Part-time BOSS

Chapter 66 Royal Guards

Damn it, he is actually a player, I didn’t even notice it before.

Murphy looked surprised. The man no longer had the unique respectful attitude of NPC towards the prince. He said helplessly: "Okay, let's stop pretending. Let's show our cards. I am indeed a player." After that, he looked pitiful. Looking at Murphy, "Your Highness, you won't drive me away, will you?"

Murphy shook his head. The reason why he didn't want the player soldiers as his subordinates was mainly because he was afraid of being tricked. Since the other party obviously didn't want to trick him, there was no need to drive him away.

However, he was still a little surprised in his heart, mainly because this person acted so much like him, and every move he made before was like an honest and dull infantryman.

Soldier templates and monster templates usually do not display names, only titles. For example, the name displayed on the head of the person in front of you is [Sword and Shield Infantry], which is the most standard image of alliance infantry. The word footman was originally used to describe them. Yes, Murphy used his lord authority to check the other party's name, Lazidanan, a name without any characteristics, but not ordinary and too obvious. No wonder he was deceived before.

After calling his men to tidy up the battlefield, Murphy called out to Lazidanan and asked, "Why do you play with the soldier template?"

"Because it's free. Of course, the most important thing is that I want to experience what it's like to be a soldier. In reality, I signed up to join the army. Unfortunately, I failed the physical examination. My myopia is too serious, so I can only enjoy it in the game. ”

"Then why choose infantry? At least choose a long-range one. At least it's easier to fight monsters."

"I choose infantry because they have helmets and it is easier to hide their identities. Soldier players like us can be easily recognized if their expressions are too vivid. Today's hero players and lord players don't like to lead players, and I can't help it.

In fact, most players are relatively reliable, and they are not as dull as NPCs. It is much easier to use than NPCs if you really use them. "

Of course Mo Feixin said you were a soldier, "Haha, then why do you think people still don't like to lead players? Is it just because of prejudice?"

"It can't be said to be biased. There are indeed a lot of bad apples among players. Player soldiers were not so unpopular in the past. The main reason is that there were a few things that happened some time ago. Several heroes were killed by player soldiers under their control. They were tricked, and there was a war between the lords. Each of their minions had the other's spies. They reported to each other, but they were ambushed. When all kinds of nonsense happened, the player's minions naturally became unpopular. Well, after all, NPCs are 100% considerate, and no matter how low the chance of players cheating others is still there.

In fact, this is all understandable. If it were me, I wouldn't be happy to take the player soldiers out. I can only say that those players who act as spies to deceive people are disgusting and directly harm the reputation of our player soldiers. "

In fact, there is one point that Razidanan did not mention. The real biggest problem is that it is a buyer's market now. Heroes and lords have the right to choose, but soldiers do not have the right to choose. Naturally, they can only reap the consequences.

Mo Fei nodded and said to himself that this person had seen through things quite clearly. What he was most afraid of was the resentful giant baby players. If he really encountered such a person, he would have to drive him out at any cost. Since he was sensible, he would take him with him. Come on.

"Okay, as long as you obey my command, it doesn't matter if I take you to upgrade."

In fact, players also have their own advantages. Just like the kind of cooperation just now, it is difficult to achieve with NPC.

The NPC can only accept direct instructions. If you ask him to stay in one place, as long as there are no new instructions, he will not move even if he starves to death, and he will be indifferent even if he watches you being killed.

Players have to be much more flexible, and the key is to score.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the two Alterac hunters peeled off a lot of snowman skins, which were quite valuable. Murphy ordered the team to move on, and the team continued to move into the mountains.

There are snowmen everywhere in this area. After killing too many, Mo Fei also summed up his experience. The snowmen are extremely powerful, but their defense is weak. Their flesh and blood bodies are very vulnerable to piercing attacks, and because of their size, they are simply alive. The target, as long as the crossbowman has enough space to output, any amount of it is based on experience.

Occasionally, Mo Fei would go up and make some gestures, but once the excitement of killing people was over, he stopped doing it. The main reason was that it was too easy for the crossbowman to kill monsters with a volley, so he just watched the fun.

He brushed while walking like this, and within an hour he was promoted to another level. Seeing Murphy's leisurely look, Lazidanan couldn't help but ask: "Your Highness, can you let me replenish a few swords?"


"This - our soldier templates won't get much experience by following the team. If you want to upgrade, you have to get more heads. I still have a few thousand experience before I can advance, so can you make it easier? I promise not to get into trouble. ."

It turns out that when a monster is killed, the soldiers in the team can only get 1% of the experience points, but if the soldiers kill it with their own hands, they can get 10%. The difference is ten times, which is not a big difference. Of course, the big head will always be Murphy, this is the benefit of being a prince.

Murphy nodded, "Okay, if you can grab it, go for it, but be careful and don't die. There are no healers in our team."

There is no loss to him anyway by doing this. If he can upgrade to a third-level soldier, it will also be beneficial to the entire team's combat effectiveness.

In the following battle, Lazidanan rushed to the front of the team. Whenever a snowman was shot to death by the crossbowman's concentrated fire, Lazidanan would rush forward bravely to touch up the damage. This kind of thing is also quite a test. To operate, you must go up when there is a trace of health. Early or late, no kills were taken. It can be seen that Lazidanan is also quite skilled in the job of last-hitting. First, he last-hit a few lone snowmen, and then a A direwolf, and then a few more mountain crawlers.

Another snowman was shot into bloody skin, "Leave me alone!" Lazidanan suddenly rushed over and stabbed the snowman's heart with a sword. With a flash of white light, he actually advanced.

[System prompt: A soldier in your army has accumulated enough military exploits and can be promoted to a higher rank. 】

not bad! Murphy thought with some surprise in his heart.

The level of soldiers is fixed. For example, the sword and shield infantry is level 26. No matter how many monsters are killed, it is still level 26. Only when the level of the soldier is increased, the character level will be increased accordingly.

Sword and shield infantry usually have two advancement options, the level 34 Highland Warrior and the level 38 Highland Swordsman. Once upgraded, the level, equipment, and skills are all available with one click, which is very convenient.

Murphy opened the unit list, and sure enough, there was a sword and shield infantryman with a + sign on his head, indicating that he could upgrade the unit.

Click Upgrade, and three options appear.

【Highland Warrior (Level 34)

Upgrade cost: 120 gold coins.

Characteristics of the unit: Charge, armor-piercing attack, fearless combat.

Weapon equipment: thick leather armor, two-handed battle axe

Introduction to the arms: Brave warriors holding battle axes have higher attack power and health than ordinary infantry, and can quickly break into the enemy's formation. 】

[Highland Swordsman (Level 38)

Upgrade cost: 165 gold coins.

Unit characteristics: sweep, heavy slash, anti-infantry unit.

Weapon equipment: thick leather armor, two-handed sword.

Introduction to the unit: A swordsman armed with a two-handed sword and with superb swordsmanship. He can exert great power in melee combat and is especially good at fighting against groups of infantry units. 】

[Royal Royal Guard (Level 39)——(Royal Family’s Exclusive Arms)

Upgrade cost: 200 gold coins.

Characteristics of the unit: defense with shield, spear thrust, high armor, resistance to charges.

Weapon equipment: Guard armor, Guard spear, Royal kite shield.

Introduction to arms: The elite infantry regiment, formed by Alterac King Aiden Perenold personally, is the main defense force of Alterac King City. Its sophisticated equipment gives it good defense and can effectively fight against the enemy's attacks. charge. 】

The Highland Swordsman is Alterac's special unit. It requires level 38 to transfer. It is the top level of the third-level unit and can cause astonishing damage in melee combat.

Highland Warrior is much inferior. Its only feature is that it has a rush skill, which is useful when cutting back rows, and it is immune to fear.

As for the Royal Guards, this is a hidden unit created from the background of the prince. If you move up to the next level, you will be Alterac's ace unit, the fourth-level North Wind Knight. And if the North Wind Knight moves up further, it will either become a level 5 super soldier or a level 5 super soldier. You can directly upgrade to an elite template.

Even though players with the soldier template upgrade very quickly, the death rate is also very high, especially the battles between lords, which are almost all plot battles. After a battle, one side will often be completely wiped out and one side will suffer more than half of the casualties.

If the lord has high medical skills, he can survive a few more times, otherwise he will have to start all over again.

And even if you reach the elite level, it doesn't make any difference. On the battlefield, there are still piles of deaths. From this point of view, except for the adventurer players who are not afraid of death, almost all other templates are hard-core chicken-fighting modes.

Murphy is very suspicious that this is a conspiracy of the game company, a mechanism designed to defraud players of their money, but there is no evidence.

Choosing one of the three, Murphy decisively chose to upgrade the Royal Guards. He now seriously needed a tank to resist the line. With a flash of white light, Lachidanan, who was originally wearing leather armor and holding a sword and shield, instantly transformed into a heavily armored plate armor and holding a spear and shield. of heavily armed warriors.

Razidanan looked shocked. He looked at the spear and shield in his hand with a complicated expression.

"Speaking of which, Your Highness the Prince, you know that the free troops the Prince receives are automatically handed over every week, right?"

Murphy was speechless. Damn it, is there such a setting? He thought that these soldiers would be his private army in the future, so wouldn't the 200 gold coins be wasted... The current exchange rate between gold coins and RMB is basically 1:10, which is two thousand yuan. Enough for one month's living expenses.

Well, it can’t be said that it’s all in vain. At least it can be put to good use in this week.

His heart ached, but he smiled calmly, "Of course I know, but it's only 200 gold coins. Just make a friend. And I believe your performance this week will be worth the price."

There are two more chapters tonight,

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