Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2047: the bottom line

  Chapter 2047 Bottom line

"But Mrs. Chen said that she couldn't buy it because Mrs. Deng paid 50% of the price and bought it in advance. However, when Mrs. Chen sent someone to buy the shop, Mrs. Deng and the buyer hadn't made the final transaction, and the contract hadn't been sent yet. When the yamen was changed, Mrs. Chen offered the original price and asked the seller if he would like to sell it, but the seller was not willing to sell it."

   "Isn't this quite normal?" Emperor Xuanming once again felt his doting wife, a little speechless, but he had to say, he felt more at ease: "Chu Aiqing, you can't sue just because of partiality?"

"I am ashamed. If it is a normal transaction, I will naturally not mention it to the emperor, and I have no shame." Chu Heng did not blush and said: "But as far as I know, the seller has also sold other shops recently. The price They were all sold at the normal market price, and it was half price when it was Mrs. Deng's turn, so I sent someone to investigate in order to verify the facts."

"I found out through investigation that Taifu Deng sent someone to express his intention to buy the shop first, and proposed a price of half the price. Taifu Deng forcibly bought and sold them."

   "Actually, such a case is not serious. After all, Taifu Deng also gave the money. Besides, the possibility that the seller is grateful to Taifu Deng and took the initiative to lower the price cannot be ruled out."

  Emperor Xuanming smiled: "Chu Aiqing, are you suing Taifu Deng for forced buying, or are you saying Taifu Deng is popular?"

   "Also, you are working for me. Is there no evidence for such a trivial matter, or is the evidence you have now not enough to prove the truth of the matter?"

Chu Heng: "Your Majesty, the evidence in my hand can indeed prove that Taifu Deng forced the purchase, but this matter involves the laws of doing business. As long as the seller changes his confession, the evidence will lose its validity. It is also an economic dispute. Criminal is different."

"What is involved here is the relationship between officials and businessmen. This problem has always existed in Chu. The collusion between officials and businessmen has existed in ancient and modern times. If officials can no longer accept high-priced gifts at will, then this problem can also be solved very quickly. Solve it quickly."

   "If this problem has been allowed to exist, people's appetite will be fed more and more."


  Emperor Xuanming shouted angrily.

  Chu Heng stood at the bottom without changing his face.

  Emperor Xuanming stood up angrily, walking around.

   After a long time, Emperor Xuanming's anger dissipated.

  He waved his hand: "Go out of the palace."

   "Your Majesty, leave." Chu Heng was also very discerning, turned around and left, not staying here to obstruct the eyes.

  Emperor Xuanming stood at the top, unable to see clearly what he was thinking, and only remained silent for a long time. He also had to admit that collusion between officials and businessmen and officials and officials was what he hated the most.

   Now Taifu Deng has obviously touched his bottom line.

  When He Dequan came in, he knelt and heard Emperor Xuanming want to see Taifu Deng.

  Thinking of Master Chu who just left, wondering if Master Chu said something again, he didn't dare to say more, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly stepped back to do business.

  Speaking of recently, Mr. Chu and Taifu Deng seem to be at odds, and the conflict is not resolved.

  Master Deng arrived half an hour later.

  As soon as he entered the hall, he was beaten by a few papers, staggered, and quickly knelt down: "The emperor calms down, the minister is late."

   "Look at what's written on it." Emperor Xuanming smiled lukewarmly twice.

  (end of this chapter)

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