After Shang Rong, Du Yuanxian, Bigan and others came to see him, Si Tianjian’s eunuch Du Yuanxian stepped forward and presented the memorial he had written.

King Zhou didn’t care at all and just looked at it casually.

However, when King Zhou opened the memorial and read it, he found that the whole chapter was admonishing King Zhou to depose Daji and reinvigorate the imperial court.

In addition, Du Yuanxian also advised King Zhou to show Fei Zhong and You Hun their heads to the public in order to strengthen the dynasty.

Fei Zhong and You Hun were trembling with anger, wishing they could kill Du Yuan immediately. However, after seeing King Zhou’s gloomy expression, both of them remained silent.

Because the two of them knew King Zhou’s temperament very well, they understood that it was absolutely impossible for King Zhou to kill them.

Especially since Daji was here, the two of them were not afraid of Du Yuanxian. For a moment, the two of them looked at Du Yuanxian quite proudly and didn’t care.

As for Daji, she ignored him at all. In her opinion, Du Yuanxian was already a dead person.

Ever since, after Du Yuanxian said those words, he made a very moving appearance. King Zhou felt a pain in his heart when he saw it, and Du Yuanxian was very dissatisfied.

King Zhou suddenly became furious and scolded:”Du Yuanxian, you are really too presumptuous. Gu Nian, you are an important minister of the government, that’s why I am so tolerant to you. But you slandered a beauty like this, it is really an unforgivable crime!”

Seeing King Zhou’s anger, Fei Zhong and You Hun also took the opportunity to step forward and agree with King Zhou.

Fei Zhong said flatteringly:”Master Du deceives the saints and confuses the people with evil words. This is the evil talk that confuses the people. If he does not kill such a traitor, it will not be enough for the people to be angry.”

“Exactly.”You Hun also echoed:”Master Du is in charge of Si Tianjian. He originally cares about the country and the people, but he slanders the king and the concubine in this way. The Yin and Shang Dynasties are as solid as old soup, so where does the theory that the emperor’s star is dim come from? This is a lie to deceive the public!”

You Hun’s voice was hoarse and loud, making it sound like he wanted to eat Du Yuanxian for the sake of King Zhou.

King Zhou was in a rage, and after hearing Fei Zhong and You Hun’s words, his anger covered up His reason. With Daji fanning the flames, King Zhou was even more furious. He immediately ordered:”Come here, push Du Yuanxian out of the palace and show his head to the public!”

A group of soldiers came in neatly. Just as they were about to capture Du Yuanxian, Shang Rong felt bad when he saw this. He immediately stepped forward and knelt on the ground.

Shang Rong said:”Your Majesty, you must not do it. Master Du is the He was an important minister of the dynasty, and his advice and suggestions were for the sake of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Nowadays, the celestial phenomena have changed, and the country is in danger. Grand Master Du is the Si Tianjian, and Jin Yan is serving the public.

If the king kills Zhongliang because of this, how should the people of the world treat the king? The king should think twice.”

After that, Shang Rong kowtowed again.

Shang Rong was the prime minister of the dynasty and held a high position of power. Whether in government or in opposition, his prestige was actually comparable to that of Fei Zhong and You Hun.

Sure enough, after Shang Rong finished speaking, King Zhou He actually calmed down.

Fei Zhong and You Hun were very anxious when they saw it. Just when they were about to speak, Bigan also stepped forward and bowed.

Bigan also said:”Nowadays, the princes in various towns in the world are uncertain, and there are many who are ready to make a move.. If the king kills his loyal ministers wantonly, he will definitely make the world lose heart. The reputation of the king will be damaged, and the reputation of the Yin court will be damaged.

When King Zhou heard this, he nodded slightly and said,”What the Prime Minister and Uncle Wang said makes sense!”

Just when he was about to speak, Daji on the side saw that the situation was not good. She thought to herself

:”If I let him escape death, the ministers in the court will not be able to manipulate me casually in the future.””

Daji entered the court in order to bring trouble to the Yin and Shang Dynasties, causing their luck to dissipate and the country to fall.

Before, Daji only confused King Zhou in the harem and made him slack off in government affairs. But after all, the Yin and Shang Dynasties had a profound background, and it was far from being able to do so in a short time. Those who have been completely defeated.

Especially in the court, there are capable ministers such as Shang Rong and Bigan Zhongliang. It can be said that even if the Yin Shang Dynasty wants to be destroyed, it is not that easy.

Looking at these people in front of her, Daji has something in her heart. He thought:”Although King Zhou will be confused by me, as long as there are these capable ministers in the court, the Yin and Shang Dynasty will not completely decline. If it were removed, wouldn’t the Yin Shang Dynasty fall faster?”

Daji’s eyes were flowing, and there was a faint smile in her eyes.

Just when King Zhou wanted to forgive Du Yuanxian, Daji suddenly burst into tears.

In an instant, Daji’s tears were pouring down, and the pear blossoms were raining. It makes the listener sad, but the listener is sad. (bhbe) Accept.

Especially during this, Daji took the opportunity to use some charm skills on King Zhou. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Daji cried and said:”Your Majesty, since I entered the palace, I have Haosheng never showed any neglect in serving the king, and he never interfered in the government affairs. Now that she is being called a monster, I have no choice but to die to prove my innocence.”

After saying that, Daji hit the pillar behind.

King Zhou already doted on Daji, and Daji used the magic of charm.

All of a sudden, King Zhou’s originally subdued anger was once again ignited.

King Zhou pointed out Du Yuanxian cursed angrily:”A treacherous villain dares to talk nonsense. Slandering a beauty is an unforgivable crime.””[]

If it were in front of the civil and military officials of the court, Daji would definitely not dare to use this charm technique. However, there are no outsiders in the harem, and Shang Rong, Bigan and others do not know Taoism, so they cannot see this.

But if others can’t see it, it doesn’t mean that Du Yuanxian can’t see it.

Although Du Yuanxian does not know the magic of immortality, he can be in charge of Si Tianjian, so he has some abilities.

After seeing Daji, Du Yuanxian looked at her with the technique of looking at her qi, and sure enough he discovered something strange.

I saw a faint evil spirit emerging from Daji’s body, looming.

Even Du Yuanxian couldn’t see clearly, but he was definitely a monster.

So Du Yuanxian pointed at Daji and said:”Monster, others can’t tell who you are, but I can. No matter what your identity is, if you want to harm me, Da Shang Jiangshan, I will never spare you even if I die.”

Daji was there. After hearing Du Yuanxian’s words, he cried even harder.

He couldn’t help but said to King Zhou:”Your Majesty, I am willing to die for the world, but I will never bear the reputation of a monster. Please give me a clean slate after my death.”

As she said that, Daji was about to break free. He came out, but this time he was grabbed hard by King Zhou.

He shouted to the soldiers:”Why don’t you drag Du Yuanxian down and show his head to the public?”


The soldier bowed and dragged Du Yuanxian down.

Du Yuanxian did not forget to scold Daji angrily, but King Zhou ignored him and waved his hand.

When Shang Rong and Bigan saw this, they also interceded for Du Yuanxian.

But King Zhou Determined to kill Du Yuanxian, it was useless even if Shang Rong and Bigan begged for mercy. Although

King Zhou had acted foolishly before, he was not a murderous person. Just because of an advice, he had the heads of important officials in the court shown to the public. It still caused quite a shock in the court.

Seeing that Du Yuanxian was tied up, and hearing what Shang Rong and Bigan said, the official Meibo entered the inner court and argued with King Zhou.

Even though Meibo’s words were very exciting, King Zhou’s heart was already Instead, he dismissed Mei Bo from his official post and did not give him a chance to speak.

Mei Bo was furious and scolded King Zhou for being stupid and immoral.

King Zhou became so angry that he ordered his left and right officials to hit their heads with golden melons and kill a generation of important ministers.

But Du Yuanxian He was not rescued, but was still displayed in public.

PS: Thanks to [Yym【三花五气】 for the reward!!!

Thank you to 【Samuel Sammae1】【三花五气】【 pillar of Genji】 for your monthly ticket!!.

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