Part-time BOSS

Chapter 630 Finale: Dragon God Chapter (Complete)

Kalimdor - Shadowkeep:

Illidan opened his eyes suddenly, still shocked by the power of the entire world being distorted and reshaped. However, there was no collapsed Pillar of Creation in front of him, nor countless adventurers and demon armies, nor the dragon god and the demon army. Those heroes who fought to the death.

There was only darkness in front of him, and a familiar cold feeling.

This is... the underground prison of Shadow Castle?

Yes, it was here, the place where he had been imprisoned for ten thousand years. He could even see the graffiti on the wall that he had left in those lonely years, the portrait of Tyrande that he had carved with his own hands. It gave him a dull pain in his chest...

What exactly is going on?

It took Illidan a while to figure out what happened. Time was reversed? But why do I still remember these memories?

Could it be that he will be imprisoned in the future? Illidan couldn't help but be speechless for a while. He had saved the world after all.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and Illidan immediately knew who it was, Maiev Shadowsong. She always liked to wander alone in the shadows outside the prison, laughing at herself, or admiring the embarrassment of being imprisoned. Sometimes Illidan felt that Maiev Shadowsong seemed to have a special emotion for him, but sometimes he felt that it was just his illusion.

By the way, if she retains this memory, then should Maiev also...

"Maev, is that you?"

"Why, our betrayer is going to beg for mercy. Save it. You will be imprisoned here until you rot. Looking at you like that can relieve the hatred in my heart a little."

"Damn it, I just saved the world, have you forgotten? At the Pillars of Creation!"

Maiev's pretty face appeared in the moonlight. She looked at Illidan doubtfully, obviously confused by his words. After a moment, she suddenly laughed.

"Hehehehe, betrayer, have you finally fallen into madness in endless imprisonment? I thought you would always be strong, good, good, this is really a pleasant news. Or maybe this is yours It's some kind of trick, but it doesn't matter, it won't change your outcome at all, just stay here." She smiled coldly, turned around and returned to the shadows, the footsteps gradually faded away, and finally disappeared.

Illidan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. If he hadn't tasted the taste of freedom, maybe he wouldn't have felt anything, but now he just wanted to hit him to death.

Why, why did I end up like this after doing so much, "Dragon God Aidan, where are you! You promised me, why did you do this to me?"

"Of course I promised you, I'm not the type to burn bridges."

This voice made Illidan extremely pleasantly surprised. He turned around and saw a portal appearing out of thin air, and Aidan's figure walked out of it.

"You are finally here, take me out of here quickly, I don't want to stay any longer."

"Haha, don't be anxious, I'll take you away right now." Murphy said as he glanced at the cell, his eyes resting on the portrait of Tyrande on the wall for a moment, "I didn't expect you, Illidan, to be an artist. The painting is good.”

"Hmph, ten thousand years, Lord Dragon God, ten thousand years, I will always find something to do to pass the time."

Murphy nodded, "That's right, come on Illidan, let us leave here, but before leaving, in order to save you some trouble-"

As soon as Murphy raised his hand, a ball of shadow and a ball of holy light emerged in the air. The two forces merged together and merged into a strange blood substance, which condensed into a humanoid outline and finally transformed into the shape of Illidan.

"Let this body stay here for you, so that Maiev will not come after you again in the future."

Illidan nodded gratefully and walked into the portal eagerly.

Murphy immediately left this disturbing place, leaving only Illidan's puppet standing in the darkness, staring blankly at the portrait of Tyrande.

After passing through the portal, Illidan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to leave that hellish place.

"Ah, freedom, such a sweet smell." Illidan stretched his body in the sun, feeling the warmth of the sun.

Then he looked around in confusion, "Where is this place? What time is it now?"

In front of him was a desolate land, with red dry ground and desolate mountains everywhere.

The sun was extremely dazzling, and the scorching temperature made the ground hot.

"This is the Searing Canyon, the territory of the Black Dragon Clan. As for time, it is one year before the Dark Portal opens, and all the stories have not happened yet. Soon the Dark Portal will open, and a new history is about to take place. But this time, I’m afraid it will be very different.”

"Why did I retain the original memory?" Illidan asked the doubt in his heart.

Murphy shrugged, "Because I like it. Letting some specific people keep that memory may have some positive effects in the future. Some things shouldn't be forgotten, right? Besides, I like to take care of my own people. After all, you Everyone has fought for me, and they must be rewarded.

All the heroes of the Dragon God camp had their personal data retained when I restarted the world.

In other words, the powers you have gained still exist, although some of them cannot be fully unlocked due to age and will take some time.

And knowing what is going to happen in the future and retaining some of the knowledge you have originally can be considered a little benefit I give you. "

Illidan nodded, this benefit is quite good.

It would be a shame if the powerful spells learned from the Skull of Archimonde were forgotten.

"What are we doing here?"

"Find an old friend, come on Illidan, walk with me, don't leave in a hurry, you are already free, and there will be endless life waiting for you. Maybe saying endless is a bit too exaggerated, but it is still a long time. time."

Illidan nodded, "It doesn't matter where you are, as long as you're not in that dark prison."

The two of them just wandered through the desolate canyon, moving forward aimlessly.

A black dragon flew across the sky. Illidan looked at the sky warily, but Murphy didn't care.

Although time has restarted and the world has been reshaped, the dragon god's majesty in Mo Fei's body is enough to make all the dragons surrender, but he deliberately hides it.

"What are we looking for?" Illidan was impatient.

At this moment, Murphy suddenly stopped.

"I think I've found it," he said, pointing to a hillside not far away.

It was a black young dragon. It was aiming at a rabbit with concentration. Suddenly it dived. The rabbit turned sharply to get away from the hunt. However, the black young dragon flew extremely agilely and turned sideways lightly. , a ball of flame hit the rabbit accurately, burning the rabbit into a ball of roast meat exuding the aroma of meat.

The young dragon landed and gnawed on the rabbit meat. Suddenly, it turned its head suddenly, and a figure appeared in front of it.

The young black dragon breathed out a flame in protest, trying to protect its trophies, but soon a strangely familiar and friendly aura made it stop being nervous, and stared curiously at the approaching humans.

Murphy lifted the black baby dragon up. The black baby dragon in front of him was still very young, with a chubby body and mini wings. It looked very cute, and its big black pupils were full of curiosity.

"You came here just to find a baby dragon? Is there anything special about him?"

"You can say that, although I can't see it now, I think when it grows up, it will be very amazing, don't you think so - Morpheus."

The little guy obviously didn't understand that that was its name, he just tilted his head and looked at Murphy.

"Let me give you a little gift." Murphy said, tapping the little guy's forehead with his finger. Suddenly, there was a bit of surprise and gratitude in his cute eyes. A bit excited.

"Go, live a happy life, and enjoy your true freedom." Murphy threw it casually, and the black baby dragon flew into the sky. It circled in a circle, as if to pay tribute, and then flew towards the distance. go.

Looking at the black baby dragon gradually flying away, Illidan was thoughtful.

Snap-pop-pop! A sound of applause made Illidan alert again.

But Murphy didn't react at all. He didn't turn around until Morpheus' figure completely disappeared.

The person applauding was none other than Wang Xuan. He still looked carefree, standing under the shade of a big tree with his pockets in his pockets. A solitary tree in the wilderness looked unusually abrupt, just like Wang Xuan. Same as itself.

It seems out of place in this desolate world.

"Well done, Murphy. The happy ending is a bit cheesy, but I have to say, it's still a bit pleasing to the eye." Wang Xuan still sounded like he didn't deserve a beating.

Murphy said calmly: "Why are you here too? Haven't you already left this world?"

"Oh, it took a little effort, but don't forget that I created this game. Traveling through time and space is just a basic operation for a Skywalker."


"Yes, it's just me. After experiencing so many things, you probably haven't realized that your world, my world, and the world of Azeroth are not the only universes.

In fact, there are many worlds, the so-called world of heavens, the multiverse, you name it whatever you want. "

"Why are you telling me this?" Murphy asked calmly.

Wang Xuan chuckled, "Don't you want to know what my plan is? I think it's better to tell you."

Mo Fei said noncommittally, "I don't intend to be your subordinate."

"I understand, so I decided to form an alliance with you. We will work together as allies and we will be on equal footing. That will be all right."

Murphy shook his head, "Not interested."

Wang Xuan said helplessly, "Before you refuse, you should listen to my plan."

"Okay, tell me."

Wang Xuan cleared his throat, as if he was about to deliver a speech.

"I have adventured in countless worlds, enjoyed all kinds of fun, and experienced all kinds of life, but in the end I was tired of everything. The so-called world of heavens and multiverses, although colorful, It's colorful, but in the end, it's just a bigger prison.

A question appeared in my mind, what is there outside this world of heavens?

Whether there is a higher-dimensional world above all the universes, this doubt has been bothering me, and I finally made up my mind to find out.

After a long period of hard work, I finally reached the edge of the world. There I found a door, and perhaps the answer I was looking for was hidden behind that door. "

"Have you entered that door?"

Wang Xuan shook his head, "Of course I tried, seven times, but all failed. There is an indescribable terrifying guard hidden in that door. Its power is beyond my understanding. I have assembled the most powerful guards in the universe. I gathered all the mighty ones you can imagine...but failed every time.

This made me gradually realize that those already powerful beings in the world of the heavens have their own upper limits to their power. They have reached their peak and cannot continue to grow.

To get strong teammates, I have to develop them from scratch.

So I created the game Cangqiong World, just to screen and cultivate a truly strong person, a teammate that I can truly rely on, and a protagonist who stands out from countless others. And you are that person.

You've defeated gods and titans, taken control of the game's systems, and saved an entire universe. You're the perfect teammate I'm looking for.

Of course, I won't stop here. The Sky World is just my first attempt. My goal is to assemble a strong team, so there will be more games in the future. When the team is assembled, I will lead everyone together To break through that door and see the truth of the universe. "

Wang Xuan's voice was fervent and full of bewitching power.

It was obvious that he really yearned for what was behind that door.

Mo Fei was a little surprised. Although he had many guesses about Wang Xuan's origin, this answer still made him a little stunned.

A skywalker, an adventurer, a man who wants to break out of prison.

"How about you and me, let's explore the unknown world outside the heavens, the real reality, and create a new game together. Come on, Murphy, I know you must also want to know what's behind that door. What's there?" Wang Xuan said expectantly.

Murphy shook his head, "I won't go."

"What?" Wang Xuan thought he had heard wrong and said in disbelief: "You should understand what I said, right? Don't you want to know what the world beyond the heavens is like?"

Murphy nodded, "Of course I want to know, but I just want to know. People will always have curiosity, but sometimes it doesn't have to be satisfied. There are always various kinds of things in the universe. It’s secret, why do we have to find out?

What's more, have you ever thought about whether there is another higher-dimensional world outside the world outside the heavens?

And beyond that higher-dimensional world, is there a higher and higher-dimensional world?

Space has no end, power has no end, your exploration is destined to have no results, it is just a futile quest, so I will not join your team. Instead of wasting time, it is better to enjoy the life of this world. Be a god who is omnipotent but knows nothing. "

It was said that Wang Xuan's face turned green and white. He has always maintained an enigmatic personality. He has powers that others cannot understand, and he knows mysteries that ordinary people can't imagine.

He seems to be able to see through everything and maintain a high sense of mystery. In his eyes, the world is just a huge playground.

However, at this moment, he was rejected so dismissively.

This made Wang Xuan feel that his defense was broken for the first time.

"Haha, you have no idea what you are talking about. What is behind the Gate of the Heavens is the truth and the greatest ultimate goal of the universe. Your so-called gods are just birds in a cage and are worthless. .

You actually refused my invitation. You don't know how precious this opportunity is, and how stupid and arrogant your behavior is.

Well, it seems that I was too polite. Maybe I should destroy this universe, and then you can go on the road with me without any worries. "The more Wang Xuan said, the more excited he became.

Powerful power was stirring around him, the earth was shaking, the light and shadow were distorting, and the air was making a tearing noise.

Illidan felt a chill on his back, and he subconsciously activated his demon form. However, even if he transformed into a great demon, the King Xuan in front of him still made him feel extremely dangerous, as if he could destroy everything.

But the next second, the surrounding visions suddenly stopped. There was silence all around, the light disappeared, the earth was dead silent, and an invisible force enveloped Wang Xuan, completely isolating him from the real world.

It's the Dragon God!

As soon as Illidan turned his head, he immediately saw Murphy raising his hand towards Wang Xuan. He didn't know what method he used to control Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan seemed a little surprised, but he did not give up.

"You want to deal with me? You think too much. I have powerful power collected from the world of the heavens. I have never used my full strength in the past, but now - hell, what is going on? What did you do!"

Wang Xuan let out a cry of surprise. He felt an irresistible huge force squeezing from all directions on the ground, and every cell in his body seemed to be being destroyed.

None of the various powers in his body could break through this invisible cage, and the Dragon God in front of him actually completely suppressed him in terms of law.

This is - the system!

Only the power of the system can form such absolute repressive power.

"Impossible! You have destroyed the game system!"

Mo Fei looked at the struggling Wang Xuan calmly, "Yes, the game system was indeed destroyed by me. Only in this way can the universe truly get rid of its constraints. However, during the time when I controlled the system, I had no control over the operation of the system. He has understood the principle, and the absolute law that overrides the six original forces is constructed from the six original forces.

And I happen to control the six forces, so you see, it doesn't seem that difficult to occasionally control the system on a small scale. "

Murphy slowly closed his fists, and Wang Xuan felt huge pressure coming from all directions.

The feeling of being completely annihilated made the fear in his heart palpable.

"No! I surrender!"

The pressure suddenly disappeared. Wang Xuan was freed from the restraints and fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

His heart was pounding. Ever since he became a Skywalker, death had become a foreign concept to him.

But at that moment, he truly felt that death was close at hand.

Fear made him stiff, and he no longer dared to act rashly.

Murphy walked up to Wang Xuan and looked at him calmly, "Leave this world and don't come back again. I may not hold back next time."

Wang Xuan glanced at Mo Fei helplessly. He didn't even dare to show resentment, let alone say harsh words. He knew very well that in the world of the heavens, conflicts of will can only bring destruction.

"Okay, I'm leaving, but what I want to say is that this is your loss. You will never know what is behind that door."

After saying that, Wang Xuan stood up angrily, turned around and left. No one knew what method he used, and his figure disappeared without warning.

"Are you really not going to explore the truth behind that door?" Illidan said with some yearning, "I'm quite curious about what is behind that door."

Murphy shook his head, "No, I just won't explore it for the time being, but one day in the future, I will definitely not be able to help but want to find out the secret, and then I will find the answer in my own way."

Illidan was a little strange, "Why are you so sure?"

Murphy smiled and said leisurely: "Because, all wheels will eventually become the same shape."

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