Part-time BOSS

Chapter 176 Dark Portal: Deadlock

"What a farce."

"I just say those adventurers are unreliable."

The nobles who were watching the battle from behind complained one after another.

King Ryan sighed, but felt inexplicably relieved in his heart. If Varian really defeated the tribe with a group of adventurers, then with his reputation, he would really not be able to refuse if he asked him to abdicate. .

Fortunately, things haven't reached that point yet, and the Stormwind Kingdom army he brought just in time can clean up the situation.

Of course, on the surface, he must protect his elder son.

Lion Wrynn (Storm King): "That's enough. After all, the adventurers are working for the Alliance, and they have also killed many orcs. Now prepare to fight, everyone, this war has just begun. For Alliance, for the sake of Stormwind City, the soldiers of Stormwind City, draw your weapons!"

Ultraman Wrynn (Prince of Storms): "Father, please let me go into battle for you. I will definitely cut off the head of the tribal chief for you."

Godzilla Wrynn (Prince of Storms): "And my father! The sword in my hand is willing to wipe out the enemy for you."

The invincible and loneliest Wrynn (Prince of Storms): "How can I be missing in this battle? So, let me fight, father."

King Ryan looked at the princes who asked for the battle with joy. These sons were much more pleasing to the eye. They were not at all like Varian's rebellious son who only wanted to usurp power and seize the throne.

"Well, prepare to join the battle. Pay attention to safety and bring more guards. If the adventurers are defeated, you can attack from both wings."


"Hold, hold!"

"Tanks, hurry up!"

"Someone will pull Laohou out and give me more blood right now."

"Fuck it, who brought the BOSS here again?"

At this time, the adventurer's front was falling into chaos, but fortunately, this time there were tens of thousands of adventurers participating in the battle, and their levels were much higher than when the doors opened last time. Seeing corpses scattered everywhere, with countless casualties, The remaining adventurers can still continue fighting.

Duke Bolvar became nervous.

"Your Highness, do you need to summon reinforcements?"

Varian glanced at the neat alliance army behind him and shook his head, "No, this is just the beginning. Under my leadership, the adventurers will not fail. They will definitely win the final victory."


"What the hell, why is there still DEBUFF?" At this moment, in the cemetery, a newly resurrected level 53 dwarf warrior looked at the [wounded] DEBUFF above his head with a look of shock on his face,

[Wounded: You have just been killed in a plot battle and were injured as a result. All attributes are reduced by 30%. This state will last until the end of the plot battle. 】

The attributes were reduced by 30%, and the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Don't be afraid, I am a great fifty-three level warrior, with 70% of my attributes, I still slaughtered those tribal pigs.

However, as the dwarf warrior walked out of the resurrection point, what awaited him was an even more speechless situation. The place where he was resurrected was actually on the edge of the Dark Swamp, dozens of kilometers away from the Dark Portal. Even if he was riding a horse It would probably take more than an hour to get there if I ran there.

The white light of resurrection was still flashing in the cemetery behind them, and the adventurers were a little dumbfounded when they discovered the location of their resurrection.

But no matter how far you have to run, a group of people summoned war horses and ran towards the battlefield. Soon the route from the cemetery to the battlefield turned into a sparse military line, and countless adventurers were riding towards the battlefield.

At this moment, the battle in front of the Dark Portal has reached a fever pitch. As more and more adventurers are killed and sent to the cemetery, more and more orcs rush out of the Dark Portal. Stepping over the corpses of their companions, constantly squeezing the adventurer's formation, one after another the adventurer's team formations were defeated. At this time, the flaws of the adventurer's team-based formation consisting of countless small square formations were exposed. Out.

Although there are nearly 10,000 melee professions among the tens of thousands of adventurers, they are all scattered among countless players' teams of forty people. Except at the beginning, the player teams at the front have concentrated a large number of melee professions, forming a A weak line of defense.

The adventurers at the back are almost all mixed, with melee and legal professions mixed together, and there is no formation at all. Once the front line of defense is penetrated, it will be difficult for the adventurers at the back to form a tight battle line.

At this time, a large number of orc infantry had rushed into the adventurers' formation, and the battle suddenly evolved from an initial trap to a melee.

At this time, the group attack capabilities of those legal professions were suddenly greatly reduced. In this game, there is no setting where friendly forces are immune to damage. If a fireball is blasted over, no matter whether it is an enemy or a friendly force, everyone will be burned. At this time, the enemies and ourselves in the front were mixed together, and the legal professions in the back immediately became helpless.

Don't dare to use AOE magic randomly, you can only use single-target magic like flame missiles and lightning bolts to kill one by one.

From time to time, accidental injuries will occur.

And the melee professions in the front row are not enough to block all the orcs. Once those legal professions are approached by the orcs, those orcs with muscles and violent brute force will immediately cause those fragile legal professions to suffer serious damage. .

These orcs are all berserkers who drank the blood of demons. They are extremely powerful and are not afraid of pain. Their fighting power is no weaker than that of human dwarf warriors of the same level. They are even more fierce as if they are in a berserk state.

After a burst of killing, the adventurer suddenly showed signs of collapse.

Varian was in a hurry now.

"Warriors of the Alliance, follow me to attack!" He waved the Sword of Salameni and led a team of Storm Knights under him to charge forward.

The group of player heroes who had been following him also rushed forward.

good chance! When Darabengba saw Varian charging, he also led his hundred North Wind Knights and Snow Mountain Rangers to charge forward.

The elite envoys from various kingdoms charged forward, forming a team of more than 500 knights. They inserted themselves into the enemy's flank, and scores of orcs were immediately assassinated and knocked over.

The adventurers took the opportunity to reorganize their formation. Varian didn't want to fight, he directly killed an opponent, rushed into the adventurer's formation, chopped down an orc with a sword, and shouted loudly, "Brave adventurers, I am Varian, all of you." Listen to my orders, all soldiers come to the front and fight alongside me!"

Those previous players were not unaware of the disadvantages of such small groups, but the problem was that they lacked a leader with enough appeal and could only fight on their own.

As soon as Varian appeared, the celebrity's appeal was indeed high. Those melee players abandoned their small teams and rushed to form a battle line next to Varian.

"You, you, you and you, lead the mages and priests to the back row to hit the enemy's back row with firepower."

"You, you, you, and you, lead all the archer troops, extended fire."

"Concentrate all the healing professions at the back. Don't just heal the people you know. You must heal all the alliance warriors. Don't let me down, brave adventurers, for the sake of the alliance!"

Varian has been dealing with adventurers for more than a day or two. He is very aware of the problems of these adventurers and their abilities. He can stabilize the situation with just a few orders.

Alsace was right behind him, his eyes shining brightly.

This is the magnanimity of a king. He wielded the Joy of Fire and chopped down several orcs, and the ones he killed were so exciting.

At the same time, the Wolf Cavalry of the Warsong Clan and the heavily armored Orc Crusher of the Blackstone Clan also walked out of the Dark Portal.

These two troops can be said to be the elite special forces of the two clans. The wolf cavalry immediately rushed towards the Alliance knights who were rushing back and forth. They did not rush straight like the knights, but launched a surprise attack from the side, with the help of the huge machete in their hands. The advantage of speed can easily cut through the knight's armor.

The Blackstone Heavy Orc Crushers formed a dense circular formation and rushed directly towards the center of the adventurers, crushing them unstoppably like an iron fist.

At this moment - directly above the Dark Door, Wang Xuan was turning on his invisibility, watching the fighting below.

It seems that it is still difficult for the tribe to break out of the Dark Portal. After all, adventurers have relatively strong combat power, many skills, and are not afraid of death at all. This is more terrifying than those orcs who drank the blood of demons, even if there are restrictions. Still very tricky.

Just relying on the strength of the tribe, it may take a long time to get results.

Forget it, let's just let the Black Dragon Legion attack. It's better to be more stable.

He sent a private message directly to Murphy.

Wang Xuan: Brother Mo Fei, are you ready? It's time for Deathwing to appear.

Aidan: Sorry, something went a little bit wrong and I'm afraid I'll have to stay for a while.

Wang Xuan: Damn, are you kidding? The tribe and the alliance are now at a deadlock. If you don't show up, what if the tribe can't get in?

Aidan: Don’t worry, there’s no way the tribe’s millions of troops could fail. It just takes a little more time. And don’t worry, I’ll be there in a while, that’s it…

Time goes back to two days ago——

Medivh (Guardian): "Can you have a drink with me? In these two days, stay with me, chat, and talk. I have been alone all my life. At least for this time, I hope someone can be with me. .”

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