Part-time BOSS

Chapter 372 Siege

In the next few days, things inside and outside Stormwind City became extremely lively.

All the clan chiefs cheered up, because this time, it was time to allocate troops again.

Orc society is composed of many large and small clans, so allocating troops actually means placing different clans under different clans.

There are huge differences between clans, so whether you can build a strong enough legion depends on the strength of the assigned clan.

Orgrim attached great importance to this division of troops and personally participated in the matching and combination of the assigned clans throughout the process.

As the leader of the Abyss Legion, Ner'zhul was assigned to two medium-sized clans, the Laughing Skull Clan and the Bone Chewing Clan. These two clans are not small in size and are the backbone of the tribe, but they are not powerful in terms of strength. Ner'zhul didn't care about the special things. To him, all he had to do was be obedient.

Grogo Evil Eye, as the leader of the evil orc army, acquired the Howling Clan and the Black Scar Clan. These two clans also had a general reputation, but they had a large number of people.

Grogo Evil Eye didn't pay too much attention to this. The lack of powerful people meant that it was easier to absorb and recruit. His goal was to be the leader of the Burning Legion. It would be appropriate for the assigned orc clan to be weaker.

Next is Kilrogg Deadeye of the Blood God Legion. Since the Bloodring Clan itself has preserved its strength very well, Orgrim did not allocate too many troops to him. He only assigned the remaining soldiers of the Shattered Hand Clan to He, Kilrogg Deadeye, complained about this, but there was nothing he could do about it, because the siege of Ironforge was not fought well, and he had no merit, and it was hard to say anything.

Next is Red Blackhand of the Iron Legion. Orgrim was quite generous to this man, sending half of the Blackstone Clan's troops to him, and also assigned the White Claw Clan to Red Blackhand. .

Red Blackhand was overjoyed, but he lacked the strength to cry with joy.

Next, comes the main event.

The head of the dragon army, Dragonmaw Chief Nekros, allocated troops. Orgrim was surprisingly generous this time, including the Thunder King Clan, the Burning Blade Clan, the Blade Wind Clan, and the Thunder Blade Clan.

Four clans were assigned to Nekros in one fell swoop.

These four clans are not very large, but they are almost all powerful clans among the orcs. The Thunder King clan is the most powerful hunter among the orcs, and the Saurfang brothers are from this clan.

Not to mention the Burning Blade Clan, the inheritance of the earliest orc sword master comes from here.

The Bladewind clan are all fearless warriors.

The Thunder Blade Clan is also very legendary. The glory ceremony of the Thunder Blade Clan is that the orc warriors must hit lightning three or more times in a thunderstorm on the highest peak of the Blade Mountains to obtain the title of Sword Master.

The addition of these four clans instantly increased the strength of the Dragon Legion.

The leaders of several other legions couldn't help but wonder if Orgrim had any ulterior secrets with Nekros.

Finally, there is the Draenor Legion that Ba Dao is ruthlessly responsible for. Since the Ba Dao clan is the weakest, it also receives the most support. Not only are there more than a dozen clans, large and small, joining them (almost all of them are small clans established by players) ), and also sent part of the Gulabus Troll, Stonemaul Ogre, and Bilgewater Goblin to the Tyrant Blade.

This makes Ba Dao Qingwu overjoyed. You must know that there are several criteria for becoming an official camp. The camp must reach [very strong], have three or more main cities, and at least four participating races.

Before, Ba Dao Qingqing was worried that there would be a lack of enough joining races in Draenor, which would lead to problems in inheriting the position of warchief, but now it was solved directly.

At this moment, Ba Dao Qingqing was about to kneel down to Orgrim - Warchief, you are so generous.

As the six legions were gradually completed, it was time to set off.

Six armies of nearly 300,000 people left Stormwind City separately and headed for the territory they wanted to develop.

Standing on the top of the city of Stormwind City, watching the mighty army leave all the way, Orgrim also let out a long sigh.

Next is the final step of the plan. The alliance's army must be arriving soon.


Orgrim was right.

While the tribes in Stormwind City were dividing their forces, the Alliance continued to gather more troops and began to march south by sea.

Relying on the Kul Tiras naval fleet and the Royal Navy fleet of Lordaeron, the two powerful fleets transported the Alliance army from Menethil Port in the wetlands, across the vast sea, and landed directly at Wind Island Port in the Western Wilds. .

Although the Western Wilderness was previously occupied by tribes, there were always a large number of guerrillas operating in the wilderness, in the mines, and among the mountains.

Even during the war, there were several medium-sized battles with the local orc garrison.

At this time, as the alliance fleet landed at Fengyu Port, various rebel forces came to join together and assisted the alliance forces to immediately launch a counterattack.

What surprised Duke Lothar, who commanded the landing operations, was that the local orc garrison was extremely weak and had no intention of stopping their actions.

After only a few scout-scale battles, the landing was successful.

As more Alliance troops arrived, hundreds of thousands of troops were quickly assembled in the Western Wilderness and marched toward Stormwind City in a mighty manner.

Marshal Lothar was prepared for a fierce battle. However, what surprised him was that he did not encounter an army of orcs along the way and arrived at Stormwind City smoothly.

It wasn't until the army arrived in Stormwind City and looked at the densely packed orc defenders on the city wall that they finally felt like they had found the enemy.

To everyone's surprise, the tribe actually put up a defensive stance. All 200,000 orcs were crowded into Stormwind City, with no intention of leaving the city to fight in the field.

Duke Lothar was not in a hurry to attack the city. When various legions arrived one after another, the Alliance army surrounded Stormwind City.

On the sea, there were the Kul Tiras naval fleet and the Lordaeron fleet, and on the land, there were half a million troops from various countries. This formation directly surrounded the main force of the tribe.

The orcs in Stormwind still showed no reaction.

This really surprised the alliance leaders.

The tribe's strategy is too rigid. Hundreds of thousands of troops are crowded into a city waiting to be surrounded.

Murphy had already learned about the orcs' division of troops from the Internet, and was speechless about Orgrim's strategic arrangement.

No one wants to defend Stormwind City for a year, and then wait for the six armies to come back to rescue the siege. This idea is unthinkable. It is even more unbelievable that Orgrim arranged for Bastard to be the successor to the warchief. .

But if you can’t figure it out, don’t think about it. Anyway, this is good news for the alliance, and it just happens to wipe out the main force of the tribe in one battle.

Good news for him too.

The Alliance players were excited when they thought that Orgrim, the chief of the tribe, was in this city.

If he could kill Orgrim with his own hands, it would be an unparalleled achievement.

In this eager atmosphere, the siege began.

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