Part-time BOSS

Chapter 56 Gods and Kings (Modified Version)

After confirming the powerful function of this 'character background', Murphy can give full play to it.

Four or five ideas suddenly popped up in his mind. Murphy smiled and started to try them.

[Your name is Aidan, you are the descendant of King Storm and Nodina, the goddess of life...]

Prince + demigod, this background is powerful enough.

System prompt: The background setting of this character conflicts with the plot and cannot be created.

Mo Fei is not very surprised. It seems that the character background cannot go beyond the existing framework of the plot. Secondary settings are not allowed. They can only be generated if they conform to the original background settings.

Apparently the Storm King and the Goddess of Life were not in a romantic relationship, so having a child was obviously out of the question.

It seems that parents can only choose one side in this matter.

[Your name is Aidan, and you are the biological bloodline of the goddess of life, Nautina, a powerful demigod...]

System prompt: 500,000,000 points are required to generate this character background. The balance is insufficient, please top up.

Five hundred million points is already quite cheap compared to the reincarnation of the Creator God, but this is still something Mo Fei cannot bear.

Being a son is so expensive, so would it be cheaper to be a grandson?

[Your name is Aidan, you are the grandson of the goddess of life Notina, a weak demigod...]

System prompt: 300,000,000 points are required to generate the background of this character. Are you sure?

Hey, it’s really cheap, with 40% of the price cut off. In other words, the God’s Bloodline can actually be sold by the pound!

Murphy was quite excited about his discovery. He felt that he had found the entry point.

[Your name is Aidan, and you are the great grandson of the goddess of life, Nautina. The divine blood in your body has become very thin, and only a little bit of divine power is retained...]

System prompt: 5,000,000 points are required to generate the background of this character. Are you sure?

Mo Fei clicked No, sighing in his heart that the diluted blood of eight or nine generations of gods actually cost five million. It is really not cheap to have a relationship with the gods.

However, he still planned to give his character a background setting of the divine bloodline. He was not interested in the attribute bonuses and bloodline talents of the divine bloodline, but mainly in the many hidden professions, hidden tasks, and hidden skills that could be obtained through special identity background to trigger.

Even if the probability of triggering is only 1%, you can get lucky a few times over time, but if you don't have this background, you will never get lucky.

This is the difference between 0 and 1. It may seem like a small difference, but in fact it is a world of difference.

However, there is no need to make a choice yet about which god to be the grandson of. The decision depends on the specific country of birth.

In addition to the background of the bloodline of gods, of course the background of the royal bloodline is also indispensable. Gods and kings are basically the top identities in Western fantasy stories.

Murphy is going to get himself a prince.

Players with the title of "Prince" can get a simplified version of the lord module, with their own fiefs and vassals. In addition to fighting monsters, upgrading and completing tasks, they can also play farming style and enjoy the feeling of being a local emperor.

Moreover, the 'Prince' can lead troops in the early stage. With his younger brother to help fight, the upgrade speed will naturally be guaranteed. Other heroes have to worry about being accidentally killed by someone in the plot at a low level. In this regard, the Prince It's much safer.

[Your name is Aidan, you are the eldest son of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and you have the right to inherit the throne...]

System prompt: 300,000,000 points are required to generate this character background. The balance is insufficient, please top up.

Murphy sighed in his heart, 300 million is almost the price of being the goddess's biological son. Menethil, Menethil, your throne is too valuable.

He thought about it and felt that the key should be the inheritance right. If the player really inherits the throne and becomes the king of Lordaeron, he will be able to buy and sell titles and fiefs. There are not too many ways to get back the money, just from At this point, three hundred million is not too expensive.

[Your name is Aidan, you are an ordinary prince of the Kingdom of Lordaeron...]

This time it was much cheaper, only five million.

The gap between those with inheritance rights and those without inheritance rights is really quite big.

But Mo Fei still couldn't bear it. He would feel distressed for a long time if he built a hero template worth 100,000 yuan. Five's a money grab.

After thinking about it, why don’t you lower your standards a little bit?

[Your name is Aidan, you are the illegitimate son of the King of Lordaeron...]

This time it's even cheaper, only half a million.

However, half a million dollars to buy the identity of an illegitimate child is too low a price, and I don’t know if the illegitimate child has the title of prince. If not, it will be a big loss.

After thinking about it, Murphy decided to try another kingdom.

He opened up all the optional forces, and first removed all the non-human forces such as Ironforge, Quel'Thalas, Gnomeregan, and the Eagle's Nest.

The remaining human forces are lined up in a row, arranged directly from high to low according to the strength of the force. Generally speaking, the stronger the force, the higher the price of the royal family. The weaker the force, the cheaper the price.

At this time, Mo Fei looked intently.

[Optional force 1: Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Leader of the Nation: Tenaris Menethil.

Strength of force: Very strong.

National advantages: strong national power, large population, and high public sentiment.

National Disadvantages: Surrounded by allies, lack of room for development.

Military advantages: powerful knights of the Kingdom of Lordaeron with complete arms.

Military Disadvantages: None. 】

[Optional force 2: Kingdom of Storm.

National Leader: Llane Wrynn.

Strength of force: Very strong.

National advantages: Being alone in the south, there is broad room for development.

National Disadvantages: Surrounded by powerful enemies and lacking allies.

Military advantages: powerful Storm Knights, Lion Guard, elite Storm Guard infantry,

Military disadvantage: Lack of good ranged troops. 】

[Optional force 3: Kingdom of Dalaran.

Leaders of the country: the Council of Six.

Strength of force: relatively strong.

National advantages: extraordinary magical power, long-term neutrality, and aloof status.

National disadvantages: small population, domestic political power is dispersed.

Military advantages: powerful battle mage army, magic swordsman army, magic puppet army that is not affected by morale.

Military disadvantages: lack of elite cavalry and limited army size. 】

[Optional force 4: Kul Tiras Sea Kingdom.

Leader of the Nation: Admiral Daelin Proudmoore.

Strength of force: relatively strong.

National advantages: It integrates the science and technology culture of the Eastern and Western continents, monopolizes maritime trade, and has abundant funds.

National disadvantages: It is located overseas, has been on the political fringe for a long time, and its domestic political power is scattered.

Military advantages: flexible marines, excellent artillery units, powerful Kul Tiran fleet.

Military Disadvantages: Lack of cavalry and heavy infantry. 】

[Optional force 5: Kingdom of Gilneas.

Leader of the country: King Genn Greymane.

Strength of force: generally strong.

National advantages: The terrain is closed and it is not easy to be sieged.

National disadvantages: closed terrain and lack of development space.

Military advantages: elite musketeers, excellent citizen soldier armament mechanism.

Military Disadvantages: Lack of cavalry and heavy infantry. 】

[Optional force 6: Stromgarde Kingdom.

Leader of the country: Bezos Trollbane

Strength of force: generally strong.

National advantage: nominally owns the direct inheritance rights of the Arathor Empire.

National disadvantages: It is located in a place where four wars are fought, lacks strategic depth, and lacks funding sources.

Military advantages: Stromgarde Rangers who fight flexibly, excellent light infantry.

Military Disadvantages: Lack of heavy troops and caster troops. 】

[Optional force 7: Kingdom of Alterac.

Leader of the country: King Aiden Perenold.

Strength of force: relatively weak.

National advantages: The terrain is dangerous, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the territory is vast.

National disadvantages: small population, barren land, lack of funds, and monsters.

Military advantages: The powerful Knights of the North Wind, highland two-handed swordsmen.

Military Disadvantages: Lack of caster troops, limited army size. 】

Murphy tried them one by one, and it turned out to be what he thought. The highest prices were in the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Stormwind. Both biological sons cost about five million, illegitimate children cost half a million, and eldest sons cost hundreds of millions.

There is no royal family in Dalaran, so there is no choice. The prince of Kul Tiras is 3 million, and the princes of Stromgarde and Gilneas are only 2 million.

The cheapest one is the prince of the Kingdom of Alterac, which only costs 500,000 yuan, which is the same price as an illegitimate child in Lordaeron, but an illegitimate child only costs 50,000 yuan.

The price for the eldest son is even cheaper, only 15 million points.

Mo Fei couldn't help but sigh. It was indeed a weak country with no human rights. He didn't want to spend too much money. The total price of this account, one million, was already the limit he could bear.

The bronze hero template costs 100,000, the prince 500,000, and the remaining 400,000 to get some divine blood, that’s all.

After struggling for a long time between the illegitimate son of Lordaeron and the biological son of Alterac, Murphy finally chose the latter. As the saying goes, he would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. The prince of a weak country is still a prince after all. A vassal is better than an illegitimate child with no status.

After confirming the kingdom where you were born, the choice of gods becomes easier. The gods in the sky world all have human incarnations, and many of them have given birth to offspring with mortals. They have been reproduced from generation to generation. Who knows how many descendants there are. The ancestors of the Alterac royal family After all, he is a famous hero, so he must be somewhat related to the descendants of gods.

The main belief of the Alterac people is Anlonath, the god of storms, so start with him. If that doesn't work, switch to something else.

[Your name is Aidan, you are the son of the King of Alterac, and you have the blood of the royal family flowing in your body. At the same time, you are also a long-standing descendant of the storm god Anlonath. Although the blood of the gods in your body It has long been so thin that it cannot be detected, but occasionally when a storm comes, you can still feel the restlessness in your heart, and it seems that there is still a small amount of storm power flowing in your body...]

After reading the character background generated by the system based on keywords several times, Mo Fei nodded with satisfaction and clicked Generate.

[System prompt: 850,000 points are required to generate the background of this character. Do you want to confirm? 】

The character background is 850,000 yuan, and the hero template is 100,000 yuan, a total of 950,000 yuan, which is not bad and does not exceed the standard.

Sure, Murphy gritted his teeth! He pressed it hard.

PS: Thanks to book friend 14112114 for the reward.

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