precise, he values ​​profit more and is flexible.

  However, Third Master Qi is a cruel and vindictive character.

   Qi Shangshu is more tolerant, as long as he can achieve his goal, he doesn't mind losing money for a while.

   Seeing the fierce eyes of Third Master Qi, he warned, "It's just a little loss, I can't bear it, do you want to kill the Qi family?"

   "Small intolerance leads to big plans, don't forget our ultimate goal."

Third Master Qi was really angry when he saw Qi Shangshu. Just now, he felt that he was too timid and wanted to take that position, so he suppressed it in his heart, and his tone became better: "Brother, I understand, business matters , Temporarily refrain, not targeting the Chu family."

   "Well, I will leave Beijing soon, you remember to be careful." Qi Shangshu patiently ordered.

  Compared to Xiaoli in the capital.

  He pays more attention to the affairs of Jiangnan.

   Ye Muyu didn't know about the Qi family.

  But in order to compensate Li Shen, she also helped promote the casino in private.

  The Li Family Casino opened very smoothly. Since it opened, gamblers have come to play every day, and some even linger and don't want to leave.

   And at the same time.

  The bookstore was not in business, and it also opened on the day when "Seeking Doctors" ended.

   "Have you listened to the novel of seeking medical treatment today? It turns out that the treatment methods mentioned in the novel are all true."

"I heard it, why didn't I hear it, I don't miss the daily newspaper now, and I also chase this novel every day. I really didn't expect that there are so many imperial physicians to help. If it doesn't work, I have to buy the book "Seeking a Doctor" and put the book on it. Select the content."

   "Hey, why didn't I think of this one? Let's go, go to Yonghe Bookstore and ask. I heard that it is only sold in Yonghe Bookstore."

   "Brother Li, where are you going?" A middle-aged man in the alley rushed out but was still sweating in the cold weather.

   "I'm going to ask the doctor, the mother at home has a cold and a fever." The man was called to stop but his face was full of anxiety.

  Working on the stall, but when the young man heard it, he suddenly thought of something, and took out a newspaper from his chest.

   It is today's official newspaper.

  Pointing to the location of the article in the back corner, he said, "Brother Li, I'll go with you."

  He greeted his family and ran away.

  (end of this chapter)

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