As soon as they sat down, Bai Tianjun and others told Zhao Gongming about the killing of the Immortals of the Interception Sect by the Immortals of the Chan Sect.

Although he had heard it from Wen Zhong before, when he heard it again, he was still furious.

Zhao Gongming said to everyone:”It’s unreasonable. The Immortal of the Chan Cult is killing my disciples of the Jie Cult arbitrarily. How can we have any dignity?””

“Tomorrow, I will definitely kill several of the Immortals of the Chan Cult to avenge my disciples who intercepted the Cult! Hearing this, Shen Gongbao laughed and said,”

What Senior Brother Zhao Gongming said is absolutely true. Most of the immortals who explain the teachings are shameless people. They break the Shijue Formation and still use human beings to sacrifice the formation. This is not a good thing.””

“Now that Senior Brother Zhao is here, there is nothing they can do. Hearing these words, Zhao

Gongming felt very relieved, and his sense of Shen Gongbao also improved a lot.

Wang Tianjun said:”The Chanjiao immortals have great magic power, and each has a magic weapon.” Although Senior Brother Zhao has a high level of cultivation, he is still facing many enemies with a small number, so he should be more cautious.”

In the past few days, Wang Tianjun and others have seen the power of the Immortal Chanjiao, so they are also a little worried.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Zhao Gongming immediately snorted and said:”Don’t worry too much about this matter. I have something in my hands. The most precious Dinghai Zhu is here, even if the twelve immortals take action together, the poor Taoist will not be afraid!”

17 Seeing that Zhao Gongming was so confident, everyone was also curious.

But Zhao Gongming didn’t say anything, and it was hard for everyone to ask questions.

Anyway, they will definitely know the depth when they fight tomorrow.

There was no words all night.

The next day, in front of the two armies, Zhao Gongming rode Zhuo Hu was beside Wen Zhong, and the others were behind him.

Ran Deng and others knew Zhao Gongming, and when they saw him coming here, they couldn’t help but sigh:”This is difficult!”

Zhao Gongming rode a black tiger and came forward and said:”The immortals of Chanjiao are not coming out yet!”

Randeng Taoist said:”It turns out to be fellow Taoist Zhao Gongming, disrespectful and disrespectful!”

Zhao Gongming said coldly:”Three Purities are originally one, but you kill my disciples of Jie Jiao. It’s really intolerable.”

“I am here to seek justice for the person who died in vain after I intercepted the teachings.”

“Secondly, I also want you to see my Biyou Palace Avenue and the Immortal Technique of the Supreme Purity! Hearing this ,

Taoist Ran Deng shook his head and said,”My fellow Taoist, this is a big fallacy. It is not the words of an immortal. As an immortal, how can you speak nonsense?””

Zhao Gongming pointed the long whip at the burning lamp and said,”Don’t show off your power of words, let’s see what I do!”

After saying that, Zhao Gongming jumped out and hit Taoist Ran Deng.

Although Guang Chengzi is the disciple of Yuxu, Ran Deng is the deputy leader of the Chan Sect. Zhao Gongming did not choose to fight Guang Chengzi, but directly He chose Ran Deng because of his identity. He thought he would still break the formation today, but Zhao Gongming’s appearance disrupted Ran Deng’s plan.

However, although he was Daluo Jinxian, he was the same as himself. After all, Ran Deng He was a guest from Zixiao Palace, and his cultivation level was even better.

After a fight, Zhao Gongming was at a disadvantage.

Seeing this, Ran Deng smiled and said:”Fellow Zhao Gongming, I am in the midst of a massacre. He is a pure immortal, so why bother walking around in this world of mortals, contaminating him with murder and calamity? You might as well just retreat, it won’t be a waste of practice”

“If you persist in your obsession, you will definitely die. Thousands of years of hard work will turn you into a painting”

“Ran Deng Taoist, don’t be so arrogant.”Zhao Gongming pointed the long whip in his hand at the burning lamp and said:”You Chan Cult disciples have gone too far to bully others and have repeatedly killed my disciples. This is unbearable.”

“I am here today to seek justice for the disciples of Jie Jiao.”

“If you admit your mistakes and repent, I won’t make it difficult for you. All you need to do is make amends and apologize, and that’s it.”

“If not, then only my subordinates can see the real chapter!”

Seeing that Zhao Gongming was not getting enough food and salt, Ran Deng was very angry and said to himself:”I was a guest in the Zixiao Palace in the past. Even though I am a peer with your master, Master Tongtian, I am scolded by you today.”

It’s not surprising that Ran Deng has this idea. After all, he is also the deputy leader of Chan Jiao. Even Yuanshi Tianzun is on a par with him.

But he forgot that all saints are ants.

Yuan Shi asked him to be the leader of Chan Jiao. The deputy leader may not necessarily be interested in him.

In Yuanshi’s eyes, what’s the difference between Ran Deng and an ant?

So Ran Deng said coldly:”Zhao Gongming, according to your words, this battle is inevitable?”

“Why, are the Immortals of Chanjiao afraid?”Zhao Gongming asked proudly.

Ran Deng shook his head and sighed:”I think the days are like this. Zhao Gongming should be on the list of gods. No one can save him!”

Hearing Ran Deng’s words, Zhao Gongming felt a sudden anger in his heart for some unknown reason.

Pointing at Ran Deng, he angrily rebuked:”You are not worthy of Daluo Jinxian to talk about the number of days. You are really ignorant and fearless!”


“Zhao Gongming, the number of days decided to promote Zhou and defeat Zhou. But if you go against the will of heaven and help the emperor to do evil, you are not far from death!”

“If I don’t retreat right now, I’m afraid I’ll regret it later.”

As if sighing for Zhao Gongming, Ran Deng shook his head and sighed with emotion.

Zhao Gongming was furious, picked up the long whip in his hand and hit Ran Deng.

The whip was in the air, and the divine light flashed like lightning. In fact, It was amazing.

After all, Ran Deng had a high level of cultivation and escaped with an escape technique.

But because Jiang Ziya was not strong enough, he approached the front of the formation and was hit on the chest by the long whip. With a scream, Jiang Ziya fell down from Sixiang.

“Junior Brother Ziya!”

Seeing Jiang Ziya being knocked down, everyone was shocked.

Guang Chengzi scolded:”What a Jiejiao demon, he must be a famous person on the list of gods, everyone, let me take action!”

Guangchengzi moved and sacrificed the Soul-falling Bell and the male and female swords.

The other immortals of the Chan Cult also used their magic weapons and greeted Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming was surrounded by the Yuxu immortals. Instead of being afraid, he was excited

“I came just in time, so that you can see how powerful my Biyou Palace Taoist skills are!”

Although Zhao Gongming’s words were harsh, after all, he was fighting against many with fewer people. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After a few 847 rounds, Zhao Gongming fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing this, Wen Zhong was greatly moved. He scolded:”What a member of the Yuxu sect, you are so shameless, and you actually defeat the enemy with more than you can!”

With that said, Wen Taishi also killed him.

Shen Gongbao, Wang Tianjun, Bai Tianjun and others also came forward and fought with the Yuxu immortals.

In terms of cultivation, of course the Yuxu immortals are stronger.

Even though Shen Gongbao, Wen Zhong and others took action, but they still could not restore the decline.

At this moment, a blue divine light suddenly flashed, and five colors of light illuminated the sky.

The immortals were suddenly jerked by this light.

Just after hearing several screams, I saw Master Taiyi, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Fear Liusun, Huanglong Master and other immortals falling to the ground.

Twenty-four blue beads emitted a dense divine light, which made people feel sad. Dare not look directly.

It is the innate spiritual treasure Dinghai Pearl.

Every moment the pearl is a vast universe, if it is hit, even the Daluo Immortal Body will be unbearable. Guangchengzi quickly stepped forward and helped several people Get up.

Seeing this, Ran Deng immediately ordered:”Retreat quickly, don’t be reluctant to fight!”

The immortals used their escape skills to escape, but Zhao Gongming did not catch up.

Looking at Zhou Jun, Zhao Gongming said sarcastically:”The Immortal Yuxu is nothing more than this!”

In this battle, Zhao Gongming won a great victory with a small number of enemies, which greatly boosted the morale of the merchant army.

However, the morale of the Zhou army was low because the immortals of Chanjiao were defeated.

The army also all withdrew to Xiqi and did not dare to go outside.

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