Part-time BOSS

Chapter 478 The Prophecy of the Dragon God

Mysterious voice: "Did you encounter the Disaster Dragon? Did you obtain the Dragon Heart of the Disaster Dragon?" Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "That's not true, but I did find traces of the Disaster Dragon. , and almost encountered one of them, can you tell me the origin of the disaster dragon? Why do they want to destroy the world? "

It is said that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. If you want to deal with the disaster dragons in the future, you will naturally have to understand their purpose.

Mysterious voice: "You want to know the story about the Disaster Dragon? Haha, okay, of course. There is nothing worth hiding. Let me tell you this ancient story.

The Disaster Dragon Kings were once just like other ancient dragons, just ordinary members of the ancient dragons.

When the Dragon God died and the dragons were leaderless, the ancient dragons who were still transformed into the Ancestral Dragon by the curse of flesh and blood felt very confused about how to deal with everything that followed. Without the guidance of the Dragon God, everything became chaotic.

So the ancient dragon king Galakrond summoned the ten most powerful ancient dragons, gathered the last remaining power of the ancient dragon clan, and tried to establish a link with the Dragon God.

They prayed to the Dragon God and asked for his response, because the Dragon God holds the power of time. If the Dragon God can be resurrected in the future, he will definitely give them enlightenment.

They did succeed. After a long prayer, the long-dead Dragon God gave them a prophecy from the future. "

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Prophecy? What kind of prophecy?"

Mysterious voice: “Prophecies about the end of the world and the return of the Dragon God.

The prophecy says - in the distant future.

The world will endure four great disasters in a row.

The world will be engulfed by unspeakable horrors, and the Dragon God will return to choose a new path for the world.

The prophecy said this -

Frost freezes life, and the dead are everywhere in the world.

The flames burned the world, burning up the rivers and mountains.

The earth collapsed and shattered, and terrifying monsters appeared.

The doomsday storm is coming, and the old world has fallen.

No matter whether he is a humble mortal or an extremely powerful person.

If one of the ten cannot survive, none of them will be spared.

When all things are destroyed, the Dragon God returns.

The thread of the world's destiny will eventually no longer be visible. "

The mysterious voice suddenly stopped, seeming to be recalling the terrible disaster predicted in the ancient prophecy and the beautiful vision of the Dragon God's return.

After Mo Fei heard this, he couldn't help but feel dumb in his heart. He didn't expect that the Dragon God's prophecy coincided with the Storm Demonic Dragon doctrine that he had made up.

What a coincidence, right?

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Then what? What happened?"

Mysterious voice: "Then a dispute broke out. The ancient dragon, which can also be said to be the ancestral dragon, split into three factions because of the prophecy.

A group of ancestral dragons headed by Galakrond believed that since the prophecy had predicted that the Dragon God would return in the future, everyone just had to wait patiently. During this period, everyone could go about their own business and do what they wanted to do and wait. The return of the Dragon God.

A group of ancestral dragons headed by Neltharion, Alexstrasza, Malygos, Ysera, and Nozdormu believed that the prophecy had foreshadowed a terrible disaster in the future. In order to cope with this disaster, they must save money. strength to prepare for disaster.

To this end, we must cooperate with the Titans and gods. Only in this way can we obtain enough power. When the doomsday comes, we will have more coping capital.

However, a group of ancestral dragons headed by Irudikon, Lysajes, Willanoz, and Philek believed that there was no need to cooperate with the gods. Only the dragons were qualified to master such important prophecies.

The fate of this world will also be controlled by the Dragon Clan.

Since the prophecy has explained the great opportunities and necessary conditions for the return of the Dragon God, instead of waiting aimlessly for the prophecy to come, it is better to take the initiative to realize the prophecy and control the destiny in one's own hands.

As for how to realize the prophecy - since there are four terrible disasters in the prophecy, let's create these four disasters.

They believe that they should directly absorb the power of the elements, transform into a disaster dragon, and create those four horrific disasters. As long as the four disasters occur, the dragon god will naturally return. "

After hearing this, Murphy suddenly realized that this is the case. These three factions must be the three major classifications of the Dragon Clan today.

The alien dragon king lies on his side, eating and dying while waiting for the return of the dragon god.

The guardian faction of the Dragon Legion gathered together to keep warm and prepare to deal with the four disasters.

The Doomsday Party of the Disaster Dragon King, we take the initiative to embrace the doomsday and create disasters. The world is going to be destroyed anyway, so why not do it ourselves?

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Then what?"

Mysterious voice: "There is nothing new about what happened next. Like any organization that has a dispute, the dispute turned into hostility and the hostility turned into war.

Galakrond and other ancestral dragons scattered, and Neltharion and other five dragons took refuge in the Titans and gods. They revealed the prophecies of the Dragon God and obtained the power of law and authority given by the Titans and gods, becoming the so-called The guardian dragon.

Hum, the Aspect Dragons - they are just a bunch of traitors.

However, the disaster dragons such as Iludicon, Lysajes, Willanoz, and Philek have already begun to carry out their plans to destroy the world.

They believe that based on the information in the prophecy, these four disasters should obviously be the disaster of frost, the disaster of fire, the disaster of the earth, and the disaster of storm.

They happened to correspond to the four elements of wind, fire, water and earth, so they absorbed the power of the corresponding elements respectively and became pure elemental dragons - the Disaster Dragon King.

Prepare to destroy the world.

In order to protect the world, the guardian dragons and the disaster dragons fought a fierce war. Due to the intervention of the gods, the disaster dragons were defeated. Except for the storm dragon Lysajes who escaped, the rest The three disaster dragon kings were all sealed. "

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Then why not kill them directly? If you seal them, you still have to worry about them escaping."

Mysterious voice: "No one knows why, but I can probably guess that the guardian dragon also believes that the end will eventually come. Instead of facing the unknown disaster, it is better to leave these three disaster dragons behind and prepare for them." Release it under controllable circumstances and face four disasters.”

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "So the four disasters are really what the disaster dragon thinks they are, four huge natural disasters?"

Mysterious voice: "Prophecies are always unpredictable. If they can be predicted, how can they be called prophecies? Their behavior is so ridiculous, it is just a futile struggle.

The Dragon God must have a deep meaning and would not reveal the truth easily, so he left the message in the form of proverbs. "

After hearing this, Murphy agreed quite a bit.

Although at first glance these four disasters seem to be related to the elements, frost - fire - earth - storm, but if combined with the current game background and the history of World of Warcraft, it is not difficult to judge that these four disasters are not simple at all. Just a natural disaster.

[Frost freezes life, and the dead are everywhere in the world. 】

It is very likely that it refers to the Frozen Throne and the Scourge. In the history of Warcraft, the destructive power of the Scourge is far greater than the invasion of the orc tribe. It can be said to be the first world-destroying disaster.

[The flames burn the world, burning up the rivers and mountains. 】

This should refer to the Burning Legion. Historically, the purpose of the Scourge was to summon the Burning Legion to Azeroth, and the Burning Legion's goal is to completely destroy the world of Azeroth. But I don't know that this time the Burning Legion will do it again. How to come?

[The earth collapsed and shattered, and terrifying monsters appeared. 】

Regarding this sentence, Mo Fei guessed that it should be Deathwing and Cataclysm. In the history of Warcraft, the next expansion pack of Wrath of the Lich King is Cataclysm/Cataclysm, and Deathwing also rushed out of the Deep Rock Abyss. Yes, that scary monster must be referring to him.

Now Deathwing should still be recovering from his injuries in the Deep Rock Abyss, which seems to have fulfilled this prophecy.

As for the last sentence——

[The doomsday storm is coming, and the old world has fallen. 】

What this disaster refers to, Murphy is a little unsure about.

The expansion pack after the Cataclysm in the history of Warcraft is Mists of Pandaria, so it can’t be the end of the world for the Pandaren.

Moreover, the history of the game has already undergone earth-shaking changes, so the original history cannot be completely used as a reference.

Wait a moment! Doomsday storm? Murphy suddenly had a feeling - this doomsday storm couldn't be him.

Probably not. I am a hero. At least for the time being, I have no plans to go dark. Destroying the world or anything like that is just talk. It is not meant to be used to attract believers. It should not be taken seriously.

Besides, how can the prophecies in the game predict the players?

And my goal is to become the Dragon God. If the prophecy really comes true, I will combine it with my current game progress.

Or does this Doomsday Storm really refer to the ‘Doomsday Storm’ Lysa Jess? It will release three other disaster dragons, launching the fourth disaster after the Cataclysm.

Therefore, the order of the four disasters is most likely to be, 1. The arrival of the Scourge, 2. The arrival of the Burning Legion, 3. Deathwing starting the Cataclysm, 4. ‘Storm Doom’ Lysajes intends to destroy the world in some way.

And the Dragon God wakes up - becomes the Dragon God and saves the world?

Murphy suddenly felt a sense of destiny that he was chosen by fate to become the savior.

However, he was still not completely sure, because he felt that 'Storm Doomsday' Lesajes was a bit unqualified to be the instigator of the fourth and most terrifying disaster based on her qualifications and strength.

It must be an existence at the level of an ancient god or a dark titan.

It seems that the answer to this question can only be answered in time.

No matter what, let's start the meal first. If you want to create a new world, you have to become an ancient dragon first.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "I understand, then let's start the dragon feast."

Murphy said, changing back to human form and walking slowly to the altar.

He tried not to stare at the dragon-shaped statue behind the altar, but he still had some doubts in his heart about whether this thing was ancient or not.

I don't know if it's for psychological reasons, but I always feel that the statue has become inexplicably weird.

It wasn't until he placed the dragon heart on the altar and the familiar roar rang out around him that Murphy calmed down, corrected his attitude, and prepared to eat.

Hey-ho-ha! Ho-ho-ha!


The majestic and sacred song seemed like many voices singing loudly together, but it was vague and absent, as if it was just an echo in the wind. He could identify the meaning of the song. It was a hymn and praise sung in ancient dragon language. Dragon Feast praises those who chase the power of the dragon.

The people of Dragon Feast, the people of Dragon Feast, feast on flesh and blood, and devour the dragon!

The people of Dragon Feast, the people of Dragon Feast, seize the power and forge the dragon soul!

Um? Ancient dragon language? That's right, why didn't I think before that since this song is in ancient dragon language, the person who created the Dragon Feast Ceremony must have been an ancient dragon, or something related to the ancient dragon.

It is absolutely impossible, as the court scholar Ogad said, that it was a ritual created by Emperor Thoradin and the dragon-slaying warriors of the tribal era who accidentally discovered a way to gain power when they devoured the dragon's heart.

There must be a dragon secretly guiding them and guiding them, wanting them to become ancient dragons and dragon gods.

I just don’t know why, but it failed in the end.

It was his turn.

Yes, it must be like this!

An ancient dragon/ancestral dragon, it wanted to resurrect the Dragon God, so it carried out such a plan.

But in this case, the other party probably won't be an ancient dragon. After all, the next stage of the ancient dragon is to become a dragon god. If this mysterious person is an ancient dragon, there is no need for the other party to give up such a good opportunity to a mortal dragon eater. Just continue to devour the advanced dragon god.

If you put it this way, the statue should be just a statue, not an ancient dragon. Murphy suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the statue again, I don't know if it was due to psychological factors, but the stone dragon statue suddenly lost the weird feeling it had before.

Mysterious voice: 'Ah, Mirgos, it turns out it has chosen a suitable opponent.

Mirgos is not a very powerful ancient dragon, so he has no sense of presence among the ancient dragons.

But the ancient dragon is the ancient dragon. Even a nameless person like Mirgos still retains the original power of the ancient dragon in its body. So devour it, complete the dragon feast, and turn the essence of this unknown person into you. Become the food of the ancient dragon. "

Mo Fei took a big mouthful of the Devourer Dragon Heart, and as the flesh and blood went down, his eyes were gradually shrouded in a layer of blue mist.

The shadow of a ferocious blue dragon appeared in front of Murphy's eyes.

Mirgos stared at him, seemingly still trying to use magic, but in the end he did not do it.

Mirgos's soul: "I see, you are indeed not Lesajes, a dragon eater... I should have thought of it earlier. Your tribe would have perished thousands of years ago. Why! Why did you execute the dragon again?" Feast?"

Aidan (Dragon Eater): "Of course it is to resurrect the Dragon God. As described in the prophecy, the Dragon God will return - that is, I will save the world from the storm of doomsday."

Mirgos' Soul: "But the prophecy never said that the Dragon God would save the world.

[When all things are destroyed, when the Dragon God returns, the thread of the world's destiny will no longer be visible. 】

The thread of fate has disappeared, what does that mean? Do you really understand the meaning mortal? According to Lord Malygos's inference, the return of the Dragon God is likely to mean the complete disappearance of the world, so the Dragon God must not be resurrected! "

Murphy was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I'll naturally know when the time comes, but unfortunately, I'm afraid you won't be able to see it."

He punched out, and Mirgos's soul shattered instantly, turning into blue light spots all over the sky and sinking into Murphy's body.

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