Path of light

Chapter 335 336 The fortress in the mine

Chapter 335 336. Fortress in the Mine

Which unit is the most capable in the cavalry vanguard regiment? The answer is the elf patrol of the reconnaissance team of the Cavalry Vanguard Regiment.

These elf patrols need to have eyes that see everything, a keen sense of smell that can smell danger, and the elf sword in their hands can kill the headhunters with one blow, otherwise the corpses lying in this large grassland will be the cavalry vanguard group. The elf guards inside.

After being severely defeated by the cavalry vanguard group several times, the elven headhunters were scattered in pieces on the vast grassland of the plateau.

They fought guerrilla warfare with the elven cavalry and led them into the overgrown stone pond canyon, allowing the dangerous places on the plateau to reduce the elven cavalry's combat effectiveness.

It wasn't until the Silver Pegasus warrior reinforcements arrived at Pagisto Plateau that the situation here reversed.

The Silver Pegasus warriors could overlook the endless plateau from high altitude. The elf headhunters had nowhere to hide, and they were forced to flee towards the hinterland of the plateau.

Seeing a group of Silver Pegasus warriors wandering in the sky, Captain Hercules rode a war horse with four hooves and white flight feathers. After looking up into the distance, he smiled and said to Captain Hercules of the Silver Pegasus Regiment. :

"If I were this group of elven headhunters, then I would go to the deep mountains and forests. To be honest, if the Silver Pegasus warriors were wandering over the mountains and forests, their advantage would be far less obvious than on the plateau."

Next to him, Captain Helekhs caressed the neck of a silver-white Pegasus beside him. He was wearing a set of silver armor and a silver hair crown on his head. His long golden hair was spread behind his head, making him look extraordinary and handsome.

Captain Hercules turned to Captain Hercules and asked, "Why do you think they didn't escape into the mountains?"

"I heard that the mixed-blood elves in this area were driven into the mountains by headhunters." Captain Hercules jumped off his horse, hugged Captain Helekhs, and said with a smile: "Herekhs, thank you. You can come."

"Our regiment has just completed its rotation at Queen Egwene Island and was transferred to the Partington plane. Now the Endless Sea is not very peaceful. Earl Swinburne has extended the battle line so long. It’s destined that we have to run around here and there.” The handsome leader of the Silver Moon Elf said with a smile.

The silver pegasus standing behind Captain Helekhs flicked its tail, and Captain Helekhs patted its back and asked it to wait aside.

Captain Herlekhs said seriously: "Before coming here, I heard the earl say that he also sent a young man who is familiar with the conditions on the plateau to the vanguard group. Didn't he help you?"

Only then did Hercules remember the young half-elf brought over by Captain Berkeley three weeks ago.

He scratched his head in embarrassment, because he didn't even know if the half-elf was still in the cavalry vanguard group.

He turned around and asked the adjutant about Roy's situation. The adjutant thought for a moment before remembering that the half-elf boy had been sent to the 10th Investigation Team by him.

The adjutant went to the reconnaissance brigade to look for Roy, but heard from the commander of the reconnaissance brigade that Roy had gone out on patrol with the 10th Reconnaissance Team.

The adjutant asked about Roy's recent performance in the reconnaissance team. Unexpectedly, the commander of the reconnaissance team was full of praise for Roy. The reason why he praised Roy was entirely because the Tenth Reconnaissance Team had continuously hunted in the past half month. Killed nearly thirty elf headhunters.

This number is far ahead among many investigation teams. The 10th Investigation Team has won the title of 'Best Investigation Team' for three consecutive weeks.

The adjutant was stunned on the spot. He never expected that the half-elf boy who looked so ordinary could be so outstanding...

You must know that the entire Cavalry Pioneer Regiment, and with the help of the Silver Pegasus warriors, only killed more than 300 elf headhunters. The number of plateau headhunters killed by the 10th Reconnaissance Team was actually one-tenth of the total. , this is a bit scary, they are not Silver Pegasus warriors...

Unable to find Roy, the adjutant had to go back alone to deliver the mission.

This vast plateau grassland is not a flat plain. If you look down from a high altitude, you will know that there are dozens of large and small mountains crisscrossing the plateau. Dangerous snow peaks appear.

There are countless beautiful lakes scattered among these mountains. Not all places are covered with grass. There are also thick moss growing in many places. These moss wrap the rocks and make the entire valley green.

The 10th Reconnaissance Team walked fifteen kilometers along the canyon. It was almost a hundred kilometers away from the camp of the Cavalry Pioneer Regiment, but there was still no trace of the plateau headhunters.

Captain Jones could only order to return to the camp. It seemed that the plateau headhunters should have left this area.

Ever since the Silver Pegasus Regiment appeared on the plateau, the headhunters have retreated hastily towards the hinterland of the plateau.

For two days in a row, the 10th Reconnaissance Team had almost no results.

"If we can't find them, let's go back now!" Captain Jones ordered his men.

Rambo followed Roy, a scarf tied around his neck.

The wound that the elf headhunter cut on his throat had long since healed, but even if Roy used the 'Holy Light Technique' to treat him, there was still a scar on his throat, which looked like... A wide grin.

So Lambo found a silk scarf and tied it around his neck.

He said to Roy:

"These elf headhunters are supported by the mine owners. They will run far away when they encounter trouble. They are like a group of hyenas. Once they target their prey, they will follow behind and wait for an opportunity to meet more powerful lions. They will run away, anyway, the plateau is so big, there are their hidden camps everywhere. When we come here, they will hide, and once we leave, they will immediately come out of the hidden camps."

Roy also knew this. These elf headhunters were as cunning as foxes and as fierce as hyenas.

"We are always led by their noses, and there is no way to clean them out," Roy said.

"Then what should we do?" Rambo said impatiently.

Roy looked at the mountains in the distance and said to Lambeau: "Of course we have to cut off their supply. They can run around, but those mines cannot run away. The mine owners are the support behind these headhunters. By."

After hearing what Roy said, Lambo pointed to the intersection of the two mountains in front and whispered to Roy:

"Roy, I know... there is a mine hidden on the mountain ridge in front. Those plateau headhunters must be connected with the mine owners there!"

Roy squinted his eyes and saw that there was almost nothing on the dark mountains except black rocks.

Captain Herlekhs stood at the highest point of the camp, feeling the cold wind on the Pagisto Plateau. He squinted his eyes and said to the leader of the Cavalry Pioneer Regiment:

"Hercules, before I came here, His Excellency the Earl specially confessed something."

Hercules immediately became energetic, and he looked at Captain Hercules quietly.

Captain Helekhs said in a low voice:

"We entered the Pagisto Plateau with such great force, not just to clear out those plateau headhunters. Although this vast land looks barren, there are rich mineral veins hidden in the mountains. Our goal is to hide in the Those mine owners in the mountains, only by mastering those mines can our Silver Pegasus army have the capital to expand, and now there are fewer and fewer pastures where Silver Pegasus can be raised."

Captain Hercules stared at the handsome Silver Pegasus Captain and asked him: "Hercules, do you have any information about the plateau mine?"

"Is that Roy back?" Captain Herlehs asked.

Captain Hercules quickly summoned the adjutant not far away: "Is Roy back?"

The adjutant replied quickly: "I'm back."

"Go and call him over." Captain Hercules ordered.


The adjutant quickly ran towards the camp of the 10th Reconnaissance Team.

When the adjutant came to see Roy, he was baking his boots next to the campfire, sitting barefoot on a stone outside the tent, holding a cup of hot fruit tea in his hand.

Hearing that Captain Hercules wanted to see him, Roy quickly put on his warm boots, put down the hot teacup in his hand, and followed the adjutant.

"Roy, have you gained anything in the Pioneer Corps recently?" the adjutant asked as he walked, as if his boss was caring about his subordinates.

"Speaking of gains, going out with the 10th Reconnaissance Team to search for highland headhunters gave me training that I couldn't get in the academy." Roy said casually.

The adjutant glanced at Roy and couldn't see anything special about the ordinary half-elf boy in front of him.

Maybe it's his good luck. The 10th Reconnaissance Team he follows goes out on missions, and there are always extra gains...

Roy followed the adjutant and walked up to the camp for a long time, passed through the top tent of the military camp, and came to the front of Captain Hercules and Captain Hellechs.

Roy knew Captain Hercules, but he had never met Captain Hercules of the Silver Pegasus.

"Roy, do you know about the plateau mine?" Captain Hercules asked directly.

Although that arrogant face has no special expression, people can feel the indifference in his heart.

Roy knew that this was almost a common problem among most Silver Moon Elf nobles. It was often seen in Castletown Elf Academy. Some Silver Moon Elf nobles did not have it on their faces. That was just because they concealed it well. Not every Silver Moon elf will be as friendly as Claire.

However, Roy didn't think there was any problem with this.

He replied respectfully:

"I just heard some information. When my friends and I came to the Pagisto Plateau for an adventure, we planned to go for a walk near a mine under the leadership of the local elves. Unfortunately, there were many places on the plateau at that time. They are all plateau headhunters. They are arresting mixed elves arbitrarily and burning down elven villages. For safety reasons, we abandoned the plan midway, but I know the approximate location of a mine."

Hearing what Roy said, the two captains looked at Roy at the same time.

The handsome elf leader wearing silver armor and a crown asked seriously:

"So, you know the location of the mine?"

Roy nodded and said, "I only know the approximate direction!" He felt that he couldn't speak too fully, so he said this.

Captain Herlekhs's eyes were bright and he said to Roy with some excitement:

"Well, we will set off to the mine tomorrow. You will lead the way for us this time. I will ask the Silver Pegasus warriors to cooperate with you."

Captain Hercules coughed lightly and said, "Roy, you will work with the 10th Reconnaissance Team tomorrow and take us to the location of the mine."

"Understood, my lord."

Roy agreed immediately.

The cavalry vanguard group set off from the camp early and marched out of the valley.

The camp here will be left to the logistics group behind for dismantling. The elven cavalry of the Cavalry Pioneer Group will go to the next camp with some necessary supplies.

The division of labor between the logistics group and the combat group was very clear. Roy sighed that the Silver Pegasus Corps was really wealthy.

The 10th Reconnaissance Team led the way. They took the same mountain road they walked yesterday. It looked like a flat grassland. Not all places were easy to walk. Some places were full of swamps. In some places, there were countless potholes hidden in the grass. , once the war horse steps in, it will easily break the horse's legs.

When the Cavalry Pioneer Regiment and the plateau headhunters were circling in the grass, they suffered a big loss because they were unfamiliar with the surrounding environment.

Now the 10th Reconnaissance Team has explored the road here, and Lambo is still leading the way...

The Cavalry Pioneer Regiment circled along the edge of the wasteland. Obviously walking in a straight line would save a lot of distance, but the Cavalry Pioneer Regiment kept walking in circles.

The elven cavalry in the team did not have any complaints at this time. They knew very well that the road they were taking now could be said to be the best road to take in recent times.

The Silver Pegasus Horse Regiment led by Captain Herlekhs took the first step. They were flying troops and were much faster than the cavalry regiment.

According to Roy's description, the reconnaissance team of the Silver Pegasus Regiment discovered a mine on the north slope of the mountainside at the intersection of mountains that afternoon.

Looking down from a high place, this mine looks like a fortress built on four sides. The fortress is a square trapezoid.

It is built against a mountain, and the surrounding walls are disguised as cliffs.

Only when you look down from the sky can you see the densely packed stepped buildings in the square-shaped walls, making the entire fortress look like an underground well.

The rock on the outer wall looks like a precipitous cliff, with piles of rubble piled on the bottom, which may be the first line of defense for the mine.

The Silver Pegasus elf warriors actually passed through this area more than once, but every time they ignored this dark rock wall. No one expected that this was actually the external building of the mine.

After Captain Hercules marked the approximate location of the mine on the map, the Cavalry Pioneer Regiment headed towards the mine.

Two days later, the cavalry vanguard finally reached the foot of the mountain on the north slope of the mountain. The mine was on the mountainside, and it was a long way to climb up from here.

The Cavalry Pioneer Regiment was stationed at the foot of the mountain, while the Silver Pegasus Horse Regiment was stationed on the south slope.

The flying army ignores the obstacles of the terrain and can always easily build its camp in a safe place facing the sun.

At this time, on the north slope, the road up the mountain had long been blocked. It looked like it was caused by a mountain collapse. However, in the opinion of Captain Hercules, it should be an obstacle deliberately set up by the owner of the mine on the mountain. However, the mine owner The other side of the field was completely hunkered down in the fortress.

Even if the flag of the Silver Pegasus Legion has been planted on the opposite peak, even if the flag is fluttering in the wind on the top of the peak, the owner of the mine is indifferent...

Captain Hercules rode his horse two steps up and stopped in front of the rubble pile. Behind him was a row of elven cavalry wearing exquisite armor. The valley echoed with the melodious horns blown by the elves.

Captain Hercules pulled out the sword from his waist and pointed at the fortress halfway up the mountain.

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