Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1921: Transfer to the Ministry of War

  Chapter 1921 Transferred to the Ministry of War

   Several officials from the Ministry of Rites also followed to the pavilion, drinking tea and waiting for King Huainan and others.

  In the capital.

  Upstairs in the restaurant, Qi Shangshu and King Qi were sitting in a private room, looking at the gate of the city through the half-opened window.

  Qi Shangshu was still a little unwilling: "King Rong took a big deal this time."

   "If he personally brings the prince of Beirong to an audience, I don't know how it will affect how the emperor arranges Beirong's trade."

  Because of the matter of his mother and concubine, King Qi looked slumped and his spirits were not very good.

  Qi Zhaoyi was sent out of the palace yesterday and went to the temple.

  Even because of Emperor Xuanming's order, King Qi was not even qualified to send his mother and concubine off.

   "Uncle, this errand may not be arranged so quickly, you don't have to worry." King Qi comforted.

   Qi Shangshu knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, so naturally he would not always regret it.

  Seeing that the king of Qi is enlightened and willing to fight, he is very happy.

   "My lord, what do you think we should do next?"

   "Wait to go to court first, and see the attitude of the emperor." King Qi felt that the focus was still on Emperor Xuanming, and the final decision must be made by the emperor.

  Qi Shangshu squinted his eyes: "I have already got a lot of evidence from the Deng family."

   "However, there is something strange."

   "It seems that the previous incident in southern Xinjiang also involved King Huainan."

   King Qi did not know the news, and frowned slightly: "Uncle, what do you mean by this? It involves King Huainan?"

   "Yes, have you forgotten Concubine Yun who was suddenly called into the palace before?" Qi Shangshu's eyes flickered: "Although she only entered the palace for a day, she was sent back again."

   "But I always feel that something is wrong."

   "This time, neither the son of King Huainan nor the princess went to pick up King Huainan outside the city, but was called into the palace instead. This is very abnormal."

   "If King Huainan had no problem, the emperor would not do this." Qi Shangshu almost said that Emperor Xuanming suspected that King Huainan had disobedience.

  King Qi was a little startled, these details, so to speak, seem to have finally become a series.

   "King Huainan is back this time..." King Qi also knew that the specific situation was uncertain.

   King Rong's passing this time may not be a good thing.

  Of course, it is also an opportunity to do meritorious service, but it is also dangerous.

   King Qi was in a complicated mood.

   After all, he didn't want to harm others.


   A palace servant beside Deng Jieyu quietly left the hall.

   Deng Jieyu washed up and changed into beautiful clothes.

   Surrounded by a group of palace people, she went to the imperial study.

   As soon as Deng Jieyu walked in, she saw Chu Heng hit her head with a fist, and Chu Heng took two steps back in an unsteady figure.

   "My concubine, come here." Emperor Xuanming waved to Deng Jieyu.

  Deng Jieyu walked over with a smile on her face, and habitually snuggled into Emperor Xuanming's arms.

   "Your Majesty, my concubine has already discussed with the Empress Dowager about tomorrow's banquet, would you like to see it?" Deng Jieyu's voice was charming, and she relied on Emperor Xuanming wholeheartedly.

  Emperor Xuanming: "Wait a moment, I will deal with the rebels first."

  The word "Ni Chen" came out.

  Deng Jieyu's heart skipped a beat.

  Looking at Chu Heng, I don't know whether it is sympathy or gratitude.

   "Chu Aiqing, since you think I am confused, then I will show you my confusion. You must know that this world still belongs to me, not to you ministers!"

   "From now on, Chu Aiqing will go to the Ministry of War to wait, and I really don't trust you with my money bag."

  Chu Heng didn't refute, he just saluted and withdrew.

  Deng Jieyu heard this deal.

  (end of this chapter)

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