Path of light

Chapter 109 110 Help

Chapter 109 110. Ask for help

Two members of the human adventure group passed under the tree side by side, dragging Roy and Claire's two tents in their hands.

Claire and Roy hid in the tree and looked at each other. If these two tents were taken away, they might really have to sleep in the tree for some time in the future.

The Malaga jungle is humid and hot, and there are many poisonous ants and mosquitoes. If you lose your tent, you have to rely on those repellent herbal ointments...

But at the moment, it is impossible for the two of them to fight the two human adventure group members below for two tents. They can only squat on the tree and stare.

Before the two members of the adventure group walked over, another voice came from the morning mist:

"Did you find anything?"

Following the sound, Roy saw a member of the human adventure group walking from check-in point 2. He was wearing exquisite armor, a long sword on his waist, and a shield on his back. He looked taller than the others. The members of the adventure group are much better equipped...

"I found two elf tents, and I don't know who left them."

The members of the adventure group who dragged the tent spread out the tent in their hands and reported to the leader.

"Move back to the camp. You should be on alert at all times. When the fog clears, the elves will come here. Let's see how many fish can come in today."

"Yes!" The two members of the adventure group dragged the tent and continued walking under the cliff.

Unfortunately, neither Roy nor Claire understood what he was saying.

Roy and Claire found that they could not get close to the second check-in point, so they made a quick decision and sneaked out of the woods quietly.

Because of the cover of morning mist, the members of the adventure group were not discovered. The two hid in a forest with dense grass and vines. Roy planned to find a higher place to observe the elves at check-in point No. 2. .

This couldn't be some special camping ground, probably only students taking geography classes would come here.

The morning fog gradually dissipated, and the jungle became like a steamer again.

Roy and Claire were squatting in the bushes. Their location was fully one kilometer away from check-in point No. 2.

Claire's face turned ugly when she thought of those Silver Moon elves who were sitting stiffly and motionless.

"Roy, tell me...what do they want to do when they come to check-in point two?"

Roy said: "I bet they are arresting students from the Elf Academy. As long as they wait there, more Elf students will keep running in."

The two of them looked at check-in point No. 2 with some guilt. Claire asked Roy, "What should we do now?"

"We have to spread the news that the elf has been captured..." Roy said: "Someone has to stop the students who are about to sign in on the road, and someone has to go to the high ridge to send out a distress signal. Claire, you have to stop other students on this road. Students who are coming over, I will go to the top of the mountain to send out a distress signal!"

"Then you should pay attention to safety!" Claire also knew that sending flares was more dangerous.

Because as long as the signal flare is sent out, it means that the place where you are is completely exposed, and the members of the adventure group will also move towards the place where the signal is sent out. In this case, the person who sent out the distress signal cannot go too far. Once Someone saw the distress signal and came from the air to provide support. Someone needed to respond.

The two fist bumped, and Roy said to Claire:

"You too, be careful, they are professional hunters."

"Yeah." Claire agreed.

Holding a machete in his hand, Roy split open a tree vine in front of him and walked towards the densest forest in the mountains.

He wanted to find this kind of forest area that was very difficult to walk. After reaching the top of the mountain, he would stay longer.

In addition to the hatchet and the kettle, he also carried four magic flares on his back. The trees were filled with weeds and thorn vines, and some parasitic vines hung from the tops of the trees. Some thick giant trees grew Covered with greasy moss.

After passing through a cloud of flying mosquitoes, Roy suddenly realized that without Claire leading the way, the road to the top of the mountain would become even more difficult.

We have to go faster, Roy thought silently in his heart, and moved forward as quickly as possible again.

Walking alone in a dense jungle, Roy was suddenly a little scared, worried that a giant lizard would suddenly rush out of the grass and bite him in half.

Sweat flowed down his cheeks, and the small sesame openings scratched by thorns on his body felt as painful as being pricked by needles.

After desperately cutting down the weeds in front of him, Roy felt that his arms were a little heavy and he could no longer hold the hatchet.

Take out a roll of linen bandage from your pocket, hold the handle of the knife, and then use the bandage to wrap the handle of the knife and your right hand tightly together. The advantage of this is that you don’t have to hold the handle of the knife hard, and it feels like the entire hatchet becomes the right hand. Arm an extension.

When Roy reached the top of the mountain, he felt that the last bit of strength in his body had been drained out.

At this time, Roy suddenly remembered why he didn't give himself a 'blessing of strength'?

It seemed that it was not too late. Roy first used the 'Secondary Healing Technique' on himself to relieve the pain caused by the small wounds made by the thorns, and then blessed himself with the 'Blessing of Strength', and then he felt a trace of Silk power returns to the body.

Finally, he did not forget to give himself a sacred glimmer of light, and then began to observe the terrain on the top of the mountain.

Roy wanted to climb a high cliff that was not covered by trees, but after searching for a long time, he could not find the ideal location. There were no prominent high ridges in this Malaga jungle.

There are dense woods everywhere on the top of the mountain, completely blocking the sky.

Seeing a big tree with a huge crown not far away, Roy gritted his teeth and started trying to climb the tree.

After receiving the blessing of strength, Roy felt that climbing the tree became much easier. He grabbed the branches of the big tree and soon climbed to the crown of the tree. He leaned against a strong branch and used a hatchet to cut it. All branches overhead that were blocking the view were cut down.

He didn't even let the branches fall under the tree.

Instead, he took out a rope to tie up these abandoned branches and hung them on the branches of the tree.

After finally clearing the tree crown around his body, Roy took out a magic flare, opened the kraft paper wrapping the flare, and pulled out the fuse of the flare as Claire said...

There were no so-called sparks and smoke. Magic threads appeared on the entire magic flare. These threads filled all the space. The magic flare flew out of Roy's hand. It rushed up to the sky silently, and then Then a ball of dark red fire bloomed.

It was like gorgeous fireworks, but no sound could be heard.

The dark red fire even stagnated at high altitude and lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually fading...

When the fireworks exploded in the sky, Roy was still worried about whether the magic flare could be discovered by the distant rescue team. But when the red fireworks exploded in the sky, Roy put his heart down...

Eye-catching and coquettish.

Like a red rose in full bloom.

After Roy released the magic flare, he waited for a few minutes and then released another magic flare into the sky...

The continuous appearance of two magic signal bombs in the sky means that the situation is extremely urgent. As long as the rescue team can see the magic signal, it is necessary to put down everything they are doing and come to support.

After Roy released the second magic flare, he still had to wait here...

After the rescue team arrived, Roy also fired magic flares for close range guidance.

This period of time is the most dangerous for Roy.

He can only wait above the tree canopy so that he can see the arriving rescue team, but waiting in place will undoubtedly lead to death...

At the second check-in point, this group of adventure group members are waiting for other young elves to fall into the trap.

A dark red flame in the sky, through the dense branches and leaves in the jungle, allowed many members of the adventure group to see clearly...

The warrior leader also saw Guangyan for the first time, and his face that was still laughing heartily suddenly turned gloomy. He stood up from his seat and waved to the jungle beside him.

A group of adventure group members who were lying in ambush emerged from their hiding places and gathered around the warrior leader.

The magician Benjamin sitting aside immediately pulled out the handle of the magic pot and wanted to explore the direction where the flare was lit, but was held back by the warrior leader.

The warrior leader cursed angrily at the gathered members of the adventure group:

"How did it happen that you were discovered so quickly?"

Naturally, no one would stand up and take the blame for everyone at this time.

The warrior leader scanned the crowd, randomly selected two rangers, pulled them to the front, and then ordered:

"You two go to the location where the signal flare was launched, kill the elf that sent the signal, and then return directly to the landing point. We will wait for you at the beach for two hours."

The two rangers seemed to be used to this kind of finishing work. When they heard the leader's instructions, they agreed without hesitation.

"Got it, head!"

The warrior leader glanced at the Silver Moon Elf student opposite who was tied into a rice dumpling, tore off the clothes covering the outside, and ordered the others: "Take these guys, let's retreat!"


The members of the adventure group untied the ropes that tied the elves' legs like donkeys, tied a rope around their necks and held them in their hands.

In this case, it would be no problem for one member of the adventure group to lead five or six elves.

In a tent, the academy instructor who had been waiting for the elf students at the check-in point was already feeling a little smelly.

He was lying in the tent with his eyes wide open, and there were some flies falling around the wound on his neck.

The members of the adventure group did not pay attention to the bodies lying in the tent. Instead, they picked up the last few injured young elves from the ground and said in Elvish language with fierce eyes:

"Are you going to follow us obediently, or are you going to let me hang you right here?"

"If you don't want to die, don't fall behind. If anyone walks slowly, I will hang him up directly and then stab him in the chest..."

The young elves who were still trying to struggle suddenly became quiet.

There was a contemptuous smile in the eyes of the members of the adventure group...

As soon as he stretched out his hand to touch the fair face of an elf girl next to him, the warrior leader walked over quickly and stretched out a big hand to pinch his head.

The warrior leader came up to him and said hoarsely:

"The base price of an intact elf girl in the auction house is fifty magic crystals. If you can come up with this money, I don't mind selling her to you. It will be sold to anyone... and I can still It saves you a lot of trouble, right?"

The member of the adventure group had his head pinched by big hands and did not dare to resist. He looked at the warrior leader with a horrified look on his face, begging for mercy written all over his face.

The warrior leader was still talking to himself:

"But I think you haven't saved enough money! So... if you still want to keep this hand claw from turning into a cold iron hook, you have to control it, can you do it?"

"Yes! Head, I can..."

The members of the adventure group responded with trembling voices.

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