Part-time BOSS

Chapter 496 Miracle of the Ocean

The towering peaks plunge into the sky, and huge rocks are piled up to create a majestic platform standing on the top of the mountain.

Hundreds of ancestral dragons gathered around the platform. Their original rock-like immortal scales had all fallen off, and their bodies made of flesh and blood showed an irregular shape, ugly and ferocious.

Some archosaurs are still unable to adapt to this new body. The fragile and soft flesh makes them feel uneasy, and the biting cold wind brings an ominous omen.

Giant Dragon Gate has to crowd among its kind, looking for some pitiful comfort.

The nine largest Archosaurs gathered in the center of the platform, discussing the future of the dragon clan. The only sounds around them were the heavy breathing and low roars of the Archosaurs.

Murphy blinked and was surprised to find that the dream this time was not about the fall of the Sky City.

What surprised him even more was that his perspective at this time was quite strange. He could switch it for a while and see all the scenes in all directions at the same time, as if he had a God's perspective.

Yes, I swallowed the dragon hearts of the three ancient dragons, Arastaz, Lethorn, and Nalis. This dream should also be composed of the memories of these three ancient dragons.

The perspectives of the three ancient dragons appeared at the same time, superimposed on each other, and naturally became the perspective of God.

With a thought, Murphy found that he could actually change the angle of view.

He looked toward the center of the platform. The nine ancestral dragons under discussion were obviously the five guardian dragons and the four disaster dragons. However, at this time, they had not yet gained their respective powers. They were all ancestral dragons. The ugly appearance of the dragon.

"We must accept this gift. Only in this way can we have enough power to protect this world and protect the responsibilities left to us by the Dragon God. The gods and Titans are willing to grant us the authority of the Dragon God. This is what we have once in a lifetime. Chance."

"You call this a gift? Humph, the authority of the Dragon God belongs to my ancient dragon clan. Apart from the ones thrown to us, how much will they take away? Brothers, you have been tricked, you have given up your dignity, pray to the gods and The leftovers given by the Titans, this is not the path that the noble dragon clan should choose, we should unite and take back what belongs to us."

"That's enough, everyone, recognize the reality. The Dragon God has fallen. We have no power to compete with the gods. Accepting the responsibility of guarding the dragon is the only way out. At least we can use this to restore some strength."

"How can we, the noble dragons, become the pets and dependents of the gods? Only the Dragon God is the master of this world, and only the Dragon God is the master we truly want to serve. We should unite and launch the four battles together. Disaster, welcome back the Dragon God.”

"Destiny has its own rules. We should not break them. The right way is to quietly wait for the opportunity to come."

The fierce quarrel caused the surrounding archosaurs to roar uneasily.

Murphy could feel uneasiness and anxiety rising deep in his heart. This emotion came from the three giant dragons that were swallowed by him.

A shadow that covered the sky suddenly passed overhead, causing the dragons to stop quarreling.

Galakrond's terrifying form slowly landed on a nearby mountain. It was so huge that it had to grab a mountain with one claw to maintain balance. Even the ancestral dragon with a wingspan of more than 100 meters, Galakrond still looked extremely small in front of him.

"The Dragon God will eventually return. I have found the best way. Devour, only devour. Although our bodies have been cursed and lost the immortal body of the ancient dragon, we are also a blessing in disguise and have endless potential. Could it be that Haven't you felt it yet? This flesh and blood, this body, can absorb the power of elements, evolve, and upgrade. As long as it keeps swallowing, absorbing, evolving, swallowing all elements, swallowing all authority, let all this become the hotbed of the Dragon God. The resurrection offering.

Soon, the Dragon God will be reborn from my body. "

Every roar it makes makes the air tremble and the mountain peaks shake.

Although most of the dragons disagreed, no one dared to object.

"Yes, only to devour! Only to devour! That's so right." An ancestral dragon on the side said to himself.

Murphy took a glance, hey, isn't this the Devourer Ankarad? It turns out that this guy is still a little fan of Galakrond.

"Compatriots, wait for my good news, wait for me to welcome the Dragon God back, and I will start the ten thousand years of devouring the road..."

Galakrond let out a roar, flapped its wings, and the air flow blew away the clouds like a hurricane. The giant beast slowly flew into the sky, flying farther and farther.

Although the words are incoherent, Galakrond's meaning is very obvious. Galakrond's idea is that since the body of the ancestor dragon can absorb energy and transform it, then as long as it absorbs all the energy in this world, it can transform into a dragon god. .

The idea was naive, and the ending was very sad. In the end, Galakrond was buried in the Dragonblight, and he didn't know why he ended up like this.

"Vote, everyone, let's choose the future of the Dragon Clan together."

Soon several dragon kings made their own choices, four versus four.

Half of them choose to accept the blessings of the gods and half of them choose to launch disasters to welcome back the Dragon God.

"Neltharion, what did you say?"

All the dragons turned their attention to the last dragon king.

Murphy could vaguely see the shadow of Deathwing on the burly figure.

"I choose to join the gods."

"Neltharion, how dare you—you promised before that we would welcome back the Dragon God together."

"Damn, that's not fair."

"Enough! The council has made a decision, five versus four, accept your fate, brothers."

The scene changes suddenly.

It was still the same mountain peak, still the same platform, but it changed from day to night. The dragons gathered around the platform, as if waiting for something.

A brilliant beam of light fell from the sky, and the clouds in the sky shone with golden light. The Ancestral Dragons roared and watched the vision in front of them warily.

Finally, a figure slowly walked out of the pillar of light.

He was wearing a gorgeous robe, with a hood covering his face, and his whole body exuded golden divine brilliance and majestic temperament.

"Rejoice, great dragons, celebrate, noble dragons, I am the envoy of the gods. I come from the world of gods on behalf of the gods and bring the gifts of the gods.

Accept your destiny and assume your duty. This is the glory and power bestowed upon you by the Titans and Gods. "

"Neltharion, I will give you the authority of the earth. May you continue to protect this world and this earth."

The holy messengers said and waved their hands to Neltharion. The body originally made of flesh and blood suddenly began to evolve and mutate. The fragile flesh and blood body was once again covered with thick and solid scales. At first glance, it looked like a rock. Then it turned into a dark metallic color.

Neltharion stretched his wings, feeling the immortal dragon scales he had regained, and let out a high-pitched roar.

Several ancient dragons surrounded him, and they were also blessed by the power of the earth, transforming into burly and majestic black dragons.

The power of the earth's guardianship obviously comes from the power of the ancient dragon's immortal dragon scales, but it is only discounted, and at the same time it has more use of the authority of the earth.

Some interpretations of the scene in front of him emerged inexplicably in Mo Fei's mind. This was obviously the wisdom and understanding possessed by the three ancient dragons.

"Alexstrasza, I give you the power of life. You have lost your immortal dragon scales, but the power of life can make you live forever and achieve immortality in another way."

Red light bloomed on Alexstrasza's body, and her dragon scales gradually turned bright red, full of vitality. A group of ancestral dragons also surrounded her and turned into a red dragon with her.

The power of life protection comes from the vitality of life after the curse of flesh and blood. This was originally a curse brought by the ancient gods, but it was transformed into a blessing of life by the gods with the power of laws.

"Malygos, I give you the power of arcane magic. May you use this power from the Titans to maintain the order of this world."

The power of magic network protection is not the power of the ancient dragon, but a gift from the Titan.

Titans are the maintainers of order in the universe and the controllers of arcane energy. Arcane is both order and the embodiment of Titan's power. This is how the blue dragon's arcane power is obtained.

A group of proto-dragons gathered around Malygos, and then transformed into a blue dragon with blue scales, gaining access to control arcane energy.

"Nozdormu, I will give you the authority of time. The ancient dragon once existed outside of time. With this power, you can control time and see into the past and future."

The power of time comes from the peculiar characteristic of Gu Long himself not existing in this universe. Precisely because he does not belong to the timeline of this world, he can freely travel through different time dimensions without being bound by real matter.

Nozdormu's body has also gained part of the power of the ancient dragon's scales. Unlike the black dragon, it has a simple bronze-like color, which is very close to the scales of the ancient dragon. From this point of view, the bronze dragon is one of the five major dragon clans. The closest thing to an ancient dragon.

There were also a group of proto-dragons who transformed into bronze dragons with Nozdormu.

"Ysera, I will give you the authority to protect the dream. The ancient dragon has no soul, so it cannot dream. But now you have become a new life form. In that dream, you can find eternal peace and encounter... The darkest nightmare, with this power, you can protect your species in the dream world and eliminate the evil things that infest the dream world."

A group of ancestral dragons and Ysera received the blessing together, and the green dragon clan was born.

The Emerald Dream is the soul plane of all life in this world, and is a projection of the real world. In the past, Ancient Dragon could not touch the Emerald Dream, but now it is a blessing in disguise and has gained the ability to enter the dream. However, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. Dreams are the residence of the soul. If not managed properly, the Emerald Dream may be corrupted and infected by evil things and become the Emerald Nightmare, causing those souls who have entered here to be contaminated and become corrupted creatures.

Ysera's responsibility can be said to be quite heavy.

Most of the hundreds of ancestral dragons have become five-color giant dragons, but there are still dozens who are wary of the power bestowed by the gods and have chosen to leave.

Murphy looked at the holy envoys, and the more he looked at them, the more familiar they seemed, as if he had seen them somewhere.

Especially the tone of his voice. When the man turned around and walked into the pillar of light and was about to leave, an idea suddenly flashed in Mo Fei's mind - Wang Xuan! ?

Although he couldn't see that face, his intuition told him that it must be Wang Xuan.

Murphy wanted to get closer and take a closer look, but as soon as he turned his perspective, when he got close to the five dragon kings, suddenly, Ysera, the green dragon queen among the five dragon kings, suddenly looked towards him.

"I found an evil thing!"

What? Murphy was startled, and opened his mouth helplessly as Ysela opened his mouth. A green light hit him, and then severe pain spread throughout his body.

Nest grass!

Murphy suddenly woke up from his dream, looking at the ceiling and gasping for breath.

The pain seemed to still remain, looming.

Damn it, Ysera's last move was a bit scary, but that's not right. He was dreaming in reality. Could it be that the guardian of the dream could still control reality?

But Ysera is just a memory.

What made him even more confused was why Wang Xuan was there?

Although Wang Xuan is indeed the envoy of the gods, isn't he the GM? Is the world of the sky a real world? Or something else?

But the power he gained was definitely not fake. For a moment, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

He had a feeling that the answer to everything might only be clear when he became the Dragon God.

Of course, he could also go directly to Wang Xuan to ask, but at this time, he was really wary and worried about Wang Xuan, and he didn't want to face it.

A glimmer of light gradually emerged outside the window.

Murphy got out of bed, didn't eat breakfast, and lay directly into the game room.


Murphy opened his eyes and saw the cabin of the Storm Dragon King in front of him.

Because it is a battleship with the highest configuration, the cabin is equivalent to a small hotel with offline functions.

He pushed open the door to the room and stepped onto the deck. At this time, the sun was shining high in the sky, and it was exactly ten minutes at noon.

Opening the map and looking at it, at this moment, they had arrived at the target sea area.

The fleet is in cruising mode, and dragon knights riding storm dragons are constantly flying out to conduct reconnaissance and report back.

Murphy didn't ask. If he really found the target, he would definitely come and notify him.

Just looking at the scenery on the sea, getting familiar with the futile transformation of the environment.

Jaina saw him and immediately came up to him.

"Brother Aidan, where have you been? I haven't seen you all morning."

"I went to my room to take a rest."

"You still need to rest? I thought dragons were extraordinary creatures that don't eat or drink."

"Haha, I'm not a dragon. Transforming into a dragon is just one of my abilities. How about it, are there any traces of the 'Ocean Disaster'?

Jaina shook her head, "No, according to the intelligence obtained from nearby fishermen, merchant ships, and the Kul Tiran Navy, the Ocean Disaster has not appeared in recent days and has completely disappeared."

The last few days? He had only been sailing for a day, and Mo Feixin wondered if he had received news of the ocean disaster a long time ago?

"Angus, are you sure that dragon lives in the nearby waters?"

"Yes, sir, but all dragons can fly. Maybe it flew to other sea areas."

"No, if the dragons live in an area for a long time, they will inevitably build a nest. I know this very well. There must be a cave from the Ocean Disaster nearby. Do you know the specific location of the dragon's nest?"

"This is gone. Ocean Disaster is unwilling to accept the Dragon Worship Cult's alliance agreement, and we have never sent priests to serve him."

Mo Feixin said that it seems that it is right not to accept it at the moment. If he accepts it, he will be betrayed at some point.

But this is not good news for me. I am the Storm Dragon King, not the Sea Dragon King. How can I find the dragon's nest in the sea?

Jaina said, "Lord Aidan, maybe I can help."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"I can summon some water elements to search the nearby seabed for dragon nests," Jaina said.

Mo Feixin is right, this is an expert in summoning the water element.

"Is it possible? The bottom of the sea is very big."

"No problem. I have studied the miracles of the ocean from the Tide Sage of Kul Tiras before. During my time in Dalaran, I also gained some insights. I integrated elemental magic and the miracles of the ocean to create a new one. With the spell, and the staff you gave me, I think I can summon enough water elementals to conduct reconnaissance.”

Let me go, so awesome? Can you create your own magic at a young age?

Murphy was surprised, but a character like Jaina, who has the aura of a protagonist to a certain extent, cannot be measured by common sense.

"Okay, then give it a try."

Jaina nodded, walked to the bow of the ship, and raised the Spellweaver Staff in her hand towards the sea in front of her.

She first closed her eyes and murmured to herself, as if she was singing a ballad softly or performing some mysterious ritual.

However, her staff was condensed with magic.

Miracles are substitutes for divine magic. They are usually special skills given to believers by evil gods and demigods. I just don’t know which god the Tide Sage believes in? There is no ocean god among the twelve main gods.

"O elves of the sea, O elemental life from the throat of the abyss, in the name of the tide, I call you, answer my call! Come to this world!"

The surrounding seawater began to churn, as if she felt Jaina's call. The magic power continued to rotate with her control, and a huge magic circle appeared on the sea.

Hero skill - Summon a swarm of water elements!

At the same time, the weapon special effects of the Spellweaver Staff were activated.

Weapon Effect 2: Extremely effective spell casting. Spend extra mana to recharge the weapon, strengthening the power of the next spell you cast. It consumes 100 mana points per second and can be stored for up to three seconds.

The seawater continues to condense into a human-shaped body. To summon the elemental creature's body to the real dimension requires a lot of mana. However, if the same type of elements are used to create a temporary body for it in the real dimension, the soul of the elemental creature can be summoned to attach to it. Using a temporary body can greatly reduce the consumption of mana. This is the principle of clones and projections of elemental creatures.

At this time, Jaina was performing this type of summoning spell.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of sea elements gathered on the sea around the Storm Dragon King, like an army of elemental creatures.

The levels of these sea elements are not very good, most of them are in their thirties or forties, but they are completely sufficient for investigation.

How could Jaina, a mage apprentice, be so powerful? I didn’t expect that.

Jaina was also a little surprised. This was the first time she summoned so many water elements.

"Go, my elemental servants, to find the caves and lairs deep in the sea."

Hundreds of sea elements dived into the water and disappeared.

The next thing is to wait patiently.

From time to time, a sea elemental would emerge from the sea and report the results of the investigation to Jaina in elemental language.

Sea Elemental (Jaina's servant): "Gurgling, gurgling."

Jaina (Mage): "Gurgling, gurgling, gurgling."

After searching for more than an hour, finally.

Jaina said excitedly, "They found it. They found a huge cave on the seabed with air and a deep tunnel inside."

Murphy felt relieved immediately. He was really afraid that his trip would be in vain.

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